Onnia pakistaica Hu. Bashir, Jabeen, Naseer & Khalid

Bashir, Humaira, Jabeen, Sana, Naseer, Arooj & Khalid, Abdul Nasir, 2024, Onnia pakistanica sp. nov., (Hymenochaetaceae, Basidiomycota) from Pakistan, Phytotaxa 658 (3), pp. 251-260 : 255-257

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.658.3.3



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Onnia pakistaica Hu. Bashir, Jabeen, Naseer & Khalid

sp. nov.

Onnia pakistaica Hu. Bashir, Jabeen, Naseer & Khalid , sp. nov. ( Figure 3 View FIGURE 3 & 4 View FIGURE 4 )

MycoBank:—MB 844715

Etymology:—The specific epithet “ pakistanica ” refers to the country of the type.

Diagnosis:—Differs from O. tibetica by its rusty orange to clay-buff and fawn pileus, larger (5.0–10.1 × 2.5–9.0 μm) basidiospores, fusoidal and broader (11.1–16 × 6.5–8.6 μm) cystidioles and setae more or less rounded from the tips and broader from the base.

Holotype:— PAKISTAN, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Malakand Division, Swat District, Malam Jabba , 2,804 m a.s.l., on Pinus wallichiana fallen stem, 5 September 2016, Abdul Nasir Khalid , MJ57 ( LAH37526 About LAH ; GenBank MW485250 for ITS; OP161817 for LSU).

Description:—Basidiocarps annual, pileate, semicircular to fan-shaped, laterally substipitate, solitary, odorless, taste not recorded, fragile upon drying, 3.58 cm long, 2.37 cm wide, 8 mm thick at center. Pileal surface rusty (10Y8/8) to orange (10YR8/4) to clay-buff (10YR6/6) to fawn (5Y7/4), azonate; margin sharp. Pore surface dusky brownish (10Y3/4) to grey (5Y5/1), to fuscous (7.5YR4/1) to dark brown (7.5YR3/4), shinning; pores angular in shape, about (3–4) per mm. Context: duplex, upper layer fuscous (7.5YR6/1), spongy, almost 4 mm thick, lower layer fawn brown (10YR5/8) to black (5Y2/1), hard corky, almost 2 mm thick, no distinct zone between two layers.

Hyphal system: generative hyphae monomitic; simple septate, tissues darkening and remain unchanged in 5% KOH. Contextual Hyphae; fuscous (7.5YR6/1) to brown (7.5YR4/4), thick walled, unbranched, aseptate, (5–) 6.1–7.1 (–7.8) μm diam. Tramal hyphae; hyaline to reddish (5YR4/6) in Congo red solution, thin- to slightly thick-walled, frequently branched, septate, (2.3–) 3–4 (–4.5) μm diam. Setae hooked in shape, more or less rounded from the tips, dark reddish brown (5YR3/6), deep-rooting, thick walled, (54.1–) 60.9–98.5 (–115.4) × (15.8–) 17.1–26.4 (–35.8) μm. Cystidia absent; cystidioles, mostly fusoidal with pointed ends, thin walled, colorless, (11.1–) 13.5–14 (–16) × (6.5–) 7.2–8 (–8.6) μm. Basidia clavate, four sterigmatic, (12.3–) 14.5–16.5 (–21.5) × (3.8–) 4.3–7.2 (–9.0) μm. Basidioles dominant, more or less similar to basidia, (11.3–) 15.5–17.3 (–19.5) × (4.8–) 5–6.8 (–7.0) μm. Basidiospores ellipsoid, smooth, thin walled, guttulate, hyaline, IKI–, CB–, [60/3/3], (5.0–) 6.3–9.5 (–10.1) × (2.5–) 3.3–8.0 (–9.0) µm, Q = 1.02–2.50, Qav 1.51 µm.

Habitat and distribution:—Among mixed conifers forests of Abies pindrow , Picea smithiana , and Pinus wallichiana with some deciduous tree species, including Quercus dilatata , Q. incana , and some Taxus baccata trees.

Material examined:— PAKISTAN, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Malakand Division, Swat District, Malam Jabba, 2,804 m.a.s.l., on Pinus wallichiana fallen stem, 14 August 2018, Humaira Bashir, NWL 555 (LAH37527!; GenBank MT050549 for ITS). Miandam, 2500 m a.s.l, on P. wallichiana fallen stem, 30 August 2020, Arooj Naseer & Abdul Nasir Khalid, 1545 (AS-MD65) (LAH 35322!; GenBank OP160031 for ITS).


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