Neobythites ” stringeri, Goode & Bean, 1885

Lin, Chien-Hsiang, Steurbaut, Etienne & Nolf, Dirk, 2024, Early Eocene fish otoliths from the eastern and southern USA, European Journal of Taxonomy 935, pp. 203-240 : 223-224

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2024.935.2557

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scientific name

Neobythites ” stringeri


Neobythites ” stringeri sp. nov.

Fig. 8D–E View Fig


OL/OH = 1.6–1.8, OsL/CaL = 2.9–4.1. Fusiform otoliths with blunt antero-dorsal bulge and pointed posterior rim.Anterior rim largely blunt. Sulcus wide, elongate, well-divided. Ostium markedly elongate; cauda oval, pointing downward.


This species is dedicated to Gary L. Stringer (University of Louisiana at Monroe) for his major contributions to the knowledge of the fossil otoliths from the USA.

Type material examined

Holotype UNITED STATES OF AMERICA • Right otolith; Alabama, Hatchetigbee Bluff, Hatchetigbee Formation; Fig. 8E View Fig ; IRSNB P 10749 View Materials .

Paratypes (3 in total) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA • 3 otoliths of which one is figured: Fig. 8D View Fig ; same collection data as for holotype; IRSNB P 10748 View Materials .

Type locality and horizon

United States of America, Hatchetigbee Bluff (Alabama), Hatchetigbee Formation.

Dimensions of the holotype

Length = 4.36 mm; height = 2.43 mm; thickness = 1.21 mm.


This species is characterized by robust and fusiform otoliths that bear a blunt antero-dorsal bulge, forming the highest and thickest part of the otoliths in the anterior portion ( Fig. 8E View Fig 1 View Fig ). The otoliths taper in the posterior part and end with a pointed tip. The ventral rim is regularly curved. The inner face is convex; the outer face is essentially flat, becoming thinner towards the ventral and posterior rims. The sulcus occupies nearly the entire length of the inner face and is constituted by a long, horizontal ostium and a very short, downward-bent cauda. A shallow dorsal depression is observed above the central part of the crista superior. The ventral area is slightly larger than the dorsal one.


At first glance, the otoliths of “ N. ” stringeri sp. nov. are very similar to those of N. longesulcatus sp. nov. (see above), but they can be distinguished by the short, strongly bent cauda and larger ventral area in the former species. “ Neobythites ” stringeri is only known form the type locality.

Stratigraphic and geographic distribution

Ypresian: Hatchetigbee Formation, Alabama.


Belgium, Brussels, Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique

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