Oedemera (Oedemera) jani, Poloni, 2023

Poloni, Riccardo, 2023, Two new species of the genus Oedemera from China (Coleoptera: Oedemeridae), Fragmenta entomologica (Basel, Switzerland) 55 (1), pp. 57-60 : 59-60

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.13133/2284-4880/1463



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scientific name

Oedemera (Oedemera) jani

sp. nov.

Oedemera (Oedemera) jani n. sp.

Figs 5-9, 14-15

Material examined

Type Material. Holotypus, ♂: China: SICHUAN prov. // Wolong National Nature // Reserve, Namasi vill., // 2150 m, 23.VI.2014, // 31°01’28’’N 103°09’40’’E, /// shrubs in close stream valley // along stream bank, above // small water dam, side valley, // J. Hájek & J. Růžička leg. Paratypi: same locality, 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (all types at NMPC).

Description of the male, holotype

Coloration. (Fig. 5) Elytra, pronotum and head olivaceous green, metallic. Legs sienna, proximal side of fore tibiae terra-cotta. Tarsi and second antennomere terra-cotta. The whole surface covered with a sparse, short, recumbent white pubescence.

External morphology. Body length: 6,6 mm. Head rostrate, eyes slightly protruding. Space between the scapes half of the interocular space. Apical and central part of head with shallow and dense punctures, space between punctures micro-shagreened. Posterior part of head wrinkled. Only the apical part of the head with long, erect, yellow setae. First maxillary palpomere 1.5× longer than the second, last antennomere twice as long as the second, slightly securiform. Antennae 11-segmented, the scape 3× longer than the second antennomere, the third 1.5× longer than the scape, the following progressively shortening. Last antennomere slightly emarginated at apex. Pronotum moderately cordiform and distinctly elongated anteriorly. Surface glabrous, wrinkled, except in the central part, characterized by an irregular punctuation and smoother ventrally. Disc with two antero-basal depressions. Sides slightly emarginated, smooth. Elytra with surface rugose and shagreened. Intermediate venation and elytral suture raised, first venation extended on 1/3 of elytral length. Claws simple. Thorax, in his ventral side smooth, with shallow and sparse punctures. Abdomen with sparse, shallow punctures. Pygidium rounded. Last ventrite simple, not emarginated at apex.

Male genitalia: as in Figs 7-8, 14-15.

Variation of paratypes

Sexual dimorphism: The female differs from male by having hind femora not thickened and the pronotum not distinctly elongated anteriorly (Fig. 6).

Length: 10,3 (holotype male); 9,4 (paratype male); 8,3 (paratype female).

Comparative diagnosis

This species belongs to the O. virescens species group as defined by Švihla (1999). It can be easily distinguished from the other members of this group by the shape of pronotum, cordiform and distinctly elongated anteriorly (especially in male, Fig. 9) and by the shape of male genitalia from the similar O. (Oedemera) virescens (Linnaeus, 1767) . In the latter species the aedeagus has a wider base and more tapered apex, and larger and more tapered parameres. The ssp. chalybea Faldermann, 1837 is characterised by the shape of aedeagus, straight and not tapered (Fig. 17) and by longer and larger parameres (Fig. 16) ( Švihla 1999), and is thus particularly similar to O. jani n. sp. The new species can be anyway distinguished by the shape of pronotum, by the aedeagus, thicker in the apical portion (Figs 8, 15), and by the more rounded and shorter parameres (Figs 7, 14).

Etymology. The species is named after one of the two collectors, Jan Růžička.













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