Marojejycoris auranticorium, Forthman & Chłond & Weirauch, 2016
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Marojejycoris auranticorium |
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Marojejycoris auranticorium View in CoL , new species
Plates 2, 5, 9, 19E, 20F; map 5
DIAGNOSIS: Males are recognized among
other Marojejycoris species by the larger body
size, coloration of antenna and corium, subtrian-
gular head shape in lateral view, relatively small
ocelli, and 6-segmented antenna. This species is
similar to M. notadichroa , but differs by the uni-
form dull orange pronotum, orange corium,
slightly more shallow postclypeal depression that
extends to middle of interocular area, slightly
smaller ocelli, and eye about one-fourth of the
head length in lateral view.
DESCRIPTION: Body length: 9.10 mm (holo-
type), 8.54–9.18 mm. COLORATION: Dull
orange with thorax, coxae, trochanters, and
hemelytron basally light orange-brown. Scape,
pedicel, antennal segments III–IV and base of
V, posterior margin of pronotum, and wing
membrane dark brown. Antennal segment V
apically and VI white. VESTITURE: As in
generic description. STRUCTURE: HEAD: Sub-
triangular in lateral view (pl. 13G–I); postclyp-
eus with very shallow medial longitudinal MAP 5. Localities of Marojejycoris species. depression to middle of interocular area; syn-
thlipsis about two times width of eye; interocu-
DISTRIBUTION: Antsiranana and Toamasina lar sulcus posterior to hind margin of eye; ocelli
provinces (map 5).
small; eye about one-fourth of head length, not
DISCUSSION: The coloration varies throughout
reaching dorsal and ventral head surfaces;
the body of some specimens from light orangeantenna 6-segmented, pedicel about one-fourth
brown to dull orange.
longer than scape. THORAX: Posterior pronotal
HOLOTYPE: Male : Madagascar: Antsiranana:
lobe smooth; forefemur slightly incrassate; fos-
Montagne Français, 12.325 ° S 49.33333 ° E, 150 m,
sula spongiosa present on mid tibia; distal part
30 Jan 2001 – 15 Feb 2001, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala of R present but not forming R +M cell (pl. 17B,
(00045023) ( CAS).
C). ABDOMEN: Intersegmental sutures carinu- PARATYPES: Madagascar: Antsiranana: 7 km N of late between sternites II – VI and laterally Joffreville , 12.33333 ° S 49.25 ° E, 360 m, 06 Mar 2001 –20 between VI and VII GoogleMaps ; BPE shorter than basal Mar 2001, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00045331) plate (pl. 22D) ; area of endosomal struts–DPS ( CAS). Marojejy National Park, 5 km W Manantenina fusion ovate (pl. 21F). village, Camp Mantella , 14.43816 ° S 49.774 ° E, 490 m, 15 GoogleMaps
Jan 2005– 26 Jan 2005, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13
ETYMOLOGY: The species epithet is a noun in (00044906) (CAS); 18 May 2005 – 30 May 2005, M. the nominative case and is named for the Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00045555) (UCR). Montagne orange corium. Français, 12.325 ° S 49.33333 ° E, 150 m, 30 Jan 2001 –15
Feb 2001, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00007120) white. VESTITURE: As in generic description. ( USNM) ; 06 Mar 2001 – 20 Mar 2001, M. Irwin, R. STRUCTURE: HEAD (pl. 13F): Ovoid in lateral Harin’Hala, 23 (00007163, 00044966) (SU). Parc view ; postclypeus with very shallow medial lon- National Montagne d’Ambre, 12.51444 ° S 49.18138 ° E,
gitudinal depression to middle of interocular 960 m, 19 Mar 2001 – 05 Apr 2001, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00044916) (CAS). Parc National Mon- area (pl. 13B); synthlipsis about width of eye; tagne d’Ambre, 12.51444 ° S 49.18138 ° E, 960 m, 04 Mar interocular sulcus near hind margin of eye (pl. 2001– 19 Mar 2011, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 13B); ocelli large; eye about one-third of head (00045016) (USNM); 19 Mar 2001 – 05 Apr 2001, M. length, reaching dorsal and ventral head sur- Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00006474) (UCR). Toama-
faces; antenna 7-segmented, pedicel about as sina: Botanic Garden near entrance to Andasibe National Park, 18.92633 ° S 48.40783 ° E, 1025 m, 21 May long as scape. THORAX: Posterior pronotal lobe 2001– 04 Jun 2001, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 smooth; forefemur slightly incrassate; fossula (00006125) (CAS). Unknown: 23 (00007103, spongiosa absent on mid tibia; distal part of R 00044988) (CAS). present but not forming R+M cell (pl. 17B, C).
ABDOMEN: Intersegmental sutures carinulate
Marojejycoris brevifrons , new species between sternites II–V (sometimes VI) and later-
Plates 2, 5, 9, 13F, 21F; map 5 ally between V–VII; BPE shorter than basal plate
DIAGNOSIS: Males are recognized among (pl. 22D) ; area of endosomal struts–DPS fusion other species in this genus by the small body ovate (pl. 21F). size, coloration, ovoid head shape, 7-segmented ETYMOLOGY: The species epithet is a noun in antenna, synthlipsis width about the width of an the nominative case and is named for the short eye, eye reaching dorsal and ventral head mar- length of the anteocular. gins, and fossula spongiosa absent on mid tibia. DISTRIBUTION: Antsiranana, Fianarantsoa, This species is similar to M. ranomafana , but is and Toamasina provinces (map 5). differentiated by the slightly larger body size, DISCUSSION: In some specimens, the intersegdark brown head and corium, lateral areas of mental suture between sternites V and VI is anterior pronotal lobe dark brown with medial entirely carinulate rather than being restricted to area pale to light brown, abdomen uniformly the lateral area. light brown to dull orange-brown, smaller syn- HOLOTYPE: Male: Madagascar: Fianarantthlipsis width, interocular sulcus near the hind soa: Parc National Ranomafana, radio tower at margin of the eye, smooth posterior pronotal forest edge, 21.251 ° S 47.40716 ° E, 1130 m, 09 Apr lobe, distal part of R present, intersegmental 2002– 16 Apr 2002, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala sutures carinulate between sternites II – V (some- (00006479) ( CAS). times VI) and laterally between V – VII, and BPE PARATYPES: Madagascar: Antsiranana: Marojejy shorter than the basal plate. National Park, 5 km W Manantenina village, Camp GoogleMaps
DESCRIPTION: Body length: 7.13 mm (holo- Mantella, 14.43816 ° S 49.774 ° E, 490 m, 10 Jan 2005 – 15 type), 5.63–7.13 mm. COLORATION: Pale Jan 2005, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00044981)
(CAS); 26 Jan 2005 – 04 Feb 2005, M. Irwin, R. brown with dark brown head (except ventral
Harin’Hala, 13 (00007167) (SU); 04 Apr 2005 –16 Apr anteocular surface), scape except basally, pedicel 2005, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00007146) (UCR). except basally, anterior pronotal lobe laterally, R.N.I. de Marojejy, 8.0 km NW Manantenina, dorsal half of pro- and mesopleura, scutellum 14.43667 ° S 49.775 ° E, 450 m, 05 Oct 1996 – 13 Oct 1996, except apical processes, wing membrane, femora E. Quinter and T. Nguyen, 13 (00078365) (AMNH). distally, and tibiae. Postocular ventrolaterally, R.N.I. de Marojejy, 10.0 km NW Manantenina,
14.43333 ° S 49.76167 ° E, 750 m, 15 Oct 1996 –22 Oct labium, and antennal segments III and IV 1996, E. Quinter and T. Nguyen, 13 (00078366) orange-brown. Disc of pronotum, posterior pro- (AMNH). Fianarantsoa: Parc National Ranomafana, notal lobe, corium (except basally), and basal Belle Vue at Talatakely, 21.2665 ° S 47.42016 ° E, 1020 m, wing veins brown. Antennal segments V and VI 10 Jan 2002 – 14 Jan 2002, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13
(00006142) (CAS); 12 Feb 2002 – 19 Feb 2002, M. Irwin, nal segment VII white. VESTITURE: As in R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00007049) (UCR). Parc National generic description. STRUCTURE: HEAD: Ovoid Ranomafana, Vohiparara, at broken bridge, 21.22616 ° S
in lateral view (pl. 13D); postclypeus with very 47.36983 ° E, 1100 m, 04 Jun 2002 – 14 Jun 2002, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00007051) (CAS). Parc shallow medial longitudinal depression to mid- National Ranomafana, radio tower at forest edge, dle of interocular area (pl. 13B); synthlipsis about 21.251 ° S 47.40716 ° E, 1130 m, 28 Nov 2001 –06 Dec two times width of eye; interocular sulcus near 2001, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00007122) (CAS); hind margin of eye (pl. 13B); ocelli large; eye 09 Mar 2003 – 20 Mar 2003, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, about one-third of head length, not reaching 13 (00007198) (CAS); 17 Dec 2003 – 30 Dec 2003, M.
dorsal and ventral head surfaces; antenna 7-seg- Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00007241) ( BMNH) ; 08 Jul 2004 – 22 Jul 2004, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala , 13 mented ; pedicel about one-third longer than (00045538) (BMNH); 09 Aug 2005 – 25 Aug 2005, M. scape. THORAX: Posterior pronotal lobe smooth; Irwin, R. Harin’Hala , 23 (00044830, 00045518) forefemur incrassate ; fossula spongiosa absent on (USNM); 27 Nov 2006 – 02 Dec 2006, M. Irwin, R. mid tibia ; distal part of R present but not form- Harin’Hala, 13 (00006123) (SU). Toamasina: Forêt ing R +M cell (pl. 17B, C). ABDOMEN: Intersegd’Analava Mandrisy, 5.9 km 195° Antanambe, 16.48555 ° S 49.84694 ° E, 10 m, 12 Nov 2005 –13 Nov mental sutures carinulate between sternites II–IV 2005, Brian L. Fisher et al., 13 (00045579) ( CAS). and laterally between IV – VI GoogleMaps ; BPE shorter than Mobot Site, Analalava 7 km SW of Foulpointe, basal plate (pl. 22D) ; area of endosomal struts– 17.69333 ° S 49.46027 ° E, 18 m, 30 Nov 2007 –07 Dec DPS fusion ovate (pl. 21F). 2007, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00006480) ( CAS). ETYMOLOGY: The species epithet is a noun in Parc National Mananara-Nord , 7.1 km 261° Anta- GoogleMaps
apposition and is named after the type locality, nambe, 16.455 ° S 49.7875 ° E, 225 m, 14 Nov 2005, Brian L. Fisher et al., 13 (00006471) (CAS). Unknown: 33 Montagne Français, Madagascar. (00007157, 00007234, 00007239) (CAS). DISTRIBUTION: Montagne des Français
Reserve and Amber Mountain National Park in
Marojejycoris francais , new species the Antsiranana province (map 5).
Plates 2, 5, 9, 22D; map 5 HOLOTYPE: Male: Madagascar: Antsiranana: DIAGNOSIS: Males are recognized among Montagne Français , 12.325 ° S 49.33333 ° E, 150 m, other species in Marojejycoris by the small body 06 Mar 2001 – 20 Mar 2001, M. Irwin, R. size, ovoid head shape, 7-segmented antenna, Harin’Hala (00006470) ( CAS). fossula spongiosa absent on the mid tibia, and PARATYPES: Madagascar: Antsiranana: Parc intersegmental sutures carinulate between ster- National Montagne d’Ambre, 12.51666 ° S 49.18333 ° E GoogleMaps ,
975 m, 25 Jan 2001 – 11 Feb 2001, M.E. Irwin, E.L. Schnites II–IV and laterally between IV–VI. This
linger, R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00044900) (UCR). Parc species is similar to M. notadichroa , from which National Montagne d’Ambre, 12.52027 ° S 49.17916 ° E, it differs by the small body size, less elongated 1125 m, 04 Mar 2001 – 19 Mar 2001, M. Irwin, R. and more ovoid head, slightly more shallow Harin’Hala, 13 (00006129) (CAS). postclypeal depression, interocular sulcus near hind margin of the eye, 7-segmented antenna, Marojejycoris notadichroa , new species fossula spongiosa absent on mid tibia, and inter- Plates 2, 6, 9; map 5 segmental sutures carinulate between sternites DIAGNOSIS: Males recognized among other II–IV and laterally between IV–VI. species in this genus by a combination of the fol- DESCRIPTION: Body length: 6.18 mm (holo- lowing characters: the larger body size, more type), 6.18–6.82 mm. COLORATION: Dull deeply depressed postclypeus, postclypeal depresorange with labial segments III and IV, thoracic sion extending to the interocular sulcus, and sterna, scutellum, corium basally, coxae, trochan- 6-segmented antenna. This species is similar to M. ters, femora basally, and abdomen pale. Scape auranticorium , from which it differs by the general apically, pedicel, and antennal segments III–VI brown color of the antenna, bicolored pronotum dark brown. Wing membrane brown and anten- (anterior lobe orange-brown and posterior lobe
dark brown), dark brown corium (except basally Apr 2005– 28 Apr 2005, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 pale), deeper postclypeal depression that extends (00044910) (SU); 18 May 2005 – 30 May 2005, M. Irwin, to the interocular sulcus, and eye about one-third R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00007115) (SU); 13 Jul 2005 –28 Jul
2005, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00044969) (UCR). of the head length in lateral view. Montaigne Français, 12.325 ° S 49.33333 ° E, 150 m, 06
DESCRIPTION: Body length: 8.18 mm (holo- Mar 2001– 20 Mar 2001, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 type), 7.40–8.73 mm. VESTITURE: As in generic (00006475) (CAS). R.N.I. de Marojejy, 10.0 km NW description. COLORATION: Orange with tho- Manantenina, 14.43333 ° S 49.76167 ° E, 750 m, 15 Oct racic pleura and sterna, corium basally, and abdo- 1996– 22 Oct 1996, E. Quinter and T. Nguyen, 13
(00078361) (AMNH). Toamasina: Forêt d’Analava men pale. Scape apically, pedicel, antennal
Mandrisy, 5.9 km 195° Antanambe, 16.48555 ° S segments III–IV and basal half of V, posterior 49.84694 ° E, 10 m, 12 Nov 2005 – 13 Nov 2005, Brian L. pronotal lobe, and remainder of hemelytron Fisher et al., 13 (00007179) (CAS). Unknown: 33 brown. Apical half of antennal segment V and (00044991, 00044993, 00045015) (CAS).
segment VI entirely white. STRUCTURE: HEAD:
Ovoid in lateral view (pl. 13D); postclypeus with Marojejycoris ranomafana , new species relatively deep medial longitudinal depression to Plates 2, 6, 9; map 5
interocular sulcus; synthlipsis about two times DIAGNOSIS: Males are recognized among width of eye; interocular sulcus posterior to hind other Marojejycoris species by the small body margin of eye; ocelli large; eye about one-third of size, bicolored head and thorax in lateral view, head length, not reaching dorsal and ventral head ovoid head shape, 7-segmented antenna, striated surfaces; antenna 6-segmented, pedicel about as posterior pronotal lobe, distal part of R absent, long as scape. THORAX: Posterior pronotal lobe intersegmental sutures carinulate between stersmooth; forefemur incrassate; fossula spongiosa nites II–IV and laterally between IV–VI, and present on mid tibia; distal part of R present but BPE as long as the basal plate. This species is not forming R+M cell (pl. 17B, C). ABDOMEN: similar to M. brevifrons , but differs by the slightly Intersegmental sutures carinulate between ster- smaller body size, pale to light brown dorsal and nites II–VI and laterally between VI and VII; BPE dark brown ventral surfaces of the head and proshorter than basal plate (pl. 22D); area of endo- notum, pale corium and membrane, wider somal struts–DPS fusion ovate (pl. 21F). synthlipsis, interocular sulcus posterior to hind
ETYMOLOGY: The species epithet is a noun in margin of the eye, striated posterior pronotal the nominative case and is named for the bicol- lobe, fossula spongiosa on mid tibiae, distal part ored pronotum. of R absent, intersegmental sutures carinulate
DISTRIBUTION: Antsiranana and Toamasina between sternites II–IV and laterally between provinces (map 5). IV–VI, and BPE as long as the basal plate.
HOLOTYPE: Male: Madagascar: Antsiranana: DESCRIPTION: Body length: 5.41 mm (holo- Marojejy National Park , 5 km W Manantenina type), 5.41–5.50 mm. COLORATION: Brown village , Camp Mantella , 14.43816 ° S 49.774 ° E, with head laterally and ventrally, pedicel apically, 490 m, 10 Jan 2005 – 15 Jan 2005, M. Irwin, R. antennal segments III and IV, dorsal half of tho- Harin’Hala (00045019) ( CAS). racic pleura, thoracic sterna, coxae, abdominal GoogleMaps
PARATYPES: Madagascar: Antsiranana: Marojejy sternites II – VI laterally, and small lateral spot on National Park, 5 km W Manantenina village, Camp sternite VII dark brown. Antennal segment VII, Mantella , 14.43816 ° S 49.774 ° E, 490 m, 09 Dec 2004 –15 ventral half of thoracic pleura, scutellum except Dec 2004, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 23 (00045521, apical processes, corium, trochanters, femora 00045672) ( CAS) GoogleMaps ; 15 Dec 2004 – 20 Dec 2004, M. Irwin,
basally, and remainder of abdomen pale. VESTI- R. Harin’Hala, 23 (00044980, 00045013) ( USNM); 25
Dec 2004– 30 Dec 2004, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 TURE: As in generic description. STRUCTURE: (00044940) ( CAS); 26 Jan 2005 – 04 Feb 2005, M. Irwin, HEAD: Ovoid in lateral view (pl. 13D); postclyp- R. Harin’Hala, 23 (00007124, 00045532) ( UCR); 16 eus with very shallow medial longitudinal
depression to middle of interocular area (pl. nus is most similar to Toliarus , but can be dif- 13B); synthlipsis about two times width of eye; ferentiated by the the medium to large body size, interocular sulcus posterior to hind margin of maxillary plate reaching or nearly reaching the eye; ocelli small; eye about one-fourth of head dorsal clypeal surface, 7-segmented antenna length, not reaching dorsal and ventral head sur- (except some T. harinhali ), smooth or striated faces; antenna 7-segmented; pedicel about as posterior pronotal lobe, and distinct transverse long as scape. THORAX: Posterior pronotal lobe suture separating the meso- and metasterna. transversely striated; legs slender; fossula spon- DESCRIPTION: MALE: Macropterous , body giosa present on mid tibia ; distal part of R absent. size medium to large. COLORATION: Uni- ABDOMEN: Intersegmental sutures carinulate formly orange-brownish, brown, or black ; red between sternites II – IV and laterally between and black; orange and black; red and brown; or IV – VI; BPE as long as basal plate; area of endo- dark orange, brown, and black. VESTITURE: somal struts–DPS fusion elongate subquadrate; Dense, semierect to erect, long pale, orange, endosoma damaged. brown, and dark brown setae on head, thorax, ETYMOLOGY: The species epithet is a noun in legs, corium of hemelytra, and abdomen ; setae apposition and is named after the type locality, on tibiae stouter and denser near apex. STRUC- Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. TURE: HEAD (pl. 13G, H): Subtriangular in DISTRIBUTION: Ranomafana National Park in lateral view, longer than wide in dorsal view, the Fianarantsoa province (map 5). shorter than pronotum ; anteocular region lon- HOLOTYPE: Male : Madagascar: Fianarant- ger than postocular ; distinct constriction soa: Parc National Ranomafana, radio tower at between postocular and neck; gula moderately forest edge, 21.251 ° S 47.40716 ° E, 1130 m, 09 Mar swollen ventrolaterally, not distinctly produced 2003– 20 Mar 2003, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala beyond ventral head margin GoogleMaps ; maxillary plate (00045464) ( CAS). reaching or nearly reaching dorsal surface of PARATYPES: Madagascar: Fianarantsoa: Parc clypeus ; postclypeus depressed (pl. 13B); ocelli National Ranomafana, Vohiparara, at broken bridge, present; antennal shield not concealing anten- 21.22616 ° S 47.36983 ° E, 1100 m, 04 Feb 2002 –12 Feb
nal insertion in lateral view; antenna inserted 2002, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00007155) ( CAS). Parc National Ranomafana, radio tower at forest edge, dorsally on head; scape surpassing clypeal 21.251 ° S 47.40716 ° E, 1130 m, 21 Dec 2001 –24 Dec apex; pedicel slightly curved; flagellum subdi- 2001, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00007137) ( CAS); vided into BFLA and DFLA; BFLA divided into 26 Nov 2003 – 06 Dec 2003, M. Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 two pseudosegments; DFLA divided into three
(00048057) ( UCR);
07 Oct
pseudosegments (may be two in some speci- Irwin, R. Harin’Hala, 13 (00048058) ( UCR).
mens of T. harinhali ); antenna thus appearing
7-segmented (6-segmented in some specimens
Tanindrazanus , new genus of T. harinhali ); labium slender; labial segment Plates 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13G, 13H, 15D, 15F, 16A, III ventrally straight. THORAX (pl. 15D, F): Pro- 17C, 18B, 19F, 20G–I, 21G, 21H, 22E; maps 6–9 notum wider than long, anterior margin dis- TYPE SPECIES: Tanindrazanus irwini , new tinctly concave, collar distinct (pl. 15B); species. anterior pronotal lobe shorter than posterior DIAGNOSIS: Male recognized by the subtrian- lobe, more than half as wide as posterior lobe, gular head in lateral view, maxillary plate reach- relatively smooth; pronotal longitudinal furrow ing or nearly reaching dorsal clypeal surface, reaching anterior but not posterior margin of 7-segmented antenna (6-segmented in some pronotum, foveate posteriorly (pl. 15B); pronospecimens of T. harinhali ), and slender labium tal transverse furrow distinct (pl. 15B); lateral with labial segment III ventrally (appears dorsal depressions on posterior pronotal lobe distinct when folded under head) straight. Tanindraza- (pl. 15B), transversely striated; scutellum with
two broadly separated apical processes, disc IDENTIFICATION KEY TO THE MALES OF medially depressed; meso- and metasterna sep- SPECIES OF TANINDRAZANUS arated by distinct transverse suture; mesosternum with medial and paramedial longitudinal 1. Clypeal apex not elevated relative to labral depressions; metasternum medially longitudi- base (pl. 13C–F, I–K).................. 2 nally depressed; MGE with deeply depressed – Clypeal apex slightly to distinctly elevated relameshlike cuticle that extends dorsally in lateral tive to labral base (pl. 13G, H).......... 3 view (pl. 16A); fossula spongiosa on fore- and 2. Head elongate, nearly cylindrical; postocular mid tibiae; hemelytron (pl. 17C) with corium broad in dorsal view (pl. 13B); labial segrestricted to areas adjacent to basal wing veins, ment II longer than III; forefemora slender with pterostigmalike appearance on anterodis-................... brunneus , new species tal margin; distal part of R present but not – Head subtriangular (pl. 13G, H); postocular forming cell with M; proximal parts of M and narrow in dorsal view (pl. 13A); labial seg- Cu separate; distal part of M extending beyond ment II and III subequal in length; forefemapical junction of M+Cu; base of M+Cu cell ora incrassate..... joffrevillus , new species shorter than or as wide as Cu+1A cell. ABDO- 3. Anterior pronotal lobe laterally carinate.... 4 MEN (pl. 18B): Dorsal laterotergite II not dis- – Anterior pronotal lobe not laterally carinate 6 tinctly expanded; sternites longitudinally 4. Body length ≥ 20 mm; head ventrally flat; labial depressed medially (pl. 18C), intersegmental segment II shorter than III; red and black or sutures carinulate; spiracles ovoid; pygophore orange and black...................... 5 process subtriangular caudal view (pl. 19F, G, – Body length <20 mm; head ventrally with shal- I), directed dorsoposteriad, not surpassing pos- low anteromedial depression; labial segment terior margin of pygophore, apex rounded; II longer than III; dull orange............ DPS apex rounded (pl. 20G, H); endosomal.................. bemaraha , new species struts reaching posterior margin of DPS, with 5. Red and black; forefemora slightly incrassate; anterior and posterior ventral processes (pl. sternal intersegmental sutures carinulate 22G); endosoma weakly to heavily sclerotized between II and III and laterally between medially (pl. 21G, H). III – V.......... hannajagodae , new species
ETYMOLOGY: This genus is named after the – Orange and black; forefemora slender; sternal Madagascan word “Tanindrazana,” which stands intersegmental sutures carinulate between for “Fatherland” in the nation’s motto and repre- II–IV and laterally between IV–VI........ sents national unity. The gender is masculine...................... irwini , new species
DISTRIBUTION: Species are known from all 6. Eye reaching dorsal head surface.......... 7 provinces and occur in habitats between 10–1130 – Eye not reaching dorsal head surface...... 11 m elevation. Macrohabitats are described as gal- 7. Eye reaching ventral head surface......... 8 lery forests, tropical dry forests, mixed tropical – Eye not reaching ventral head surface....... forests, low- and high-altitude rainforests, sclero-.................. tenebricus , new species phyl forests, dwarf littoral forests, secondary for- 8. Pronotal transverse suture complete, not ests, and dry deciduous forests. divided by paramedian ridges........... 9
DISCUSSION: Female specimens are unknown – Pronotal transverse suture incomplete, divided for this genus. Approximately half of the speci- by paramedian ridges (pl. 15B)........... mens belonging to T. harinhali have the DFLA.............. amboasaricus , new species subdivided into two pseudosegments instead of 9. Eye about half head length; posterior pronotal three and the antenna is therefore 6-segmented. lobe smooth; dorsal laterotergite II very Specimens from the same locality may have 6- or slightly expanded laterally; sternal interseg- 7-segmented antenna and this polymorphism mental sutures carinulate between II–V...
– Eye about one-third head length; posterior pronotal lobe smooth or striated; dorsal laterotergite II not distinctly expanded laterally; sternal intersegmental suture carinulation patterns not as previously mentioned.......................... 10
10. Pale to dark brown coloration; synthlipsis about width of eye; postocular narrow in dorsal view; posterior pronotal lobe striated; sternal intersegmental sutures carinulate between II–IV and laterally between IV–VII.......... marginatus , new species
– Red and pale to dark brown coloration; synthlipsis less than width of eye; postocular broad in dorsal view; posterior pronotal lobe smooth; sternal intersegmental sutures carinulate between II–V and laterally between V–VI.......... anjozorobeus , new species
11. Labial segment II and III not subequal in length.............................. 12
– Labial segment II and III subequal in length. 14
12. Labial segment II shorter than III...... 13
– Labial segment II longer than III.......................... andohahela , new species
13. Body length <20 mm; red and black; postclypeus not depressed (pl. 13A); pronotal transverse suture complete, not divided by paramedian ridges.......... MAP 6. Localities of Tanindrazanus antananarivo , T ................... marojejy , new species hannajagodae , T. harinhali , T. joffrevillus , T.
– Body length ≥ 20 mm; dark orange-brown or marojejy , and T. notatus . dark orange-red; postclypeus medially depressed (pl. 13B); pronotal transverse 16. Synthlipsis width less that two times width of suture incomplete, divided by paramedian eye; pale red and brown or uniformly dark ridges (pl. 15B)..... mahafaly , new species brown to blackish coloration........... 17
14. Pronotal transverse suture complete, not – Synthlipsis width two times width of eye; red divided by paramedian ridges......... 15 and black.......... kathrynae , new species
– Pronotal transverse suture incomplete, divided 17. Synthlipsis width about 1.25 times width of by paramedian ridges (pl. 15B)........ 18 eye; uniformly dark brown to blackish col-
15. Red and black, pale red and brown, or uni- oration............. simulans , new species formly dark coloration; anterior pronotal – Synthlipsis about width of eye; pale red and lobe with very small anterolateral projec- brown......... antananarivo , new species tions (pl. 15B); forefemora slender..... 16 18. Black and pale or tricolored; forefemora
– Dull orange with hind femur distally and hind slightly to moderately incrassate........ 19 tibia distally black; anterior pronotal lobe – Bright orange and black; forefemora slender. without distinct anterolateral projections;................... varicolor , new species forefemora moderately incrassate........ 19. Anterior pronotal lobe with very small antero-
reaching the dorsal and ventral head margins, and the pronotal transverse furrow not continuous. This species is similar to T. harinhali , from which it differs by the larger body size; dark brown to blackish head, pronotum, and scutellum; the width of the synthlipsis about the width of an eye; and intersegmental sutures carinulate between sternites II–V.
DESCRIPTION: Medium body size (length: 16.05 mm, holotype; 14.30–16.05 mm). COLOR-
ATION: Dark brown with labrum, basal half of scapus, costal margin, and tarsi light brown. Antennifers apically, basal part of hemelytra, trochanters, basal half of femora, and tibiae medially yellowish. Tarsomere III on forelegs with dark brown band in apical part. VESTITURE: As in generic description. STRUCTURE: HEAD: Ventrally with shallow anteromedial depression; clypeal apex dorsally elevated relative to labrum (pl. 13G, H); postclypeus with relatively deep, broad medial longitudinal depression to middle of interocular area; postocular narrow in dorsal view (pl. 13A); synthlipsis about width of eye; interocular sulcus near hind margin of eye (pl. 13B); eyes about one-third of head length, reaching dorsal and ventral head surfaces; ocelli large, separated by less than half of diameter of ocellus, MAP 7. Localities of Tanindrazanus andohahela , T. located on distinct median tubercle (pl. 13H); bemaraha , T. irwini , T. kathrynae , T. mahafaly , and pedicel about one-fifth longer than scape; labial T. varicolor . segment III subequal to II. THORAX: Anterior pronotal lobe without anterolateral projections; mental sutures carinulate between II–IV;
posterior pronotal lobe transversely striated; problack and pale........ nigripes , new species
notal transverse furrow divided by paramedian – Anterior pronotal lobe without distinct antero-
longitudinal ridges (pl. 15B); legs slender; tarsolateral projections; sternal intersegmental
meres I and II combined subequal to III on foresutures carinulate between II–VI and later-
and mid legs, longer on hind legs; hemelytron ally between VI and VII; tricolored, dark
surpassing abdominal apex. ABDOMEN: Apex brown, dull orange, and pale.............
rounded; dorsal laterotergite II not expanded;................... harinhali , new species
intersegmental sutures carinulate between sternites II–V; pygophore process subtriangular in Tanindrazanus amboasaricus , new species lateral view (pl. 20H, I); BPE as long as basal Plates 2, 6, 9; map 9 plate; area of endosomal struts–DPS fusion
DIAGNOSIS: Males are recognized among tonguelike, apically expanded and rounded.
other species in Tanindrazanus by a combination ETYMOLOGY: The species epithet is a noun in of the following characters: the distinct color- apposition and is named after the type locality ation, synthlipsis about the width of the eye, eye Amboasary, Madagascar.
DISTRIBUTION: Ambovombe in the Amboasary
District of the Toliara province (map 9).
DISCUSSION: The coloration on the dorsal sur-
face of the pronotum is sometimes dark brown.
HOLOTYPE: Male : Madagascar: Toliara:
Amboasary District, Ambovombe, 25.17201 ° S
46.08971 ° E, 131 m, 19 Jun 1957, P. Griveaud
( MNHN).
PARATYPES: Madagascar: Toliara: Amboasary Dis-
trict, Ambovombe, 25.17201 ° S 46.08971 ° E, 131 m, 19
Jun 1957, P. Griveaud, 33 ( MNHN).
R |
Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile |
California Academy of Sciences |
VI |
Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute |
Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History |
V |
Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium |
University of California |
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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