Kempnyia goiana Bispo & Froehlich 2004

Rippel, Mellis Layra Soares, Novaes, Marcos Carneiro & Krolow, Tiago Kütter, 2019, First records of Kempnyia and Macrogynoplax (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Tocantins State, Brazil with description of the immatures and the adult female, Zootaxa 4700 (4), pp. 471-478 : 474-476

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Kempnyia goiana Bispo & Froehlich 2004


Kempnyia goiana Bispo & Froehlich 2004 View in CoL

Figs. 3 View FIGURES 3 B–D, 4A–C, 5A–E

Kempnyia goiana Bispo & Froehlich, 2004: 5 View in CoL .

Stark et al., 2009: 124; Froehlich, 2010: 180.

Material examined. BRA, TO, municipality of Palmas, Taquaruçú do Porto, Fazenda Encantada, Ribeirão Taquaruçú Grande, (-10.244856, -48.123867), D-net, 1 nymph, 27.ix.2016, point 06, Andrade, ICP & Krolow, TK ( CEUFT). BRA, TO, municipality of Palmas , Taquaruçú do Porto , Cachoeira do Evilson, Ribeirão Taquaruçú Grande, (-10.23193, -48.123289), D-net, 1 nymph, 28.ix.2016, point 08, Andrade, ICP & Krolow, TK ( CEUFT) GoogleMaps . BRA, TO, municipality of Palmas , Taquaruçú do Porto , Roncadeira, Ribeirão Taquaruçuzinho, (-10.303639, - 8.138861), D-net, 5 nymphs, 28.x.2016, point 07, Andrade, ICP ( CEUFT) GoogleMaps , 2 nymphs, 28.x.2016, point 07, Andra- de, ICP ( MZUSP) , 1 nymph, 28.x.2016, point 07, Andrade, ICP ( CLBA) , 1 nymph, 28.x.2016, point 07, Andra- de, ICP ( INPA) , 1 nymph, 28.x.2016, point 08, Andrade, ICP ( CEUFT) ; Pennsylvania trap, 1 female and 1 male, 17–20.x.2017, Rippel, MLS & Fernandes, AS ( CEUFT) , 1 female, 17–20.x.2017, Rippel, MLS & Fernandes, AS ( MZUSP) , 1 female, 17–20.x.2017, Rippel, MLS & Fernandes, AS ( CLBA) , 1 female, 17–20.x.2017, Rippel, MLS & Fernandes, AS ( INPA) . BRA, TO, municipality of Palmas , Taquaruçú do Porto , Sambaíba, Córrego Sambaíba, (-10.3780388889, -48.1240111111), Pennsylvania trap, 1 female, 14–15.xi.2017, Krolow, T. K. & team ( MZUSP) GoogleMaps , 1 female, 15–16.xi.2017, Krolow, T. K. & team ( CEUFT) . BRA, TO, municipality of Palmas , Taquaruçú do Porto , Vale do Vai Quem Quer, Ribeirão São João (-10.394327, -48.132334), light pan trap, 1 male, 13–14.xi.2017, Krolow, T. K. & team ( MZUSP) GoogleMaps .

Description of female. Sternum 8 covering most part of the sternum 9 ( Fig. 3C View FIGURES 3 ), or all of it. Apical contour rectangular and darker in color; apically deep, constricted notch, characteristic of the serrana -group of Kempnyia ( Froehlich 1984) . In some specimens, sternum 9, 10 and 11 colorless. Egg oval ( Fig. 3D View FIGURES 3 ), 0.375 x 0.225 mm. Description of nymph. General color varying from dark yellow to brown. Head brown, but lighter around eyes, frontoclypeal and near posterior ocelli; presence of two small lighter spots above a conspicuous M-line; compound eyes black; below eyes a dendritic brown spot; three ocelli black, the third being smaller; post-frontal line not exceeding the paired ocelli ( Fig. 4A View FIGURES 4 ). Antennae yellow to dark yellow. Clypeus yellow to brown. Labrum dark yellow; maxillae varying from brown to dark yellow with lacinia dark yellow and galea yellow; mandible yellow to dark brown, 5 pointed teeth on distal margin, mostly decreasing in size toward base, but teeth 2 and 4 similar in size ( Figs. 5A, 5B and 5C View FIGURES 5 ). Pronotum rectangular, lateral band in some specimens larger ( Fig. 4A View FIGURES 4 ). Pronotum, mesonotum, and metanotum varying from dark yellow to brown, with light spots forming a characteristic color pattern; presence of small bristles. Thoracic filamentous gills present ( Fig. 4B View FIGURES 4 ): ASC [1], PSC [1, 2, 3], AT [2, 3], PT [3]. Legs light brown to dark yellow ( Fig. 5D View FIGURES 5 ). In anterior view, longitudinal row of long and thin bristles in the extremities of femora and tibia; numerous short spine-like bristles covering all the surface of femora and tibia, along with short and thin bristles. In posterior view, these bristles are fewer in number. In anterior and posterior views, presence of spines in the extremities of femora and tibia. Abdomen dark yellow to brown ( Fig. 4C View FIGURES 4 ), in some specimens becoming darker in the last segments; presence of many bristles; spines covering margin of each segment. Anal gills present. Cerci dark yellow ( Fig. 5E View FIGURES 5 ), with long bristles and short spine-like setae in each segment.

Measurements. Female forewing length: 13.7– 15.05 mm, n= 5. Male forewing length: 10.8– 11.15 mm, n= 2. Nymphs head width: 2.2– 3.2 mm; head length: 1.5– 2.15 mm; pronotum width: 1.95– 3.8 mm; pronotum length: 1.1– 1.6 mm; wing pads width: 1.4– 2.1 mm; wing pads length: 1.1– 1.7; total body length (without cerci) 8.2– 11.4; n= 12.

Variation. General color varying from brown to yellow. Shape of abdomen varies from robust to thinner.

Remarks. The specimens studied here ( Fig. 3B View FIGURES 3 ) agree well with the description of Bispo & Froehlich (2004). However, the forewing length, 11.05–12.05 mm of our males is smaller than indicated in Bispo & Froehlich (2004). The nymphs of K. goiana resemble K. gracilenta (Enderlein 1909) due to the head shape, as illustrated in Avelino- Capistrano et al. (2014). However, K. goiana has the two light spots above the M-line, and this pattern is absent in K. gracilenta . Furthermore, the shape of pronotum is rectangular in our nymphs, square in K. gracilenta .

Nymphs of K. goiana were collected from fast flowing pristine streams with frequent riffle areas and small pools. In these streams there are a great variety of rocky substrate types. The gallery forests are well preserved with little or no anthropogenic and agricultural impacts.

This species was reported from Goiás State. In this paper, we provide the first records of Kempnyia and K. goiana for Tocantins State, a second locality record for this species. Both collecting localities are separated by approximately 700 km and are mostly covered by Cerrado. However, this is the most far and close to the Brazilian Amazon region that this genus was ever recorded, hence extending its distribution knowledge.


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Marine Laboratory Sydney














Kempnyia goiana Bispo & Froehlich 2004

Rippel, Mellis Layra Soares, Novaes, Marcos Carneiro & Krolow, Tiago Kütter 2019

Kempnyia goiana

Bispo, P. C. & Froehlich, C. G. 2004: 5
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