Metharpinia floridana, (Shoemaker, 1933)

Cházaro-Olvera, Sergio, Winfield, Ignacio, Ortiz, Manuel & Álvarez, Fernando, 2002, Peracarid crustaceans from three inlets in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico: new records and range extensions, Zootaxa 123, pp. 1-16 : 8

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Metharpinia floridana


Metaharpinia floridana ( Shoemaker, 1933) View in CoL

Material Examined: CNCR­20398; number of specimens: 1; CV station; collection date: 01/08/98.

Type locality: Off Key Largo, Florida.

Distribution: This species has been reported from South Carolina to Cuba ( Shoemaker, 1933; Barnard, 1980; Thomas, 1993), from Perdido Key, Florida ( Rakocinski et al., 1993; 1996) and on the Yucatan shelf ( Ortiz, 1979).

Range extension: Within the Gulf of Mexico, Metaharpinia floridana is found in Florida ( Shoemaker, 1933; Thomas, 1993; Rakocinski et al., 1993; 1996) and on theYucatan shelf ( Ortiz, 1979). The record of this species at CV inlet, Veracruz State, extends its geographic distribution westward along the Gulf coast of Mexico.

Remarks: This species has been recorded between 10 and 60 m depths as a benthic component on sand, clay and carbonate bottoms ( Shoemaker, 1933; Thomas, 1993). The salinity and temperature ranges measured at the site were 19 to 27 %o and from 28 to 29 °C, respectively, at 3 m depth.

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