Licmophora sp.

Al-Handal, Adil Y., Compère, Pierre & Criobe-Usr, Catherine Riaux-Gobin, 2016, Marine benthic diatoms in the coral reefs of Reunion and Rodrigues Islands, West Indian Ocean, Micronesica 2016 (3), pp. 1-78 : 10

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Licmophora sp.


Licmophora sp. (Pl. 4, Fig. 1 View Figure 1 )

Features: Apical axis: 70-80 µm, transapical axis: 14-16 µm, striae 18 in 10 µm. Remarks: This species appears similar to L. ehrenbergii var. ovata (Wm. Smith) Peragallo ( Desikachary 1988, pl. 609, figs 4, 8, 9) but having more rostrate headpole and the striae structure looks thicker and less radiate near the upper pole. Our specimen is also close to L. ehrenbergii illustrated by Hustedt (1931, fig. 593) with slight difference in the shape of the apex. Occurrence: Rare in Reunion and Rodrigues Islands.

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