Stipomorpha micromidas (Shannon, 1925)

Reemer, Menno, 2013, Taxonomic exploration of Neotropical Microdontinae (Diptera: Syrphidae) mimicking stingless bees, Zootaxa 3697 (1), pp. 1-88 : 63-64

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3697.1.1

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Plazi (2016-04-14 19:09:48, last updated 2024-11-26 01:05:19)

scientific name

Stipomorpha micromidas (Shannon, 1925)


Stipomorpha micromidas (Shannon, 1925) View in CoL

Figs 186–190 View FIGURES 186 – 200. 186 – 187 , 243 View FIGURES 240 – 245 .

Microdon micromidas Shannon, 1925: 112 .

Studied type specimens. HOLOTYPE. PANAMA. Female. Label 1: "Taboga, Panama "; label 2: "23 Febr. 1912"; label 3: "A. Busck coll."; label 4: " Type no. 27833 U.S. N.M"; label 5: " Microdon micromidas Snn. " Coll. USNM.

Additionally studied specimen. COSTA RICA. Male. Label 1: " COSTA RICA. Prov. Guanacaste, P.N. / Rincón de la Vieja, Send. a las aguas / termales, 900-1000 m. 6–7 OCT / 2001. D. Briceño. Red con Aguamiel. / L_N_305843_392970 #64950"; label 2 (barcode): "INB0003380896 / INBIOCRI COSTA RICA "; label 3 (red): "Ultimo especimen en / BD A. Lépiz / 2-7-2002 " / other side: "? MCR-25". Coll. INBIO .

Redescription (based on holotype)

Adult female. Body size: 6.5 mm.

Head. Face occupying slightly less than 1/3 of head width in frontal view; shining yellow; entirely yellow pilose, most densely laterally and ventrally, very sparse medially. Gena hardly developed, eyes almost directly bordering oral margin; yellow. Lateral oral margins not produced; not reaching below eye margin in lateral view. Frons and lunula black; frons yellow pilose. Vertex convex; shining black; yellow pilose. Occiput black; yellow pilose dorsally, white pilose ventrally. Eye very sparsely and short pilose, appearing bare under low magnification. Antennal fossa about as wide as high. Antenna brown; antennal ratio 3:1:5.5; basoflagellomere parallel-sided with narrowly rounded apex, with sensory pit located at 3/4 from base; arista slender, about 3/4 of length of basoflagellomere.

Thorax. Scutum shining black; yellow pilose, except for three patches of black pile on anterior half and two patches of black pile on posterior half. Postpronotum and postalar callus black; yellow pilose. Scutellum black anteriorly, yellow along posterior margin; yellow pilose. Pleurae blackish. Anepisternum yellow pilose anteriorly and posteriorly, widely bare in between. Anepimeron entirely yellow pilose. Katepisternum yellow pilose dorsally, bare ventrally. Katepimeron bare. Katatergum and anatergum short and long microtrichose, respectively. Calypter and halter yellow.

Wing: hyaline, tinged with yellow, with greyish tip (apical of vein M1) and greyish fascia along vein dm-cu; microtrichose, except bare on basal 1/8 of cell cup.

Legs: Front and mid legs yellow and yellow pilose. Hind leg yellow, except apical 1/2 of tibia and basal two tarsomeres of tarsus blackish (3rd tarsomere intermediately coloured); yellow pilose, except black pilose on blackish parts and on entire dorsal part of hind tarsus. Coxae and trochanters blackish yellow; yellow pilose.

Abdomen. Brownish yellow; short yellow pilose. Second tergite slightly wider than thorax, widest at basal 1/ 3; third and fourth tergites much narrower. Sternites yellow; bare, except sternite 4 yellow pilose.

Description of male. As female, except for following differences.

Adult male. Body size: 8 mm.

Head. Face occupying about 1/4 of head width in frontal view. Frons about as long as width of lunula. Vertex black; golden yellow pilose, except black pilose posteriad of ocellar triangle.

Thorax. Scutellum black; yellow pilose.

Wing: greyish fascia along vein dm-cu hardly visible.

Legs: Hind femur yellow and yellow pilose, except for vaguely demarkated dark ring around middle 1/3, with patch of black pile anteriorly. Hind tibia black and black pilose, except yellow and yellow pilose on basal 1/5. Hind tarsus with tarsomeres 1–2 black, tarsomere 3 brownish, tarsomeres 4-5 yellow; black pilose.

Abdomen. Genitalia as in fig. 243.

Diagnosis. The only known Stipomorpha -species with a pilose dorsal part of the katepisternum and a completely yellowish abdomen. The wing tip is greyish, in contrast with the yellowish basal 2/3 of the wing.

Distribution. Costa Rica and Panama.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 186 – 200. 186 – 187. Stipomorpha micromidas male (Costa Rica, coll. INBIO). 186. habitus dorsal; 187. habitus lateral. 188 – 190. Stipomorpha micromidas female (holotype). 188. habitus dorsal; 189. habitus lateral; 190. head lateral. 191 – 195. Stipomorpha mixta. 191. male (Surinam, coll. RMNH), habitus dorsal; 192. female (holotype), habitus dorsal; 193. female (holotype), habitus lateral; 194. female (holotype), head frontal; 195. female (holotype), head lateral. 196 – 200. Stipomorpha panamana male (holotype). 196. habitus dorsal; 197. habitus lateral; 198. head frontal; 199. head lateral; 200. wing.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 240 – 245. Stipomorpha, male genitalia. 240. S. mackiei (Surinam, coll. RMNH); 241. S. maculipennis (holotype); 242. S. mendax (holotype); 243. S. micromidas (Costa Rica, coll. INBIO); 244. S. mixta (Guyana, coll. BMNH); 245. S. panamana (holotype).



























