Obolopteryx tanchipae, Barrientos-Lozano, Ludivina, Rocha-Sánchez, Aurora Y., Zaldívar-Riverón, Alejandro & Correa-Sandoval, Alfonso, 2016

Barrientos-Lozano, Ludivina, Rocha-Sánchez, Aurora Y., Zaldívar-Riverón, Alejandro & Correa-Sandoval, Alfonso, 2016, Additional new species of the genus Obolopteryx Cohn et al. 2014 (Ensifera: Tettigoniidae) from Northeastern Mexico, Zootaxa 4168 (3), pp. 401-452 : 435-442

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scientific name

Obolopteryx tanchipae

sp. nov.

Obolopteryx tanchipae n. sp. Barrientos-Lozano & Rocha-Sánchez

( Figs. 100–115)

http://lsid.speciesfile.org/urn:lsid: Orthoptera .speciesfile.org:TaxonName:491301

Type material. Holotype Ƌ and allotype ♀. México, San Luis Potosí, Valles, RB Sierra del Abra Tanchipa , Taninul, 76 m, 27.VII.2002, Lat. 21°57’00.38”N, Long . 98°53’17.65”W. Barrientos-Lozano L.

Paratypes. San Luis Potosí: 2 ♀, 2 Ƌ, same data as holotype . Tamaulipas: 1 Ƌ, 2 ♀, Hwy. 101, Cd. Victoria- San Antonio , 1066 m, 27.VIII.2010, Lat. 23°37.167’N, Long . 99°16.689’W, Barrientos-Lozano L. & Rocha- Sánchez A.Y.; 2 ♀, Victoria, Ej. El Huizachal, 853 m, 31.VII.2010, Lat. 23°35.284’N, Long. 99°13.467’W, Barrientos-Lozano L. & Rocha-Sánchez A.Y.

Diagnosis. O. tanchipae n sp., may be compared with O. truncoangulata Barrientos-Lozano & Rocha- Sánchez, 2015. The following characters allow to separate between these two species: in O. tanchipae n. sp., males, the pronotum is less constricted mesially, the principal sulcus cuts deeply the lateral carinae, the pronotal disk posterior margin is deplanate or nearly so, this set of characters are not so in O. truncoangulata ( Fig. 101 View FIGURE 101 vs. 117). Tegmina surpassing slightly the first abdominal tergite posterior margin ( Fig. 101 View FIGURE 101 vs. 117), shorter in O. truncoangulata . Different shape and size of the stridulatory file ( Figs. 103 View FIGURE 103 vs. 118), in O. tanchipae n. sp., the length of the stridulatory file is 10 mm, with ca. 108 teeth and 11 teeth mm (6–19); while in O. truncoangulata its length is 9 mm, ca. 116 teeth and 13 teeth mm (7–25). Tenth abdominal tergite’s distal projection of different shape ( Figs. 104a, 104 View FIGURE 104 a b vs. 119–120). Cerci, in general, less robust than in O. truncoangulata , axis more deeply curved inwards about mid portion, thumb slightly more produced distally and shorter shaft ( Figs. 104a–104 View FIGURE 104 a b, 105–106 vs. 119–122). Subgenital plate smaller, distal emargination wider U-shape and less profound, lateral angles broader and shorter ( Fig. 106 vs. 122). Internal genitalia as shown in Figs. 107–108 vs. 123–24. In females, the pronotum is delicately more constricted mesially, tegmina distally rounded (pointed in O. truncoangulata ) ( Fig. 110 View FIGURE 110 vs. 126) and the ovipositor conspicuously more elongated (Fig. 111 vs. 127), ovipositor’s lobe, subgenital plate and basal sclerites as shown in figures 111–113 vs. 127–129.

Description of males (alive). General body color dark green, dorsally reddish-brown, ventrally light greenyellowish, body slender ( Figs. 100, 114a). Face whitish-creme, a large reddish-brown mark below the eyes. Antennae light brown reddish proximally, flagellum mostly black with whitish-creme intersegments ( Figs. 100, 114a). Eyes sub-circular and prominent ( Fig. 101 View FIGURE 101 ). Fastigium of vertex (Fig. 102a) whitish-creme, compressed, in contact with the fastigium frontalis, which is sub-conical, broad, and distally rounded (Fig. 102b). Post-ocular band white extending onto pronotum and abdomen sides. Pronotum dark brown-reddish, constricted mesially, typical sulcus on pronotal disc shallow U-shape cutting deeply the lateral carinae, posteriorly weakly raised, lateral lobes of pronotum about twice wider than deep. Tegmina short, surpassing the posterior margin of first abdominal tergite, a broad ventral margin and veins white, remaining portions reddish or dark brown ( Figs. 101 View FIGURE 101 , 114a). Stridulatory apparatus as described in diagnosis ( Fig. 103 View FIGURE 103 ). Fore and mid femora proximal area green, remaining portion orange with black marks distally, hind femora proximally green, then orange and distally black. Tibiae outer face mostly black, except for a proximal orange-reddish ring, inner face orange, tarsi black-orange. Abdomen reddish-brown dorsally, abdominal tergites’ posterior margin white (114a), tenth disto-dorsal segment as shown in Figs. 104a and 104 View FIGURE 104 a b. Cerci, subgenital plate and internal genitalia as shown in figures 104–108.

Description of females (alive). Body slender, average length 20.1 ± 2.1 mm. General body color dark green, dorsally reddish-brown, light green ventrally ( Fig. 114b). Antennal sockets and scape whitish-brown, pedicel and proximal segments of flagellum reddish-brown, remaining portion of flagellum dark brown-blackish with white joints ( Fig. 114b). Face whitish-brown, fastigium of vertex white, vertex and occiput reddish-brown. White postocular band, extending onto pronotum and abdomen sides ( Fig. 114b). Pronotum reddish-brown, moderately constricted mesially, posteriorly emarginated and weakly raised, principal sulcus shallow-wide U-shape, cutting deeply the lateral carinae (figs. 110, 114b). Tegmina mostly white, posteriorly rounded, not surpassing the posterior margin of the first abdominal tergite, separated from each other for about 1.3 ± 0.3 mm, more than twice broader than long ( Figs. 110 View FIGURE 110 , 114b). Ovipositor moderately elongated (length 10± 0.3 mm), upper margin evenly curved, mostly reddish-brown, ventral margin almost straight, distal portion delicately curved (Figs. 111, 114b). Ovipositor’s lobe (Figs. 111–112) sub-triangular, ventrally very broad; basal sclerites as shown in Figs. 111–113. Subgenital plate (Fig. 113) made up of two broad sub-quadrate structures, each projecting distally into a broad, acute external angle.

Measurements (mm). Males: Body length from vertex to end of abdomen: 18.4±1.4 (17.4–19.4). Pronotum length: 3.9 ± 0.3 (3.7–4.1). Tegmina length: 3.6±0.0. Cephalic femur length: 9.6±0.6 (9.2–10). Mid femur length: 10.5±0.8 (9.9–11.1). Caudal femur length: 21.6±1.3 (20.7–22.5). Females: Body length: 20.1±2.1 (16.8–22.2). Pronotum length: 5.3±0.2 (4.9–5.5). Tegmina length: 1.1±0.1 (1.0–1.2). Cephalic femur length: 9.5±1.5 (7.8–10.4). Mid femur length: 11.0±2.0 (8.9–12.7). Caudal femur length: 25.2±3.5 (21.3–28.0). Ovipositor: 10.0±0.3 (9.7– 10.4). Inter–tegmina space: 1.3±0.3 (1.1–1.8).

Distribution ( Fig. 130 View FIGURE 130 ). Species collected at three localities in northeastern Mexico. San Luis Potosí, Biosphere Reserve El Abra-Tanchipa, locality of Taninul. Tamaulipas: southwest of Cd. Victoria, by the mountain range surrounding this locality; Jaumave, Ej. San Antonio set at the Mexican highlands. Elevation range between 76 m at Taninul to 1066 m at San Antonio.

Habitat ( Fig. 115 View FIGURE 115 ). O. tanchipae n. sp., inhabits the Eastern Sierra Madre (ESM) Biogeographic Province. Climate at the distribution area varies from semiarid at the surroundings of Cd. Victoria and Jaumave, Tamaulipas to humid subtropical (dry winter, hot summer) at Taninul, San Luis Potosí. Near Cd. Victoria. O. tanchipae n. sp., lives on low forest, mainly on “Tamaulipan mezquital”, and on tropical forest at Taninul, San Luis Potosí. The species feeds on thorny scrub vegetation such as P. juliflora , A. farnesiana , E. ebano and on secondary vegetation.

Etymology. The specific name “ tanchipae ” refers to the Biosphere Reserve Sierra del Abra Tanchipa, where Taninul the type locality is set.

Notes on O. castanea . O. castanea female’s polymorphism is illustrated in Figures 32a and 32 View FIGURE 32 a b; in males, this trait is less accentuated. Measurements are provided as a reference, since three species here described, O. eurycerca n. sp., O. nigra n. sp., and O. tamaholipana n. sp., are compared with O. castanea .

Measurements (mm). Males: Body length from vertex to end of abdomen: 17.9± 2.7 (15.0–20.4). Pronotum length: 3.9±0.7 (3.1–4.8). Tegmina length: 3.4± 0.4 (2.9–3.8). Fore femur length: 8.6 ±1.2 ((7.4–10.1). Mid femur length: 9.4 ±1.4 (7.5–11.2). Hind femur length: 20.7 ±2.7 (16.9–23.6). Females: Body length: 20.0±4.0 (15.3– 24.7). Pronotum length: 4.8±0.6 (4.0–5.3). Tegmina length: 0.9 ±0.2 (0.7–1.1). Fore femur length: 8.5 ±1.0 ((7.2– 9.8). Mid femur length: 9.6 ± 1.3 (7.9–11.0). Hind femur length: 22.3 ±3.0 (18.8–25.3). Ovipositor length: 9.3± 1.3 (8.0–10.8). Inter–tegmina space: 1.5 ± 0.2 (1.2–1.8).















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