Oospira shanensis Grego & Szekeres, 2021

Man, Nem Sian, Lwin, Ngwe, Sutcharit, Chirasak & Panha, Somsak, 2023, Further notes on the taxonomy of the land snail family Clausiliidae Gray, 1855 (Stylommatophora, Helicina) from Myanmar with description of two new species, ZooKeys 1160, pp. 1-59 : 1

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Oospira shanensis Grego & Szekeres, 2021


11 Oospira shanensis Grego & Szekeres, 2021 View in CoL

Figs 3F View Figure 3 , 12E, F View Figure 12 , 14E-H View Figure 14 , 15E View Figure 15 , 19J View Figure 19

Oospira shanensis Grego & Szekeres in Szekeres et al. 2021a: 177, 178, fig. 8e, f. Type locality: “Shan” [Shan State, Myanmar].

Material examined.

Limestone outcrop at Nanthe Cave, Kalaw City, Shan State, Myanmar 20°35'16.6"N, 96°37'57.2"E: CUMZ 13060 (5 shells, Fig. 12E, F View Figure 12 ), CUMZ 13061 (4 specimens in ethanol) GoogleMaps .


Shell fusiform, opaque, and dark yellowish color; 5-6 apical whorls rapidly attenuated. Shell surface glossy and almost smooth; suture impressed and distinct. Whorls 12½ -13, last four whorls regularly growing and then rapidly attenuated to apex. Aperture obliquely or elliptical, basis oblique and broadest and narrowing towards parietal sinus; peristome attached, thickened, and expanded. Superior lamella developed, continuous with spiralis and indistinct at transition to spiralis. Inferior lamella steeply ascending, anterior end weakly visible in apertural view, very distant from superior lamella and ending at peristome. Subcolumellaris emerged and visible in oblique view. Principalis running along ventral-lateral side and anterior end visible through oblique apertural view. Palatal plicae ventral-lateral, five: equally spaced, fourth plica curved most, two middle plicae equally shorter than first and fourth; fifth plica can only be seen when shell is opened. Clausilium plate lateral side, broad, rounded and with hook.

Genitalia (n = 2). Atrium (at) small and short; penis (p) almost cylindrical and gradually narrower at transition to epiphallus. Epiphallus (ep) cylindrical and ca. same length and diameter as penis. Penial retractor muscle (pr) attaches proximally to epiphallus. Vas deferens (vd) very thin and shortly bounded at penis (Fig. 14E View Figure 14 ). Internal sculpture of penis with 3 to 4 large corrugated longitudinal folds (Fig. 14G View Figure 14 ). Internal sculpture of epiphallus with finely reticulated pattern arranged on two or three large longitudinal folds (Fig. 14H View Figure 14 ).

Vagina (v) very thin and ~ 1/3 of free oviduct (fo) length. Distal part of pedunculus (dpb) long and enlarged, cylindrical; diverticulum (db) long, enlarged at basal and gradually reduced and becoming slender at terminal, and nearly same length as dpb; proximal part of pedunculus (ppb) short, ~ 3/4 diverticulum length, and bursa copulatrix (bb) small, ovoid (Fig. 14E View Figure 14 ).

Radula. Central and lateral teeth contain ≥ 23 teeth with half-row formula: central-(lateral)-marginal teeth (1-(10-11)+). Central tooth tricuspid: mesocone large and triangular; ectocone small and located near the base. Lateral teeth bicuspid: endocone large and bluntly pointed tip; ectocone small and pointed tip. Marginal teeth asymmetrically tricuspid starting at approximately tooth number 10 or 11 (Fig. 15E View Figure 15 ). Most marginal teeth part lost during the cleaning process.


This species is presently only known from Shan State, Myanmar.


Among all the Myanmar’s Oospira species studied herein, this is the only species with a clausilium hook (Fig. 12F View Figure 12 ), and the clausilium plate is broader than in all other congeners. The presence of the hook in other phaedusinid taxa has been documented and is assumed to provide an advantage in trapping air bubbles to avoid drowning (see Páll-Gergely and Szekeres 2017).

Oospira sardicola can be distinguished from O. shanensis by having paler glossy yellowish color, wider and less oblique aperture, and less ventricose shell ( Szekeres et al. 2021b). This species can clearly be recognized from O. gouldiana and O. magna by its more ventricose shell, inferior lamella straight ascending and reduced to the peristome and clausilium more rounded, broader, and in lateral position. Moreover, O. shanensis has a relatively short male organ, epiphallus larger than the penis, diverticulum narrower to the proximal end, and the internal sculpture is distinctly different from O. gouldiana and O. magna .

Oospira mongmitensis , O. sardicola , and O. shanensis were recorded from Shan State. All of them are similar in possessing distinct palatal plicae which can be seen through the shell, but different in their pale to dark color, more or less bulging shell and aperture oblique to nearly vertical ( Szekeres et al. 2021a, b). Furthermore, O. sardicola and O. mongmitenis have distinct sutural papillae. These three species; O. mongmitensis , O. sardicola , and O. shanensis from Shan State are notably different from their congeners from southern Myanmar showing anterior end of inferior lamella reduced at peristome.

Our specimens show variation in the development of palatal plicae, especially as the fourth or fifth plicae are horizontal to oblique.


















Oospira shanensis Grego & Szekeres, 2021

Man, Nem Sian, Lwin, Ngwe, Sutcharit, Chirasak & Panha, Somsak 2023

Oospira shanensis

Grego & Szekeres 2021