Liphistius kanpetlet Zhan & Xu, 2024

Xu, Xin, Zhan, Yi, Aung, Khin Pyae Pyae, Liu, Fengxiang, Yu, Long & Li, Daiqin, 2024, Four new species of the spider genus Liphistius (Araneae, Mesothelae, Liphistiidae, Liphistiinae) from Myanmar, ZooKeys 1210, pp. 99-115 : 99-115

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1210.123986

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scientific name

Liphistius kanpetlet Zhan & Xu

sp. nov.

Liphistius kanpetlet Zhan & Xu sp. nov.

Figs 5 View Figure 5 , 6 View Figure 6

Type material.

Holotype: Myanmar ♂, Chin State, Kanpetlet Township, Kanpetlet Matupi Rd ; 21.19 ° N, 94.05 ° E, alt. 1469 m; 17. 07. 2019; D. Li et al. leg.; XUX-2019-026 GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 5 ♀♀, same locality as for holotype; 17–18.07. 2019; XUX-2019-020 / 021 / 024 / 031 / 033 GoogleMaps .


The male of L. kanpetlet sp. nov. can be distinguished from those of L. birmanicus by having the paracymbium (PC) bearing a distal process (Fig. 5 C View Figure 5 vs lacking a distal process, fig. 13 H in Schwendinger et al. 2022), and from L. kalaw sp. nov. by the contrategulum (CT) which has a blunt process (Fig. 5 D View Figure 5 vs slightly sharp process, Fig. 3 E View Figure 3 ). The female of L. kanpetlet sp. nov. differs from that of L. hpruso by having two relatively larger anterior lobes (Fig. 6 View Figure 6 vs fig. 3 B – E in Aung et al. 2019).


Male holotype. Carapace yellowish brown with few short, scattered bristles; opisthosoma brown, with 12 brown tergites, close to each other, 2–6 th larger than others, 4 th largest; chelicerae robust, promargin of cheliceral groove with 13 denticles of variable size; labium yellow, sternum yellow, with few short setae on anterior tip and many long setae on elongated posterior tip; legs reddish brown, with strong setae and spines; 8 spinnerets. Measurements: BL 12.41, CL 6.01, CW 6.06, OL 6.30, OW 4.19; eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.06, ALE 0.56, PME 0.32, PLE 0.42, AME – AME 0.06, AME – ALE 0.16, PME – PME 0.10, PME – PLE 0.11, ALE – PLE 0.14, ALE – ALE 0.14, PLE – PLE 0.34, AME – PME 0.08; labium 0.96 long and 0.50 wide; sternum 2.63 long and 1.00 wide; legs: I 17.51 (4.82, 2.52, 3.79, 4.14, 2.24), II 18.36 (5.20, 2.19, 3.95, 4.72, 2.3), III 20.63 (5.46, 2.20, 4.41, 5.86, 2.70), IV 26.62 (7.18, 2.64, 5.40, 7.71, 3.69).

Palp: tibial apophysis (TiA) with 5 setae of different lengths (Fig. 5 A – C View Figure 5 ); paracymbium (PC) with some setae situated on tip, and with pointed lateral process (Fig. 5 C View Figure 5 ); and several tapering spines on slightly elevated cumulus (Cu) (Fig. 5 B View Figure 5 ); subtegular apophysis weakly developed (Fig. 5 B, F View Figure 5 ); contrategulum (CT) with arched projection distally, and wide triangular process in prolateral view (Fig. 5 D View Figure 5 ); fan-shaped tegulum ( T) with 6 longitudinal ridges (Fig. 5 C View Figure 5 ); paraembolic plate (PeP) widely rounded, short, with curved margin in ventral view (Fig. 5 A, F View Figure 5 ); embolus (E) sclerotized basally, with several denticles along longitudinal ridges reaching tip (Fig. 5 C – G View Figure 5 ).

Female paratype ( XUX- 2019-024 ). Carapace brown with few short, scattered bristles; opisthosoma gray, with 12 brown tergites, close to each other, with gray patches, 2–6 th larger than others, 5 th largest; chelicerae robust, reddish brown; promargin of cheliceral groove with 10 denticles of variable size; labium yellow, sternum yellow with several setae; legs with strong setae and spines, without distinct annulations. Measurements: BL 11.71, CL 5.26, CW 5.15, OL 6.36, OW 4.70; eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.09, ALE 0.50, PME 0.34, PLE 0.40, AME – AME 0.06, AME – ALE 0.19, PME – PME 0.07, PME – PLE 0.10, ALE – PLE 0.09, ALE – ALE 0.14, PLE – PLE 0.35, AME – PME 0.06; Labium 1.38 long and 0.59 wide; sternum 2.31 long and 1.19 wide; palp 8.05 (2.76, 1.36, 2.15, 1.78), leg I 10.24 (3.21, 1.60, 2.30, 2.01, 1.12), II 10.82 (3.43, 1.68, 2.27, 2.14, 1.30), III 11.14 (3.49, 1.51, 2.16, 2.51, 1.47), IV 15.54 (4.45, 1.94, 3.13, 3.71, 2.31).

Vulva: approximately rectangular poreplate (PPl) wider than long with smoothly curved posterior margin; with pair of large anterior lobes and pair of small anterolateral lobes, 2 anterior lobes separated from each other, but close to anterolateral lobes; central dorsal opening ( CDO) small, situated in center of poreplate (PPl); racemose receptacular cluster ( RC) long and narrow; posterior stalk ( PS) axe-shaped; genital atrium (GA) with slightly sclerotized lateral margins (Fig. 6 View Figure 6 ).


Females vary in body size. The range of measurements of females (N = 5): BL 9.70–14.85, CL 4.86–6.55, CW 4.20–8.63, OL 3.82–8.63, OW 3.82–7.09. The number of denticles on the promargin of cheliceral groove varies from 10–13 (N = 5).


The species epithet “ kanpetlet ” refers to the type locality, Kanpetlet Township; it is treated as a noun in apposition.


Chin State (Kanpetlet Township), Myanmar.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics











