Thismia subg. Thismia sect. Thismia subsect. Odoardoa Schlechter (1921: 34)

Kumar, Pankaj, Gale, Stephan W., Li, Ji-Hong, Bouamanivong, Somsanith & Fischer, Gunter A., 2017, Thismia nigricoronata, a new species of Burmanniaceae (Thismieae, Dioscoreales) from Vang Vieng, Vientiane Province, Laos, and a key to subgeneric classification, Phytotaxa 319 (3), pp. 225-240 : 232-233

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.319.3.2

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scientific name

Thismia subg. Thismia sect. Thismia subsect. Odoardoa Schlechter (1921: 34)


Thismia subg. Thismia sect. Thismia subsect. Odoardoa Schlechter (1921: 34) .

Type:— Thismia aseroe Beccari (1878: 252) , designated here.

Species included:

T. alba Holttum ex Jonker, Fl. Males. 4: 23 (1948).

T. annamensis K.Larsen & Aver., Rheedea View in CoL 17: 13 (2007).

T. aseroe Becc. View in CoL , Malesia 1: 252 (1878).

T. bifida M.Hotta, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. View in CoL 22: 161 (1967).

T. chrysops Ridl., Ann. Bot. (Oxford) View in CoL 9: 323 (1895).

T. hexagona Dancák, Hroneš, Kobrlová & Sochor, Phytotaxa View in CoL 125: 34 (2013).

T. hexagona var. grandiflora Tsukaya, Suleiman & H.Okada, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. View in CoL 65: 142 (2014).

T. filiformis Chantanaorr., Kew Bull. View in CoL 67: 69 (2012).

T. fumida Ridl., J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. View in CoL 22: 338 (1890).

T. grandiflora Ridl., Ann. Bot. (Oxford) View in CoL 9: 324 (1895).

T. lauriana Jarvie View in CoL , Blumea View in CoL 41: 259 (1996).

T. mullerensis Tsukaya & H.Okada, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. View in CoL 56: 129 (2005).

T. ophiuris Becc. View in CoL , Malesia 1: 252 (1878).

T. racemosa Ridl View in CoL .. J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. 68: 13 (1915).

Notes:— Thismia aseroe Becc. View in CoL is selected as the type in accordance with Article 10.2 of the Melbourne Code ( McNeill et al., 2012).

Thismia subg. Thismia sect. Sarcosiphon (Blume) Jonker (1938: 251) . [basionym: Sarcosiphon Blume (1849: 65) View in CoL ]. Type:— Thismia clandestina (Blume) Miquel View in CoL 616 (1859: 616). [basionym: Sarcosiphon clandestinum Blume (1849: 65) View in CoL ].

Species included:

T. angustimitra Chantanaorr. View in CoL , Blumea View in CoL 53: 524 (2008).

T. brunneomitra Hrones, Kobrlová & Dancák, Phytotaxa View in CoL 234: 173 (2015).

T. clandestina (Blume) Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. View in CoL 3: 616 (1859).

T. crocea (Becc.) J.J.Sm. View in CoL , Nova Guinea 8 (1): 193 (1909).

T. episcopalis (Becc.) F.Muell., Pap. & Proc. Roy. Soc. View in CoL Tasmania 1890: 235 (1891).

T. goodii Kiew, Gard. Bull. View in CoL Singapore 51: 179 (1999).

T. mirabilis K.Larsen, Dansk Bot. Ark. View in CoL 23: 171 (1965).

T. mucronata Nuraliev, Phytotaxa View in CoL 167: 246 (2014).

T. nigricans Chantanaorr. & Sridith, Phytotaxa View in CoL 217: 294 (2015).

T. okhaensis Luu, Tich, G.Tran & Dinh, Phytotaxa View in CoL 164: 190 (2014).

T. puberula Nuraliev, Phytotaxa View in CoL 234: 135 (2015).

T. yorkensis Cribb View in CoL , Queensland Naturalist 33: 51 (1995).

Thismia subg. Thismia sect. Glaziocharis (Taub. ex Warm.) Hatusima (1976: 4) . [basionym: Glaziocharis Warming (1901: 175) View in CoL ].

Type:— Thismia abei (Akasawa) Hatusima (1976: 7) . [basionym: Glaziocharis abei Akasawa (1950: 193) ], designated here.

Species included:

T. abei (Akasawa) Hatus., J. Geobot. View in CoL 24: 7 (1976).

T. clavarioides K.R.Thiele View in CoL , Telopea View in CoL 9: 766 (2002).

T. gongshanensis Hong Qing Li & Y.K.Bi, Phytotaxa 105: 25 (2013).

T. nigricoronata Kumar & S.W.Gale View in CoL sp. nov.

T. taiwanensis Sheng Z.Yang, R.M.K.Saunders & C.J.Hsu, Syst. Bot. View in CoL 27: 485 (2002).

T. tuberculata Hatus., J. Geobot. 24: 4 (1976).

Notes:— Warming(1901) described a single species, Glaziocharis macahensis Taub.ex Warm. View in CoL ,in his genus Glaziocharis View in CoL , but this was an illegitimate name [(Article 11.1, Melbourne Code ( McNeill et al., 2012)] due to the prior existence of T. macahensis (Miers) Mueller (1891: 232) View in CoL and is now considered a synonym of Thismia caudata Maas & Maas (1986: 162) View in CoL . The latter species possesses connate anther thecae, a character of subgenus Ophiomeris , and has hence been transferred to subgenus Ophiomeris as the type of section Pyramidalis ( Maas & Maas 1986) . When describing section Glaziocharis, Hatusima (1976) included three species, namely, T. abei (Akasawa) Hatus. View in CoL , T. tuberculata Hatus. and T. macahensis (Taub. ex Warm.) Hatus. View in CoL , of which two remain in the section and might therefore be considered as candidate types. In accordance with Article 10.2 of the Melbourne Code ( McNeill et al., 2012), we designate Thismia abei (Akasawa) Hatus. View in CoL as the type for this section because it clearly exhibits features characteristic of section Glaziocharis and due to the presence of a detailed description and illustration in the protologue.

Thismia subg. Thismia sect. Rodwaya ( Schlechter 1921: 38) Maas & Maas (1986: 166) . [basionym: Thismia sect. Rodwaya Schlechter (1921: 38) Rodwaya Mueller (1890: 116), nom. inval.].

Type:— Thismia rodwayi Mueller (1890: 115) .

Species included:

T. hillii (Cheesem.) N.Pfeiff., Bot. Gaz. View in CoL 57: 122 (1914).

T. americana N.Pfeiff., Bot. Gaz. View in CoL 57: 123 (1914).

T. huangii P.Y.Jiang & T.H.Hsieh View in CoL , Taiwania View in CoL 56: 139 (2011).

T. rodwayi F.Muell View in CoL .. Vict. Naturalist 7: 115 (1890).














Thismia subg. Thismia sect. Thismia subsect. Odoardoa Schlechter (1921: 34)

Kumar, Pankaj, Gale, Stephan W., Li, Ji-Hong, Bouamanivong, Somsanith & Fischer, Gunter A. 2017

T. gongshanensis

Hong Qing Li & Y. K. Bi 2013: 25

T. yorkensis

Cribb 1995: 51

Thismia subg. Thismia sect. Rodwaya ( Schlechter 1921: 38 )

Maas, P. J. M. & Maas-Van De Kamer, H. & Van Benthem, J. & Snelders, H. C. M. & Bsamen, T. R. 1986: 38
Schlechter, F. R. R. 1921: )
Mueller, F. J. H. V. 1890: 116

Thismia subg. Thismia sect. Glaziocharis (Taub. ex Warm.)

Hatusima, S. 1976: )
Warming, E. 1901: )

Thismia subg. Thismia sect. Sarcosiphon (Blume)

Jonker, F. P. 1938: )
Blume, C. L. 1849: )
Blume, C. L. 1849: )

Thismia subg. Thismia sect. Thismia subsect. Odoardoa

Schlechter, F. R. R. 1921: )

T. racemosa

Ridl 1915: 13

T. crocea (Becc.) J.J.Sm.

Becc. 1909: 193

T. rodwayi F.Muell

F. Muell 1890: 115

T. aseroe Becc.

Becc. 1878: 252

T. ophiuris

Becc. 1878: 252
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