Maddisonia berbekai, Zabka, 2014

Zabka, Marek, 2014, Maddisonia-A New Jumping Spider Genus from Australia (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae), Records of the Australian Museum 66 (4), pp. 217-223 : 218-223

publication ID

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scientific name

Maddisonia berbekai

sp. nov.

Maddisonia berbekai View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 3 View Figure 3 , 4E,F View Figure 4

Etymology. The name of the species is proposed for the late Mr Maciej Berbeka, distinguished Polish mountaineer, who died during a pioneering winter ascent of Broad Peak in Karakoram on 6 March 2013.

Material examined. HOLOTYPE male, Western Australia, Jarrahdale (Alcoa) Mine area , 31°16'S 116°06'E, vacuum sampled, April 1998, K. E. C. Brennan, WAMP T49432. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Tegular lobe round, not distinctive, tibial apophysis single, thin and long, embolus cork-screw-shape the most distinctive of all species here.

Description. Male ( Fig. 3A–C View Figure 3 ) cephalothorax brown with darker eYe field and eYe surroundings, hairiness scant. Abdomen macerated, colouration not preserved. Spinnerets light greY. ClYpeus brown. Chelicerae dirtY light brown, with two separate teeth and one two-cuspidate tooth on anterior and posterior margins, respectively. Maxillae, labium and sternum dirty light brown. Legs 1 long and massive, pale brown with lighter sides of femora and light and dark grey bands on podomeres. Other legs delicate, with light and dark grey bands. Palpal organ as in Figs 3D, 3E View Figure 3 , 4E, and 4F View Figure 4 . Dimensions: CL 1.00; EFL 0.384; AEW 0.564; PEW 0.58; CW 0.713; CH 0.58; AL 1.16; AW 0.796; L1: 0.796 + 0.48 + 0.498 + 0.332 + 0.232; L2: 0.464 + 0.394 + 0.348 + 0.332 + 0.232; L3: 0.498 + 0.215 + 0.332 + 0.265 + 0.232; L4: 0.89 + 0.298 + 0.332 + 0.448 + 0.332.

Distribution. Known only from type-locality (Fig. 5, closed-square).

Figure 5. Distributional map of Maddisonia : ▲ M. richardsoni sp. nov., ● M. whytei sp. nov., ■ M. berbekai sp. nov.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. I am grateful to Dr Robert Raven (Queensland Museum, Brisbane), Mr Graham Milledge (Australian Museum, Sydney), Dr M. Harvey and Ms Julianne Waldock (Western Australian Museum, Perth) for sending the material for study. Prof. Barry Richardson has provided the remarks on the text and generated distributional map, and Dr Barbara Patoleta (Siedlce Uni.) helped with photography. The research was supported the Polish Ministry for Science and Higher Education (18/91/S).













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