Loigolactobacillus coryniformis subsp. coryniformis, Zheng, Jinshui, Wittouck, Stijn, Salvetti, Elisa, Franz, Charles M. A. P., Harris, Hugh M. B., Mattarelli, Paola, O’Toole, Paul W., Pot, Bruno, Vandamme, Peter, Walter, Jens, Watanabe, Koichi, Wuyts, Sander, Felis, Giovanna E., Gänzle, Michael G. & Lebeer, Sarah, 2020

Zheng, Jinshui, Wittouck, Stijn, Salvetti, Elisa, Franz, Charles M. A. P., Harris, Hugh M. B., Mattarelli, Paola, O’Toole, Paul W., Pot, Bruno, Vandamme, Peter, Walter, Jens, Watanabe, Koichi, Wuyts, Sander, Felis, Giovanna E., Gänzle, Michael G. & Lebeer, Sarah, 2020, A taxonomic note on the genus Lactobacillus: Description of 23 novel genera, emended description of the genus Lactobacillus Beijerinck 1901, and union of Lactobacillaceae and Leuconostocaceae, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70, pp. 2782-2858 : 2817

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scientific name

Loigolactobacillus coryniformis subsp. coryniformis

comb. nov.


Loigolactobacillus coryniformis subsp. coryniformis (co.ry ′ ni. for ′ mis. Gr. n. coryne a club; L. adj. formis shaped; N.L. adj. coryniformis club-shaped).

Basonym: Lactobacilluscoryniformis subsp. coryniformis Abo- Elnagaand Kandler 1965, 18 (Approved Lists)

L. coryniformis subsp. coryniformis strains produce L-(+) isomer of the lactic acid at amounts of 15–20 % of total lactic acid [ 170]. The genome size of the type strain is 2.71 Mbp. The mol% G+C content of DNAis 42.9.

Isolated from silage, cow dung, dairy barn air and sewage, and from table olives, wheat, pickled vegetable, cheese and ting, a fermented sorghum porridge.

Thetypestrainis ATCC 25602 T = CIP 103133 T =DSM 20001 T = CCUG 30666 T =JCM 1164 T = LMG 9196 T =NRRL B-4391 T.

Genome sequence accession number: AZCN00000000.

16S rRNA gene accession number: M58813 View Materials .

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