Lithoptilum, Ganguly & France, 2024

Ganguly, Upasana & France, Scott C., 2024, Expanded distribution and a new genus for rock-inhabiting sea pens (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Octocorallia, Pennatuloidea), Zootaxa 5507 (1), pp. 123-139 : 130-133

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5507.1.5

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Genus Lithoptilum gen. nov.

3.3.1 Diagnosis

The peduncle is an enlarged distinct bulbous structure; in in-situ colonies the peduncle is loosely attached to the surface of a hard substratum. In a collected specimen, the base of the peduncle is a widened and folded structure with a terminal knob. In phylogenetic trees of sea pens, members of this genus form a monophyletic clade sister to Anthoptilum spp. , Anthoptilum grandiflorum and Anthoptilum murrayi .

3.3. 2 Type Species

Anthoptilum lithophilum Williams & Alderslade, 2011 , is designated as the type species.

3.3.3 Nominal Species

There are currently 5 species 2 that should be included in Lithoptilum gen. nov. — Lithoptilum decipiens (Thomas & Henderson, 1906) , comb. nov, Lithoptilum gowlettholmesae ( Williams &Alderslade, 2011) , comb. nov., Lithoptilum lithophilum ( Williams & Alderslade, 2011) , comb. nov., Lithoptilum gnome ( Kushida et al, 2024), comb. nov., and Lithoptilum francei ( Williams & Alderslade, 2011) , comb. nov.

3.4 Etymology

The name of the new genus is derived from a combination of the Greek words “litho” meaning stone and “ptil” meaning a feather. The name is a reflection of the habitat utilization by these sea pens. Gender of this taxon name is neutral.

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