Pachycerina vaga Adams, 1905

Davies, Gregory B. P. & Miller, Raymond M., 2009, Revision of Afrotropical Pachycerina Macquart (Diptera: Lauxaniidae), African Invertebrates 50 (2), pp. 295-295 : 318-319

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scientific name

Pachycerina vaga Adams, 1905


Pachycerina vaga Adams, 1905 View in CoL

Figs 8 View Figs 5–8 , 24 View Figs 23–27 , 35 View Figs 34–38 , 39 View Figs 39–48

Pachycerina vaga: Adams 1905: 172 View in CoL . Type locality: near Harare, Zimbabwe.

Adams’s (1905) description is good and agrees well with our re-examination of the type material. The type material consists of two female specimens, one mounted on a triangular card-point, the other specimen is on the cusp of a cork strip. Both are marked as ‘co-types’ and are unfortunately in rather poor condition (flagellomeres missing from both specimens, some legs missing, ocellar triangle sunken, bits of wing broken off or torn, etc.).

Because the postpedicels are missing from all antennae of both specimens we cannot evaluate Adams’s remarks comparing the postpedicel with that of P. seticornis . Adams said that those of P. vaga were not so broad basally and less pointed distally than P. seticornis .Adams (1905: 172–173) also referred to an inverted ‘T’ of brown on the postfrons: ‘a median brown line from ocelli to antennae, where it becomes transverse’. This potentially useful marking is, however, a colour artifact resulting from discoloration of the cuticle. As with other Pachycerina species, specimens are subject to postmortem discoloration.

In southern Africa, P. vaga is sympatric with P. nigrivittata . Superficially the two species appear similar, but P. vaga lacks the black edging to the ventral margins of the tergites. The male terminalia are also different, and especially the shape of the male S5 differs strongly (compare Figs 39 and 40 View Figs 39–48 ). No other Afrotropical species has a similar fifth sternum, the incurved posterior processes being especially noteworthy.

Male terminalia ( Figs 24 View Figs 23–27 , 35 View Figs 34–38 , 39 View Figs 39–48 ): Surstyli short and ending in spatulate apex. T6 with paired black spots (length of surtsyli about equal to length of epandrium). Gonopods about equal in length, left gonopod with lateral spinule. Aedeagal apodeme small and rod-shaped. S5 with short lateral arms and prominently incurved posterior processes.

Syntypes (examined): 2^: ZIMBABWE: near Harare (= Salisbury), iv.1901, F.L. Snow ( KU) .

Other material examined: ANGOLA:1ơ 1^7 miles west of Gabela [10°48'S: 14°25'E], 16–18.iii.1972 ( BMNH) GoogleMaps . ETHIOPIA: 1^Djem-Djem Forest [64 km W ofAddisAbaba, 8°56'N: 38°09'E], 5–10.x.1925, H.Scott ( BMNH) GoogleMaps . KENYA: 1ơ Nairobi [01°13'S: 36°46'E], 2.vii.1995, R.M. Miller ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1ơ 5^Kakamega Forest [0°15'N: 34°52'E], 18.xii.1970, A.E. Stubbs ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1^same locality, 20.xii.1970, A.E. Stubbs ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1^same locality, 18–22.i.1972, C.F.Huggins ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 2^Maguga [01°11'S: 36°39'E], iv.1969, C. Dewhurst ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1^Karura [01°13'S: 36°46'E], vi.1937, G. Van Someren, caught on lantana bush ( BMNH) GoogleMaps . LIBERIA: 1ơ Mt Nimba [07°36'N:08°23'W], 15.viii.1966, E.S. Ross & K. Lorenzen ( CASC) . MALAWI:1ơ Mulanje Mt [15°58'S: 35°38'E], Likabula River Valley , 28–30.xii.1980, Brachystegia woodland, B.R. Stuckenberg & J. Londt ( NMSA) GoogleMaps . SOUTH AFRICA: Eastern Cape: 2ơ 3^East London [33°02'S: 27°50'E], 1–9.v. 1923, H.K GoogleMaps .

Munro ( NMSA) ; 1^Port St Johns [31°38'S: 29°33'E], 15–31.v. 1923, R.E.Turner ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1^same locality, 23.viii.1984, J. Manning ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1^The Haven [32°14'S: 28°54'E], 24–, R.M.Miller & P.Stabbins ( NMSA) GoogleMaps . KwaZulu-Natal : 1ơ 1^Vernon Crookes Nat. Res. [30°17'S: 30°36'E], Mthakati Valley, 1.vii.2007, G.B.P. Davies ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; Pietermaritzburg [29°36'S: 30°23'E], 21.xii.1954, B. Stuckenberg ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1^ Pietermaritzburg , Prestbury [29°37'S: 30°21'E], 2.ii.1986, A.E.Whittington ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1^Pietermaritzburg , Ashburton [29°40'S: 30°27'E], viii.1980, Malaise trap, R.M.Miller ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 3^same locality, ix.1980, ix.2004, x.2004, Malaise trap, R.M. Miller ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1ơ same locality, xi.2004, Malaise trap, R.M. Miller ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1ơ 7^same locality, 16.i–10.iv.2005, Malaise trap, R.M. Miller ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 2ơ same locality, 1–15.vii.2008, 27– 31.viii.2008, Malaise trap, R.M. Miller ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1^same locality, 16–30.xi.2008, Malaise trap, R.M. Miller ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 2^same locality, 16–22.xii.2008, Malaise trap, R.M. Miller ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1ơ same locality, v.2009, Malaise trap, R.M. Miller ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; Pietermaritzburg , University of KwaZulu-Natal Botanical Garden [29°37'30"S: 30°24'15"E], ix. 2000, Malaise trap, R.M. Miller ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1ơ same locality, xi.2000, Malaise trap, R.M. Miller ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1ơ 2^same locality, ii.2001, Malaise trap, R.M. Miller ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; Pietermaritzburg , Town Bush [29°34'S: 30°21'E], 12.xii.1961, 27.xii.1961, B. & P. Stuckenberg ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1ơ same locality, x.1976, R.M. Miller ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1^same locality, 31.viii.1980, R.M. Miller & P. Stabbins ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1ơ same locality, 10.i.1981, T. Martin ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1^ Pietermaritzburg , Ukulinga Research Farm [29°40'S: 30°24'E], 5.iii.2009, G.B.P.Davies ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1^Pietermaritzburg , Bisley Valley [29°39'S: 30°24'E], 11.xii.1978, puparium [from ground-nesting bird], R. Earlé, adult emerged 2.i.1979 ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1ơ same locality, 11.xii.1978, puparium [from ground nesting bird], R. Earlé, adult emerged 4.ii.1979 ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1^Drummond [29°45'S: 30°42'E], 5.ii.1977, puparium, R.M. Miller, adult emerged 15.ii.1977 ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; Richmond [29°52'S: 30°16'E] 19.vii.2001, citrus orchard, R.M. Miller ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1^Cumberland Nat. Res. [29°30'S: 36°30'E], picnic area, 22.xii.2007, R.M. Miller ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; Karkloof [29°18'S: 30°13'E], ii.1897, G.A.K. Marshall ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; Durban [29°51'S: 31°00'E], vii.1948, J.C. Faure ( PPRI) GoogleMaps ; 1ơ same locality, 1902, F. Muir ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; Durban , Kloof [29°47'S: 30°48'E], ix.1926, R.E. Turner ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; Durban , Pinetown, Gillitts [29°49'S: 30°47'E], 1.x.1961, B. Stuckenberg ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; Durban , Hillcrest [29°47'S: 30°47'E], 10.x.1956, L. Bevis ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; Shongweni Dam [29°51'S: 30°43'E], 13.ix.1974, B. Stuckenberg & M.E. Irwin ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1ơ 3ơ Umtentweni [30°43'S: 30°28'E], vii.1951, A.L. Capener ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1^same locality, vii.1950, A.L. Capener ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1^ same locality, vii.1955, A.L. Capener ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; Eshowe , Dhlinza Forest [28°53'40"S: 31°26'50"E], 20– 23.xi.1978, J.G.H. Londt ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 4ơ same locality, 21.i.1980, indigenous forest, R.M. Miller & P. Stabbins ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; Dukuduku forest [28°20'S: 32°15'E], 2.xii.1978, D.J. Brothers ( NMSA) GoogleMaps . TANZANIA:1ơ Marungu [06°10'S: 36°21'E], xi.1949, J. Phipps ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1^Lueke-Tol , nr Songea [10°41'S: 35°39'E], Matengo Highlands, 9–19.iv.1936, Zerny ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1^Litembo , nr Songea [10°41'S: 35°39'E], Matengo Highlands, 11–20.v.1936, Zerny ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1^Ugano , nr Songea [10°41'S: 35°39'E], Matengo Highlands, 1–10.xii.1935, Zerny ( NMSA) GoogleMaps . UGANDA:1ơ Fort Portal [0°41'N: 30°15'E], Nyakabuiro, 24.i.1935, F.W.Edwards ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; 1ơ 2^Namanve , 7.x.1934, J. Ford ( BMNH) . ZAMBIA: 1^Ndola [12°58'S: 28°38'E], 17.xii.1979, T. Grout ( NMSA) GoogleMaps . ZIMBABWE:2^ Mutare [18°58'S: 32°38'E], Nyachowa Falls, 16.i.1955, B.R. Stuckenberg ( NMSA) GoogleMaps ; 1^North Vumba [Mts], 3.ix.1964, D. Cookson ( NMSA) ; 2^North Vumba [Mts], 16.viii.1964, D. Cookson ( NMSA) ; Chirinda Forest [20°25'S: 32°42'E], Mt Selinda, 22.ix.1973, E. Pinhey & F. de Moor ( NHMZ) GoogleMaps .

Literature records: Msingi, Tanzania ( Lindner 1956: 33), Mendefera (=Adi Ugri), Eritrea (Bezzi 1907: 128).


Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas


KwaZulu-Natal Museum


ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute, National Collection of Fungi: Culture Collection














Pachycerina vaga Adams, 1905

Davies, Gregory B. P. & Miller, Raymond M. 2009

Pachycerina vaga

: Adams 1905: 172
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