Marthogryllacris (Borneogryllacris) bimaculata Li, Liu et Li, 2014

Li, Miaomiao, Fang, Yan, Liu, Xianwei & Li, Kai, 2014, Review of the species of the genus Marthogryllacris (Orthoptera, Gryllacrididae, Gryllacridinae), Zootaxa 3889 (2), pp. 277-288 : 281-283

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Marthogryllacris (Borneogryllacris) bimaculata Li, Liu et Li

sp. nov.

4. Marthogryllacris (Borneogryllacris) bimaculata Li, Liu et Li sp. nov.

( Figs. 10–12 View FIGURES 10–12 )

Description. Female. Body large, stout. Fastigium of vertex long-ovate, about 1.5 times as wide as scape, frons smooth; eyes long-oval, prominent; middle ocellus large, rounded. Fore margin of pronotum more or less projected, hind margin straight. Tegmina half-transparent, exceeded the apex of abdomen; R with 4 branches at apex, not united with M at base; Rs occurred after the middle of R, with 2 branches, CuA with a short oblique connecting with M. Wings transparent, slightly longer than tegmina. Fore and mid tibiae with 5 pairs of spurs, mid tibia without intero-apical spur. Hind femur armed 7 spines on each side ventrally, hind tibia with 6–7 internal spines and external spines on dorsal surface. Subgenital plate almost triangular, with rounded apex ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 10–12 ). Ovipositor straight, slightly longer than hind femur, apex subacute.

Male. Unknown.

Coloration. Body yellowish brown, ocelli pale yellow, behind eyes with a short black stripe. Pronotum with 2 black spots in the front part ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 10–12 ). Venations of tegmina paler than membranes. All femora with blackish apex ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 10–12 ), spurs and spines of legs brownish.

Measurements. (length in mm)

Body Pronotum Tegmina Hind femur Ovipositor

Material. 1♂, Tianping Mountain , Longsheng, Guangxi, China, 1982. VI.23, collector unkown ; 1♂, Liluo , Longsheng, Guangxi, China, Alt. 1000m, 1984. VI.20, collected by Li Jun ; 1♀, Nankun Mountain , Longmen, Guangdong, China, 1987. VI.9–14, collected by Zhang Gao-Zi; 1♀, Wuyanling , Zhejiang, China, Alt. 800m, 2005, collected by Wang Yi-Ping ; 2♂♂, Leigongshan , Guizhou, China, Alt. 1000–1100m, 2005. VI.2–3, collected by Song Qiong-Zhang ; 1♀, Fengyangshan , Longquan, Zhejiang, China, 2007.VII.27, collected by Fu Qiang ; 1♀, Limushan , Hainan, China, Alt. 900m, 2008. V.27, collected by Fu Qiang ; 1♂, Jianfengling , Hainan, China, Alt. 1000m, 2011.IV.11–22, collected by Bi Wen-Xuan ; 1♂, Diaoluoshan , Lingshui, Hainan, China, 2011.IX.16–18, collected by Liu Xian-Wei ; 1♂, Maoer Mountain , Xing’an, Guangxi, China, Alt. 800–1100m, 2012.VII.23–24, collected by Bi Wen-Xuan ; 1♀, Maoer Mountain , Xing’an, Guangxi, China, Alt. 500–1100m, 2013.VII.30–VIII.6, collected by Liu Xian-Wei et al ..

Distribution. China (Zhejiang, Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou).


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium













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