Macrophya nigrotrochanterata, Liu & Li & Wei, 2020

Liu, Mengmeng, Li, Zejian & Wei, Meicai, 2020, Key to the Macrophya sibirica group (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) with description of a new species from China, Zoologia (e 51168) 37, pp. 1-8 : 4-6

publication ID 10.3897/zoologia.37.e51168

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scientific name

Macrophya nigrotrochanterata

sp. nov.

Macrophya nigrotrochanterata sp. nov.

Figs 12–26 E5662EC0-BD6B-48D3-A902-54F304FA92FB

Type locality: China: Liaoning .

Diagnosis. In the Macrophya sibirica group, this new species is morphologically similar to M. nigrotibia , from Yunnan Province, in having the pronotum entirely black; hind trochanter entirely black; ovipositor sheath approximately 1.2× length of metabasitarsus; anal cell without petiole in forewing, with short and erect cross-vein; serrulae of lancet protruding, middle serrulae with 6 to 8 denticles, setae on annuli short and sparse. Macrophya nigrotibia differs in having the following combination of characters: posterior margin of pronotum with distinct, narrow white band; hind trochanter mostly white, ventral surface with weak black macula; ovipositor sheath approximately 0.9× length of metabasitarsus; anal cell with middle petiole in forewing 1.35× length of vein 1r-m, 0.75× length of vein cu-a; serrulae of lancet straight, middle serrulae with 7 to 10 denticles, setae on annuli long and dense.

Description. Body length 10.5 mm (female holotype). Body black; palp mostly brown; a small triangular macula on anterior 1/3 of labrum pale brown; apical half of mandible, small weak macula on lateral corner of clypeus, two small maculae on posteromedial part of mesoscutellum, oval macula on outer surface of hind coxa, apical 1/3 on anterior surface of fore femur and stripe on anterior surface of fore tibia, white. Body hairs silver, setae on sheath blackish-brown. Wings hyaline, without smoky macula, pterostigma and veins largely blackish-brown ( Fig. 12).

Vertex surface of head less shiny; frons sparsely and shallowly punctured, interspaces smooth and distinct; inner surfaces of vertex with small smooth areas, without microsculpture; postocellar area with some large and shallow punctures ( Fig. 14); labrum and clypeus less shiny, with some large and shallow punctures, surface weakly coriaceous ( Fig. 15). Mesonotum dull, punctures on mesonotum smaller and denser than punctures on head, interspaces with fine microsculpture; dorsum of mesoscutellum shiny, with some shallow punctures; mesoscutellar appendage and metascutellum dull, somewhat rugose and with large punctures, microsculpture distinct. Mesepisternum less shiny, densely and coarsely punctured, interspaces narrow; anepimeron dull, densely rugose; anterior margin of katepimeron smooth and shiny, without punctures or microsculpture, otherwise with some large punctures; metepisternum dull, minutely and densely punctured; metepimeron with shallow, large punctures, microsculpture fine ( Fig. 17). Abdominal tergum 1 shiny, shallowly punctured laterally, medially almost without punctures; remaining terga dull, surfaces with some small, shallow punctures, microsculpture weak. Surface of sheath coriaceous, with indistinct punctures and fine microsculpture. Hind coxa and outer surface of hind femur shallowly punctured, microsculpture fine.

Labrum weakly elevated medially, approximately 1.5x broader than long, anterior margin shallowly incised; clypeus weakly elevated, width subequal to distance between lower corners of eyes, lateral sides distinctly convergent forwards, anterior margin incised to 1/3 length of clypeus, lateral lobes subtriangular, apical margin subangular ( Fig. 15); malar space 0.5× breadth of diameter of middle ocellus; frons elevated, slightly higher than top of eyes in lateral view; middle fovea shallow but distinct; lateral foveae deep, furrow-like; interocellar furrow distinct, postocellar furrow distinct; POL: OOL: OOCL = 12: 21: 16; postocellar area elevated, 2× broader than long, anterior half of lateral furrows obscure, posterior half of lateral furrows deep and broad, divergent backwards; head narrowed behind eyes in dorsal view, occipital carina complete ( Fig. 14). Antenna slender, slightly shorter than head and thorax together (50: 54), clearly shorter than abdomen (50: 60); antennomere 2 approximately 1.2× longer than broad; antennomere 3 approximately 1.4× longer than antennomere 4 (7: 5), approximately 0.75× length of antennomeres 4 and 5 together (7: 9.4), antennomeres 6-9 weakly compressed, the ratio of antennomeres 6-9 as 11: 10: 9: 11 ( Fig. 16). Mesoscutellum roundly elevated, without carina, as high as top of mesonotum in lateral view; mesoscutellar appendage and metascutellum with short median carina; posterodorsal platform area of mesepimeron as broad as diameter of lateral ocellus ( Fig. 17); posterior corner of metepimeron subquadrate, without appendage; mesopleuron and metapleuron as shown in Fig. 17; distance between cenchri 3× breadth of a cenchrus. Hind inner tibial spur 0.6× length of metabasitarsus (12: 22); metabasitarsus slender, 1.1× longer than following 4 tarsomeres together (22: 20); claw with inner tooth shorter than outer tooth. Ovipositor sheath slightly longer than fore femur (22: 20), valvula 3 slightly longer than valvifer 2, posterior margin rounded-subquadrate in lateral view ( Fig. 18). Forewing with vein cu-a joining cell 1M at basal 1/3, vein 2r joining cell 2Rs at apical 2/5, cell 2Rs slightly longer than cell 1Rs; anal cell in forewing with short and straight cross-vein; petiole of anal cell in hind wing 1/3× length of vein cu-a ( Fig. 12). Lancet with 21 serrulae ( Fig. 19), serrulae distinctly protruding and slightly oblique, middle serrulae each with 6 to 8 denticles, subbasal teeth small, setae on annuli short and sparse; the 8 th to 10 th serrulae as shown in Fig. 20.

Male. Body length 10-10.5 mm ( Fig. 13). Body color and structure similar to female; following parts white: small macula at lateral corner of clypeus, anterior surfaces of fore femur, tibia and tarsus, small apical macula on anterior surface of middle femur, small apical macula on dorsal surface of middle tibia. Anterior half of lateral furrow distinct but shallow, posterior half deep and broad, head in dorsal view as shown in Fig. 21; head in anterior view as shown in Fig. 22; ratio of antennomeres 6-9 as 18: 19: 19: 19, antennae in lateral view as shown in Fig. 23; mesopleuron and metapleuron as shown in Fig. 24; subgenital plate longer than broad, apical margin approximately round, gonoforceps as shown in Fig. 25; penis valve as shown in Fig. 26.

Type material. Female holotype, China, Liaoning Province, Haicheng City, Sanjiabu Town, Mt. Jiulongchuan , 40.628°N, 123.099°E, alt. 620 m, 6-9-VI-2016, Zejian LI leg., ethylacetate ( LSAF16159 ) GoogleMaps . Paratypes, 10 females, same data as the holotype GoogleMaps .

Distribution. China (Liaoning).

Variation. Six male specimens with clypeus entirely black; one male specimen with hind tibia with a small white macula.

Host plants. Unknown.

Etymology. The specific name nigrotrochanterata is derived from two Latin words “ nigro ” and “ trochanter ”, in reference to the entirely black trochanters in both sexes.













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