Ligusticopsis pubescens (Hand.-Mazz.) J.J.Deng, C.K.Liu & X.J.He, 2022

Deng, Jiao-Jiao, Liu, Chang-Kun, Zhou, Song-Dong & He, Xing-Jin, 2022, Morphological and molecular evidence gives insight into the taxonomic position of Peucedanum pubescens (Apiaceae, Selineae), PhytoKeys 213, pp. 19-33 : 19

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Ligusticopsis pubescens (Hand.-Mazz.) J.J.Deng, C.K.Liu & X.J.He

comb. nov.

Ligusticopsis pubescens (Hand.-Mazz.) J.J.Deng, C.K.Liu & X.J.He comb. nov.

Figs 2 View Figure 2 , 3 View Figure 3


Peucedanum pubescens Hand.-Mazz. (1933: 728).


China. Yunnan centralis: In regionis calide temperatae ad orientem fluminis Dsolin-ho, declivibus siccis inter vicos Mabou schan et Bölu, ad elevationem 1900-2000 m, 9 November 1916, Handel-Mazzetti 13043 (lectotype: WU! (WU0029560); isolectotypes: E (E00002620), W!) .


Perennials. Plants 30-70 cm, densely pubescent throughout. Stem solitary, hollow, prominent striated protrusions, branches few, short and stout, base densely clothed with fibrous leaf remains. Basal leaves few; petioles with broadly scarious-margined sheaths; leaf blade triangular-ovate in outline, 8-10 × 8-10 cm, 1-2-pinnate, pinnae sessile or subsessile; ultimate segments obovate, 1-4.5 × 0.8-2 cm, rather thick, both surfaces tomentose, more densely so on abaxial nerves, coarsely serrate or crenate, base cuneate or truncate. Leaves reduced upwards, uppermost very small, 3-lobed or toothed, petioles wholly sheathing. Synflorescence subcorymbosely branched; umbels 2.5-4 cm across; peduncles angled; bracts 6 to 8, pinnate and linear coexist, hispid throughout; rays 10 to 15, subequal, 1-2 cm; bracteoles 5 to 7, linear-lanceolate, longer than flowers; umbellules ca. 10-flowered. Calyx teeth conspicuous, subulate. Petals white, stylopodium conical, styles long, ca. 2 mm. Fruit ovate or obovate to orbicular, ca. 4 × 3 mm, hispid; strong dorsal compression, vittae large, 2-3 in each furrow, 6 on commissure. Seed face plane.


Flowering and fruiting: August to October.

Vernacular name.

Máo qián hú (Chinese pronunciation), 毛前胡 (Chinese name).

Distribution and habitat.

This species is endemic to China and distributed in Yunnan (Lufeng, Luquan, Wuding) and Sichuan (Huili, Miyi) provinces. It grows in alpine meadows, elevation 1900-3000 m.


Ligusticopsis pubescens significantly differs from other Ligusticopsis species by linear-lanceolate bracteoles and hispid fruit.

Additional specimen examined.

China. Sichuan: Huili, Hongge, 2200 m, 12 October 1958, Z. He, S.G. Tang & B.Q. Li 11593 (NAS); Panzhihua, Baishapo, 26°35'17"N, 101°59'1"E, 1854 m, 17 August 2021, C.K. Liu LCK2020817001 (SZ).