Macrolycus costus Y. Yang, Du & Liu, 2024

Du, Ruolan, Yang, Yuxia, Yang, Xingke & Liu, Haoyu, 2024, Five new species of the Macrolycus ligulatus species-group from China (Coleoptera, Lycidae), ZooKeys 1208, pp. 315-330 : 315-330

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1208.125938

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Macrolycus costus Y. Yang, Du & Liu

sp. nov.

Macrolycus costus Y. Yang, Du & Liu sp. nov.

Figs 5 C, D View Figure 5 , 6 D – F View Figure 6


The species resembles M. guangxiensis , but differs in the male antennae overlapping basal 2 / 3 length of elytra when inclined and a strong elytral costa III (Fig. 5 C View Figure 5 ), phallus extremely slender at basal part in ventral view (Fig. 6 D View Figure 6 ). Unlike in M. guangxiensis , the male antennae only reach elytral mid-length, elytral costa III is usually weak ( Li et al. 2015: fig. 9), and phallus is relatively stout basally in ventral view ( Li et al. 2015: fig. 29).


The specific name is derived from the Latin costa (a rib), referring to its strong elytral costae III.

Type material.

Holotype. China: ♂ ( MHBU), Guangxi, Wuming, Damingshan , 1100 m, 27. v. 2011, leg. H. Y. Liu. Paratypes. 3 ♂ 4 ♀ ( MHBU), same data as the holotype .


Male (Fig. 5 C View Figure 5 ). Length 12.4 mm, width at humeri 2.8 mm.

Body black. Pronotum, elytra and scutellum red. Costae of elytra orange red. Surface covered with decumbent red pubescence (Fig. 5 C View Figure 5 ).

Eyes small, interocular distance about 1.6 times greater than eye diameter. Antennae flabellate, overlapping basal 2 / 3 length of elytra when inclined. Antennomeres III – XI lamellate, lamellae pointed at apices; lamella of III 0.6 times as long as joint itself; lamella of VIII longest, 4.2 times longer than joint itself (Fig. 5 C View Figure 5 ).

Pronotum square, 1.1 times wider than long. Anterior margin widely rounded, lateral margins strongly sinuate and posterior margin bisinuate; anterior angles obtuse-angled, posterior angles sharp and moderately projected. Scutellum trapezoidal, straight at apex (Fig. 5 C View Figure 5 ).

Elytra 3.6 times longer than humeral width. Costa I as strong as II, III and IV (Fig. 5 C View Figure 5 ).

Phallus slender (Fig. 6 D – F View Figure 6 ), basal part parallel-sided in dorsal and ventral views (Fig. 6 D, E View Figure 6 ), subapical part strongly and asymmetrically inflated laterally, about twice as wide as basal part, with a fusiform ventral-cavity, apical part progressively narrowed distad, apex with a shallow V-shaped notch, about 0.46 times as wide as subapical part; basal 1 / 4 part curved ventrally in lateral view (Fig. 6 F View Figure 6 ), subapical part moderately inflated ventrally, apical part moderately expanded ventrally, and with a tapered lamella.

Female (Fig. 6 D View Figure 6 ). Similar to males, but larger in body size. Length 17.0– 18.2 mm, width at humeri 4.0– 4.5 mm. Antennae serrate and shorter, overlapping elytral mid-length when inclined. Pronotum 1.3 times wider than long, anterior angles obtuse-angled. Elytra 3.4 times longer than humeral width.


(Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ). China (Guangxi).











