Notiphila (Notiphila) obscuripennis Krivosheina et Ozerov, 2019

Krivosheina, M. G. & Ozerov, A. L., 2019, A new species of the shore-fly genus Notiphila Fallén, 1810 (Diptera: Ephydridae) from Bali Island (Indonesia), Russian Entomological Journal 28 (3), pp. 323-327 : 324-327

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.28.3.12

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Notiphila (Notiphila) obscuripennis Krivosheina et Ozerov

sp. nov.

Notiphila (Notiphila) obscuripennis Krivosheina et Ozerov View in CoL , sp.n.

Figs 1, 3, 4.

MATERIAL. Holotype ♂, INDONESIA, Bali, Tabanan, Kediri, Pantai Kedungu env., 8.608ºS, 115.083ºE, 10 m a.s.l., 25.VIII.2018 (D. Gavryushin) GoogleMaps . Holotype male mounted together with paratype female on the same pin. Other paratype ♂, with the same label.

Paratype male specimen is dissected, male terminalia are preparated and placed inside plastic tube filled with glycerin.

DIAGNOSIS. Due to general dark brown coloration the new species resembles Oriental species Notiphila (N.) nigrina Krivosheina, 2001 , striated face with dark brown carina and parafacials resembles Oriental species Notiphila (N.) nosata Krivosheina, 2001 . However by the structure of male terminalia the new species is close to Notiphila (N.) indistincta Krivosheina, 2001 ( Figs 5, 6 View Figs 3–6 ), although significantly differing from it by external characters: firstly by dark brown wings with dark veins, coloration of face and thorax, and long apically broadened presurstylus.

DESCRIPTION. Body medium-sized, length 3.5– 3.8 mm in males, 4.0 mm in female, wing 3.5 mm. General coloration dark brown with blackish spots at bases of setae.

Head. Frons brown-grey, orbits and ocellar triangle brown-black. Face grey-brown, carina dark brown, parafacial dark brown. Palpus yellow-orange. Antennae orange, postpedicel darkened dorsally. Arista with 11–12 long rays. One strong posterior fronto-orbital seta pointing posteriorly; one fine and very short anterior fronto-orbital seta pointing anteriorly. Postfrontal index (height to width ratio of frons) 0.6, prefrontal index (ratio of height of face to its width below antennae) 1.4, head index (eye-to-gena height ratio) 7:1. Face with 3 strong setae, the upper the longest, the lowest the shortest and a little thinner and 1 or 2 fine short hairs below setae.

Thorax. Scutum brown, with dark spots at bases of all setae; anepisternum brown-golden with median dark brown wide band and dark points at bases of 2 setae; katepisternum grey with golden spot around seta. Scutellum brown, oblong, 1.2 times as long as wide, with 4 long setae and covered with sparse short hairs. Haltere yellow. All coxae dark, densely grey microtomentose; femora dark with yellow apices; basal coloration of all tibiae yellow; hind tibia with black band in the middle. Fore tarsi yellow, darkened; mid and hind tarsi yellow. Fore coxa with 2 setae and pubescence, mid coxa with 1 strong seta and a row of shorter setae. Fore femur ventrally with 3–4 long setae. Mid femur with 2–4 strong long setae on inner surface, this row also including 2–3 short setae; anteroventral surface with 2 rows of short spiniform setae. Mid tibia with 3 strong dorsal setae.

Wings brown, section between costal vein and vein R 4+5 darker. Veins dark brown.

Abdomen. Grey; tergites 1–4 with two median dark brown spots; tergite 5 brown. Spots arranged to form narrow, pale grey longitudinal stripe in median part of abdomen. Posterior margins of tergites grey with black points at bases of posterior marginal setae. Male terminalia: epandrium in dorsal view oval, presurstylus long and narrow, broadened apically, with many relatively strong setae except the apex ( Fig. 3 View Figs 3–6 ); cercus narrow in dorsal view, convex in lateral view, relatively long and covered with setae ( Figs 3, 4 View Figs 3–6 ); presurstylus in lateral view long, almost 1/2 as long as epandrium, pointed apically, with irregular rows of setae ( Fig. 4 View Figs 3–6 ); subepandrial plate in lateral view rod-like with broadened end; aedeagus large and tubular, of same width basally and apically, with dorsobasal short process; phallapodeme narrow; gonite angulate, T-shaped; hypandrium in dorsal view broadly U-shaped.

ETHYMOLOGY. The species name is given because of dark brown coloration of wing.

BIOLOGY. The specimens were collected near small pond.


1. Frons with velvety-black spots ......................................... ....................... N. (Agrolimna) puncta de Meijere, 1911 View in CoL

– Frons without spots .......................................................... 2

2. Costal vein with long spines length of which exceeding thickness of vein ........................................................... 3

– Costal vein without long spines ...................................... 4

3. Face flat. Gena low. Head index 5:1. Scutum with round- ed dark spots at bases of setae, occasionally with median longitudinal brown stripe and oval spots ....................... .......... N. (Notiphila) dorsopunctata Wiedemann, 1824 View in CoL

– Face concave, gena wide, head index 3:1, scutum grey ... ........................ N. (Notiphila) setosa Krivosheina, 2001 View in CoL

4. Face without strong setae, with fine hairs or pubescence only ................................................................................ 5

– Face with strong setae ...................................................... 7

5. Scutum with dark median stripe and interrupted stripes along acrostichal lines; face with 8 fine hairs ................ ........................ N. (Agrolimna) freyi Krivosheina, 2001 View in CoL

– Scutum unicolor, face with 3 fine hairs or with pubescence ....................................................................................... 6

6. Face pubescent; frons narrow, longer than wide; scutum greyish golden with 2 brown longitudinal stripes occasionally poorly developed; median abdominal segments with 4 elongate dark spots .............................................. ................... N. (Notiphila) puberula Krivosheina, 2001 View in CoL

– Face with 3 hairs, frons transverse; scutum brownish, median abdominal segments with 4 small triangular dark spots .......................... N. (Notiphila) nubila Dahl, 1973 View in CoL

7. Antenna black, postpedicel yellow on inner surface ..... 8

– Antenna yellow or orange .............................................. 10

8. Fore legs black .................................................................. ........................ N. (Notiphila) indica Krivosheina, 2001 View in CoL

– Fore legs at least partly yellow ........................................ 9

9. Face with 3 setae, head index 5:1; body brownish-black .. ...................... N. (Notiphila) nigrina Krivosheina, 2001 View in CoL

– Face with 2 setae, head index 7:1; scutum with brown longitudinal stripe ........................................................... .................. N. (Notiphila) tschungseni Canzoneri, 1993 View in CoL

10. Gena high, head index 3:1 .......................................... 11

– Gena low, head index exceeding 3:1; height of gena equal to or less than width of postpedicel ........................... 12

11. Face with 3 setae, scutum with brown median stripe and with spot on anepistermum; presurstylus short and broad ...................................... N. (Notiphila) flava Dahl, 1973 View in CoL

– Face with 2 (rarely with 3) setae; scutum grey without stripes or spots; presurtylus narrow ............................... .................. N. (Notiphila) impunctata de Meijere, 1908 View in CoL

12. Scutellum with 2 brown dorsal spots occasionally merging into one spot ........................................................... .................. N. (Notiphila) scutellata Krivosheina, 2001 View in CoL

– Scutellum without such spots ........................................ 13

13. Anepisternum grey or golden, with brown band or spot in central part .............................................................. 14

– Anepisternum brown at least in lower part ................... 17

14. Head index 5:1; abdominal spots formula 0–2–4–2, abdominal tergite 5 grey ..................................................... ....................... N. (Notiphila) insularis Grimshaw, 1901 View in CoL

– Gena lower, head index 6:1; abdominal tergites usually with 2 large dark spots ................................................ 15

15. Presurstylus tapered apically and outcurved; antenna yellow; thorax mottled golden-brown ............................ ......................... N. (Notiphila) similis de Meijere, 1908 View in CoL

– Presurstylus straight; antennae orange .......................... 16

16. Wings hyaline, veins yellow; face grey (Fig. 2); presurstylus not broadened apically ( Fig. 5 View Figs 3–6 ) .............................. ................ N. (Notiphila) indistincta Krivosheina, 2001 View in CoL

– Wings brown with section between costal vein and vein R 4+5 darker, veins dark brown; face grey with brown carina and parafacial (Fig. 1); presurstylus broadened apically ( Fig. 3 View Figs 3–6 ) ............................. N. (Notiphila) obscuripennis View in CoL sp.n.

17. Anepistrnum mottled brown; abdominal tergites with 2 large indistinct spots ....................................................... ............... N. (Notiphila) simalurensis de Meijere, 1916 View in CoL

– Anepistrnum brown in lower part ................................. 18

18. Anepistrnum with rounded spot at centre; face grey; abdominal tergites with 4 narrow elongate spots .......... ................................ N. (Notiphila) phaea Hendel, 1914 View in CoL

– Anepisternum with brown band .................................... 19

19. Face with brown carina; abdomen with 2 large spots, grey longitudinal median stripe distinct ......................... ....................... N. (Notiphila) nosata Krivosheina, 2001 View in CoL

— Face uniformly golden-grey or of different color; abdominal tergites with 4 spots ............................................. 20

20. Face dark grey with pale carina and parafacial; gena low,

head index 7:1; abdominal tergite 4 with 4 elongate spots and 6–8 long reclinate setae ..................................

....................... N. (Notiphila) thaica Krivosheina, 2010 View in CoL — Face uniformly golden-grey, gena higher, head index 5:1;

abdominal tergite 4 with 2 small square spots, without long setae ........................................................................

................. N. (Notiphila) philippinensis Cresson, 1948

N. (Notiphila) sternalis Thomson, 1868














Notiphila (Notiphila) obscuripennis Krivosheina et Ozerov

Krivosheina, M. G. & Ozerov, A. L. 2019

N. (Notiphila) thaica

Krivosheina 2010
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