Ozothamnus ledifolius (A. Cunn. ex de Candolle, 1838) Hooker, 1856

De Salas, Miguel F. & Schmidt-Lebuhn, Alexander N., 2018, Integrative approach resolves the taxonomy of the Ozothamnus ledifolius (Asteraceae: Gnaphaliae) species complex in Tasmania, Australia, Phytotaxa 358 (2), pp. 117-138 : 129-130

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.358.2.2

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scientific name

Ozothamnus ledifolius


Ozothamnus ledifolius View in CoL (A.Cunn. ex) Hooker (1856: 204)

Basionym:— Cassinia ledifolia A.Cunn. ex de Candolle (1838: 155) View in CoL . Type:— AUSTRALIA. Tasmania: “more elevated parts of mount Wellington near Hobart town, Van Diemen’s Land”, Jan 1819, A. Cunningham 103, (holotype G-DC G00461559 [photo!]).

Helichrysum ledifolium (A.Cunn. ex DC.) Bentham (1867: 630) View in CoL .

Helichrysum rosmarinifolium var. ledifolium (A.Cunn. ex DC.) Tovey & Morris (1922: 211) View in CoL .

Compact shrub to 1 m tall, with a corymbose branching habit. Younger stems and leaves covered in bright yellow exudate, sweetly aromatic, especially in warm weather; older stems with persistent leaf bases. Leaves crowded, petiolate, spreading, with older ones reflexed and often encrusted in black fungi; lamina linear to narrowly oblong, widest near the middle, (4.5–)5.5–11.0(–14.2) mm long, (1.0–)1.3–2.2(–2.9) mm wide; adaxial surface thinly to moderately lanate-tomentose, dark green with midrib slightly sunken; abaxial surface obscured by cottony indumentum, stained yellow by exudate in younger leaves with midrib raised, not glabrescent; base tapering slightly; margin entire, slightly recurved but abaxial lamina still visible; apex obtuse and rounded. Inflorescence a corymbose panicle, terminal, with yellowstained tomentose branches; bracts scarious, ovate, stained dark yellow with margins fimbriate and apex apiculate. Involucre turbinate to campanulate, 5–7 mm long, (2.1–)2.5–3.1(–3.3) mm diameter, often suffused dark pink; outer involucral bracts with scarious margins, lightly tomentose, viscid with yellow exudate; inner involucral bracts 4.5–5 mm long, spathulate, with a long claw or petiole, and a spreading white lamina. Florets (8–)9–12(–14). Achenes papillose-pubescent; pappus barbellate, with ends somewhat clavate. Flowers Jan.–Feb.

Distribution and habitat:—Wellington Range, Mt. Field and the Snowy Range, found primarily at elevations above approximately 1000 m above sea level and exclusively on Jurassic dolerite-derived soils. North of Mt. Field, and particularly around the eastern and western margins of the Central Plateau, this taxon can intergrade with O. ericifolius . See discussion under O. purpurascens .

Remarks:—Recognised by its larger leaf size, more compact habit, and leaves with bright yellow exudate and abundant, appressed tomentose indumentum. It commonly has 9–12 florets per capitulum.

Selected specimens:— AUSTRALIA. Tasmania: Mount Wellington , 19 Jan 1902, R. Helms s.n. ( NSW) ; Collins Bonnet , 14 Feb 1911, L. Rodway s.n. ( HO) ; Mt. Wellington , 15 Jan 1915, J. B. Cleland s.n. ( AD) ; Mount Wellington , 07 Feb 1922, R. A. Black s.n. ( MEL) ; Mt. Wellington , 22 Jan 1928, J. B. Cleland s.n. ( AD) ; Mt. Wellington side, 23 Jan 1928, E. H. Ising s.n. ( AD) ; Mount Wellington , above springs, 12 Apr 1931, [unknown] 4791 ( NSW) ; Mt Wellington , 17 Jan 1932, F. H. Long 1106 ( HO) ; Mount Wellington , 17 Jan 1932, O. Rodway s.n. ( HO) ; Pinnacle, Mount Wellington , 30 Jan 1937, G. L. R. Davis & H. C. F. Davis s.n. ( NSW) ; Mount Wellington , 31 Jan 1937, A. M. Olsen s.n. ( HO) ; Mt Wellington , 27 Feb 1942, H.D. Gordon s.n. ( HO) ; Fern Tree track below Springs, Mount Wellington , 31 Mar 1945, Gordon s.n. ( HO) ; Fern Tree , 07 Nov 1945, Burnett s.n. ( HO) ; Mount Wellington, near turn off to Collins Bonnet Track , 08 Feb 1947, J. Somerville s.n. ( HO) ; Mt Wellington , 19 Jan 1949, N. T. Burbidge 3187 ( CANB) ; Middle slopes of Mount Wellington , 19 Jan 1949, N. T. Burbidge s.n. ( HO) ; Mt. Wellington , 02 Mar 1951, E. Gauba TAS 412 ( CBG) ; Mount Wellington , 25 Jan 1952, W. M. Curtis s.n. ( HO) ; Mount Wellington , 25 Jan 1952, W. M. Curtis s.n. ( HO) ; Foot of Mount Wellington , 10 Dec 1952, R. Melville 2273 ( MEL) ; Mount Wellington , 06 Dec 1959, W. M. Curtis s.n. ( HO) ; Mount Wellington, near Hobart , 06 Dec 1959, W. M. Curtis s.n. ( MEL) ; Mount Wellington , 28 Dec 1959, W. A. Tobias s.n. ( HO) ; Mt. Wellington , on slopes, 09 Nov 1960, M. E. Phillips 431 ( CBG) ; M.E. Phillips s.n. (CBG); Mt. Wellington , at summit, 16 Jan 1962, M. E. Phillips s.n. ( CBG) ; Mount Wellington , 24 Jan 1962, D. V. Curtis s.n. ( MEL) ; Mt. Wellington, Hobart , 03 Jan 1963, P. J. Darbyshire 1070 ( CANB) ; Mt. Wellington , at junction of road & dolerite sill, 28 Nov 1965, M. E. Phillips s.n. ( CBG) ; Mt Wellington plateau, 27 Jan 1968, J. H. Hemsley 6518 ( HO) ; Mt. Field National Park ( Lake Belcher track), 02 Feb 1969, E. M. Canning 2254 ( CBG) ; Mt Field East , 10 Jan 1978, J. M. B. Smith 378 ( HO) ; K Col, Mt Field National Park , 19 Jan 1979, A. M. Buchanan 12 ( HO) ; Mt Wellington , 14 Jun 1980, I. Boyer s.n. ( HO) ; Mount Wellington , 14 Jun 1980, I. Boyer s.n. ( HO) ; The Lectern, Mount Wellington , 13 Jan 1981, A. Brown 95 ( HO) ; Collins Cap Track near Big Bend. Mount Wellington , 13 Jan 1981, A. Brown 116 ( MEL) ; Mt Wellington , 31 Dec 1982, C. Totterdell s.n. ( CANB) ; Mt Wellington road, 1 km uphill from The Springs, 26 Nov 1988, R. Burns 69 ( CBG) ; Mt Wellington , 02 Dec 1988, R. W. Purdie 3553 ( CBG) ; Mt. Wellington, 9 km NNW along Pinnacle Road from junction with Huon Highway, 12 Jan 1989, F. E. Davies & P. Ollerenshaw 759 ( AD) ; Mount Field National Park. Rocky slope between Clemes Tarn and Naturalist Peak, 15 Feb 1989, P. S. Short 3433 ( MEL) ; 2km ENE of Nevada Peak , 24 Feb 1990, P. A. Collier 4582 ( HO) ; Mt Wellington, near Big Bend , start of Collin Gap track, 28 Dec 1995, C. F. Puttock 101 ( CANB) ; Mt Wellington, near Big Bend , 0.4 km along Collin Gap track, 28 Dec 1995, C. F. Puttock 103 ( CANB) ; C. F. Puttock 104 ( CANB) ; Between The Springs and Chalet, Mt Wellington , 28 Dec 1995, C. F. Puttock 105 ( CANB) ; Dead Island, Mt Wellington , 07 May 1996, A. M. Buchanan 14151 ( HO) ; Old cable tower near Maydena , 20 Dec 1999, B. French BF 388 ( HO) ; Summit of Mt Wellington , 5km W of Hobart. In and around summit viewing area, 20 Jan 2000, R. J. Bayer 11 ( HO) ; Dead Island, Mt Wellington , 06 Feb 2000, A. C. Rozefelds 1622 ( HO) ; Rocking Stone Track, Mt Wellington (Wellington Park), 19 Apr 2007, M. Visoiu 330 ( HO) ; Mount Wellington , 05 Mar 2012, A. N. Schmidt-Lebuhn 1369 ( CANB) ; Mt Wellington , 09 Jan 2014, M. F. de Salas 466 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 467 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 468 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 469 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 470 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 471 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 472 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 473 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 474 ( HO) ; M. F. de Salas 475 ( HO) ; Mount Wellington , 1 Jan 1893, R. C. Gunn s.n. ( HO) ; Mount Wellington , 7 Jan 1841, [unknown] s.n. ( NSW) ; Near Fern Tree Inn, Huon Road , 31 Dec 1877, A. Simson 839 ( HO) ; Top [of] Mount Wellington , 2 Jan 1888, W. A. Weymouth 20 ( MEL) ; Mount Wellington , 31 Dec 1890, E. Oakden 213 ( MEL) ; Waterworks, Hobart , s.d., [unknown] 4781 ( NSW) ; Mount Wellington , s.d., R. A. Black s.n. ( MEL) ; Mount Wellington , s.d., E. Cheel s.n. ( NSW) ; Mount Wellington , s.d., A. Cunningham s.n. ( MEL) ; Mt Field East , Jan 1944, W. M. Curtis s.n. ( HO) ; Mount Wellington , Oct 1934, W. M. Curtis s.n. ( HO) ; Mt Wellington , above springs, s.d., W. M. Curtis s.n. ( HO) ; Mt. Wellington , above “The Springs”, s.d., W. M. Curtis? s.n. ( CBG) ; Seagers Lookout, Mount Field , s.d., A. J. Ewart s.n. ( MEL) ; Mount Wellington , s.d., W. V. Fitzgerald s.n. ( NSW) ; Mt Wellington , near summit, s.d., A. M. Gray s.n. ( CANB) ; Mount Wellington , s.d., T. A. Gulliver & B. Gulliver 30 ( MEL) ; Mount Wellington , s.d., V. Jacobs 73 ( MEL) ; V. Jacobs 75 (MEL); Wombat Moor, Mt Field National Park , s.d., G. Kantvilas s.n. ( HO) ; Mount Wellington , s.d., A. H. S. Lucas s.n. ( NSW) ; Mount Field East , s.d., J. H. Maiden s.n. ( NSW) ; Mount Wellington , s.d., J. H. Maiden s.n. ( NSW) ; Mount Wellington , s.d., J. H. Maiden & R. H. Cambage s.n. ( NSW) ; Mt. Wellington , s.d., C. F. Puttock 9 ( CANB) ; Springs, Mt Wellington , s.d., L. Rodway 403 ( HO) ; Mount Wellington , s.d., L. Rodway s.n. ( HO) ; Mount Wellington , s.d., H. M. R. Rupp s.n. ( MEL) ; Top of Mount Wellington , s.d., A. Simson s.n. ( MEL) ; Mount Wellington , s.d., C. Stuart s.n. ( MEL) ; Mount Wellington , s.d., Sullivan & Coates s.n. ( MEL) ; Mount Wellington , Jan 1981, G. C. Wade s.n. ( HO) ; Mt Wellington , s.d., J. B. Williams s.n. ( NE) ; Huon Road , May 1894, L. Rodway s.n. ( HO) ; Huon Road , 1879, L. Rodway s.n. ( HO) .


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal Botanic Gardens, National Herbarium of New South Wales


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery


University of the Witwatersrand


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


State Herbarium of South Australia


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Museo Entomologico de Leon


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


University of Helsinki


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


University of Copenhagen


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Nanjing University


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Australian National Botanic Gardens


Australian National Botanic Gardens, specimens pre-1993


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Royal Botanic Gardens


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


University of New England














Ozothamnus ledifolius

De Salas, Miguel F. & Schmidt-Lebuhn, Alexander N. 2018

Helichrysum rosmarinifolium var. ledifolium (A.Cunn. ex DC.)

Tovey, J. R. & Morris, P. F. 1922: )

Helichrysum ledifolium (A.Cunn. ex DC.)

Bentham, G. 1867: )

Ozothamnus ledifolius

Hooker, J. D. 1856: 204
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF