Lamprigera morator ( Olivier, 1891 )

Dong, Zhiwei, Yiu, Vor, Liu, Guichun, He, Jinwu, Zhao, Ruoping, Peng, Yanqiong & Li, Xueyan, 2021, Three new species of Lamprigera Motschulsky (Coleoptera, Lampyridae) from China, with notes on known species, Zootaxa 4950 (3), pp. 441-468 : 458-460

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Lamprigera morator ( Olivier, 1891 )


Lamprigera morator ( Olivier, 1891) View in CoL

Figs 76–81 View FIGURES 76–81

Lamprophorus morator Olivier, 1891: 596 View in CoL (Type locality: Burma).

Lamprigera morator: McDermott 1966:76 View in CoL .

Diagnosis. This species has short oblong body (BW/BL approximate 0.60). Its pronotum is semi-elliptical with two translucent windows and a median longitudinal ridge. Male genitalia medial lobe thin, a little longer than parameres.

Redescription of our male specimens ( Figs 76–78 View FIGURES 76–81 ). Body short oblong. BL: 15.9–16.8 mm; BW: 9.7–10.1 mm; BW/BL approximate 0.60. Coloration ( Figs 76–78 View FIGURES 76–81 ): head black; pronotum with a black pentagonal pronotal disc and other area yellow-brown, having two translucent windows at anterior edge; scutellum dark brown; elytra dark brown with a little light brown pilosity; tibiae, tarsi, and ventrites I–V brown to dark brown. Head. Large with big compound eyes, PW/GHW = 2–1.83; compound eyes kidney-shaped in lateral view and almost contiguous ventrally. Antennae clavate, short, only slightly longer than the diameter of a compound eye, barely exceeding the front edge of pronotum in transverse condition, thickly hirsute, first antennomere cylindrical and as long as second, second narrower, 3–10segments triangular, last antennomere bifurcate apically. Mandibles curved, slender, and sharply pointed; maxillary palp 5-segmented, apical segment circular; labial palp bi-segmented and pointed.

Thorax. Pronotum ( Fig. 78 View FIGURES 76–81 ) semi-elliptical (PW/PL = 1.51–1.57) with two translucent windows and a median longitudinal ridge. Scutellum triangular. Elytra oblong, thinly pilose. Legs slender. Abdomen. Abdominal terga with posterior angles acutely projected posteriad, increasingly arcuate posteriad. Pygidium with circular lateral margins and posterior edge centrally depressed. Ventrite VII semi-circular.

Male genitalia ( Figs 79–81 View FIGURES 76–81 ). Aedeagus sheath 1.65 mm long, covering dorsal side of male genitalia, with broadly rounded base. Aedeagus 1.96 mm long, sclerotised. Basal piece oblong and smooth, shorter than parameres. Medial lobe thin, a little longer than parameres. Parameres symmetrical, hypertrophic, close to the medial lobe, subparallel sided, tapering from half their length.

Females. Unknown.

Immatures. According to pairwise nucleotide distances of COI, two larval populations from Fugong (Lg11-L) and Yongde (Lg15-L) (both with a distance of 0.035 to male population) are identified as the same species.

Material examined. CHINA: Yunnan: two ♂, Mangbing Village, Mangbing Township , Zhenkang County, Lincang Prefecture, 20.VIII.2007, leg. Xin-Wang Yang (Lg14); Six larvae, Nujiang Prefecture, Fugong County , Yapingshikuliudi, 26.IV.2004, leg. Xue-Yan Li (Lg11-L); Four larvae, Wumulong Township , Lincang City, Yongde County , 10.XI.2006, leg. De-Cai Ouyang (Lg15-L) .

Distribution. Burma; China: Yunnan (Zhenkang, Yongde, Fugong).

Remarks. By comparing these specimens with the type specimens ( Figs 16–18 View FIGURES 4–21 , 43 View FIGURES 39–51 ), the clade 6 ( Table 3) can be identified as L. morato , originally recorded in Burma ( Olivier 1891). This species is similar to L. magnapronotum sp. nov in shape of the pronotum and male genitalia, but can be separated based on the yellow brown femurs of L. morator .














Lamprigera morator ( Olivier, 1891 )

Dong, Zhiwei, Yiu, Vor, Liu, Guichun, He, Jinwu, Zhao, Ruoping, Peng, Yanqiong & Li, Xueyan 2021

Lamprophorus morator

Olivier, E 1891: 596
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