Macrorrhyncha anatolica, Bechev, 2010

Bechev, D., 2010, Two New Species Of Macrorrhyncha Winnertz (Diptera: Keroplatidae) From Turkey, With Redescription Of Macrorrhyncha Thracica Bechev, Stat. N. And A Key To The Western Palaearctic Species Of The Genus, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56 (4), pp. 335-345 : 336-338

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12584282


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scientific name

Macrorrhyncha anatolica

sp. nov.

Macrorrhyncha anatolica View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 1–3 View Figs 1–6 )

Diagnosis. This species resembles M. geranias (LOEW, 1869) , M. muglensis and M. thracica in having a bare mediotergite, proboscis longer than eye height, dorsal process of gonocoxite narrow in lateral view and gonostyle not elongate. M. anatolica differs from M. geranias in the entirely black coloration and in having a clearly visible fold in the lateral margin of tergite 9 ( Fig. 10 View Figs 7–12 ) in M. geranias . The new species differs from M. muglensis and M. thracica in the absence of having a clearly visible fold in the lateral margin of tergite 9 ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–6 ).


Male. Body length 4.9–5.0 mm (n = 2). Wing length 3.6–4.0 mm.

Coloration (specimens in alcohol). Head brown, mouthparts brownish yellow. Scape, pedicel and base of first flagellomere yellowish, basal flagellomeres pale brownish and apical yellowish. Mesoscutum yellow, with three fused dark brown stripes. Scutellum yellowish. Mediotergite brown medially, yellow laterally. Antepronotum yellow brownish; proepisternum yellow. Anepisternum and preepisternum 2 in lower half brown, in upper yellow. Anepimeron yellow. Laterotergite in upper 2/3 yellow, lower 1/3 brown. Wing unmarked, yellowish. Veins brownish. Haltere yellow. Legs yellow, tarsi brownish, spurs brown. Abdominal tergites and sternites brown medially, yellow laterally, with dark bristling; tergite 7 to 8 and sternite 7 to 8 entirely dark brown. Tergite 9 and gonocoxites brown, gonostyles paler.

Head. Antenna about as long as thorax. Flagellomeres 2–12 as long as broad. Proboscis as long as height of head. Palpus slender, little longer than proboscis. Lateral ocellus about its own diameter distant from eye margin.

Thorax. Strong black setae are situated in dorsocentral and acrostichal stripes, and on sides of mesoscutum. Scutellum with several long black setae. Mediotergite bare. Proepisternum with some dp = dorsal process of gonocoxite small black setae. Some small posterior prospiracular setulae present. Other pleurae bare, excluding some very small setulae on anepimeron.

Wing (holotype). Costa extends about 0.2 distance from R 5 to M 1. Sc very faint apically but ending in costa beyond base of Rs. R 4 short, ending in costa about twice its length from tip of R 1. CuA 2 fading before wing margin. Veins setose: C, Sc, frm, stem of R 4, R 5; bare: Sc, Rs, R 4, bM-Cu, stem of M and Cu, CuP, A 1.

Variation in male paratype: costa extends to R 5, R 4 ends in costa about thrice its length from tip of R 1, and Sc apically very fine, unclear.

Legs. Setae dark. Tibiae with irregular setulae and with short strong setae in irregular series. Ratio basitarsus I: tibia I = 0.8.

Male terminalia ( Figs 1–3 View Figs 1–6 ). Lateral margin of tergite 9 without clearly visible fold, distal margin with small emargination ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–6 ). Gonocoxites joined by a narrow bridge ventrally and with internal process with a long apical seta ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–6 ). Dorsal process of gonocoxite in lateral view not enlarged distally ( Fig. 3 View Figs 1–6 ). Gonostyle short and broad in lateral view ( Fig. 3 View Figs 1–6 ).

Female. Thorax and abdomen much paler in coloration. Pleurae yellow, only anepisternum and preepisternum 2 with brownish fore margin. Mesoscutum without dark stripes. Abdominal tergites yellowish to yellow brownish. Female terminalia yellow.

Etymology. The name is an adjective referring to its occurrence in Anatolia (Asiatic Turkey).

Types. Holotype: Male, Turkey, Aydın, Çine, Eskiçine Village , Çine Stream , 37°31’ N / 28°04’ E, 80 m a.s.l., 21.04.2005, leg. H. KOÇ, A. KARAMAN & O. OZGÜL (in HNHM). The holotype is in good condition. All antennal segments and legs present GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 1 male, Turkey: Aydýn, Bozdoğan, Yaka Village , 37° 38’ N / 28° 22’ E, 115 m a.s.l., 22.04.2005, leg. H. KOÇ GoogleMaps , A. KARAMAN & O. OZGÜL (in UP) ; 1 female, Turkey: Aydın, Çine, Eskiçine Village, Çine Stream , 37°31’ N / 28°04’ E, 80 m a.s.l., 21.04.2005, leg. H. KOÇ GoogleMaps , A. KARAMAN & O. OGÜL (in UP) .


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


University of Papua and New Guinea













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