Pantomorus parvulus Sharp, 1891

Lanteri, Analia A. & Rio, Maria Guadalupe Del, 2020, Revision of the Pantomorus albosignatus species group (Coleoptera: Curculionidae Entiminae) from Mexico and Central America, Zootaxa 4819 (3), pp. 557-570 : 562-563

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Pantomorus parvulus Sharp


Pantomorus parvulus Sharp View in CoL

( Figs. 2, 5 View FIGURES , 18, 22 View FIGURES , 26 View FIGURE )

Pantomorus parvulus Sharp, 1891: 153 View in CoL . Type material: lectotype female herein designated; [ Mexico, Etla, Sallé] (Oaxaca); 6.5 mm long, glued on a card, at BMNH. Paralectotypes: male, Mexico, Etla, Sallé (BMNH); male, Mexico, Cerro de Plumas , Höge (Oaxaca) (BMNH); female, Mexico, Jalapa , Höge (Veracruz) (BMNH); male, Mexico, Juquila , Sallé (Oaxaca) (USNM) ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES ).

Redescription. Female ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES ) 5.5–7.0 mm long. Vestiture pale grey, pale brown or greenish, with characteristic color pattern of whitish stripes or maculae along pronotum and elytra. Pronotum with whitish longitudinal stripes along dorsum and margins, the latter extended anteriorly on eyes and posteriorly on elytra; elytra usually with three light maculae on intervals 2–3, the third one confluent with the marginal stripe extended along intervals 8–9 and ascending on posterior third. Some specimens with pale grey or greenish background and three pairs of dark-brown maculae on 2–3 intervals, extended on sides. Scales rounded, broadly overlapped, dense, usually forming circles around setae and punctures of elytra, usually rubbed on dorsum of elytral disc. Setae fine, suberect, short and anteriorly directed on rostrum and pronotum, longer and posteriorly directed on elytra, forming two irregular lines on each interval, very long on apical declivity.

Rostrum truncate-conical (WF/WR 1.20–1.30×), as long as wide at apex; lateral carinae indistinct. Eyes slightly protruding; postocular constriction indistinct. Antennae short, moderately broad, setose; scape not reaching hind margin of eye; funicle segment 2, 1.75 –2.0 × as long as segment 1; club ca. 2.40 as long as wide. Pronotum subcylindrical, widest near middle (WP/LP 1.25–1.35×); anterior margin anteriorly curved; sides curved; disc feeble punctate; posterior margin almost straight, not beveled. Scutellum very small, denuded. Elytra oval (LE/WE 1.301.40×; LE/LP 2.20–2.50×; WE/WP 1.25–1.40×); base straight, slightly thickened; humeri absent; apical declivity feeble; punctures of striae smaller than in P. albosignatus , lacking distinct round scale. Legs. Profemora slightly wider than metafemora (PF/MF ca. 1.20×); protibiae mucronate, with line of 8-9 denticles on inner margin; meso and metatibiae lacking mucro and denticles; corbel of metatibiae moderately broad, squamose; distal comb about as long as dorsal comb.

Female genitalia. Spermatheca ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES ) subcylindrical; collum truncate-conical, perpendicular to axis of spermathecal body, shorter than in remaining members of the species group; ramus indistinct; cornu shorter than spermathecal body, apex exceeding level of gland entrance. Spermathecal gland about 2× as long as spermatheca; spermathecal duct about 4.5× as long as spermatheca.

Male ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES ) 5.5–5.9 mm long, rostrum less tapered towards apex relative to females; sides of pronotum more curved; profemora distinctly wider than metafemora (PF/MF 1.40×). Male genitalia ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES ). Penis about as long as abdomen; penis body strongly curved, slightly shorter than its apodemes, with semicircular ostium; apex tapered. Endophallus lacking sclerites.

Geographic distribution ( Fig. 26 View FIGURE ). Mexico (Oaxaca and Veracruz). This species usually occurs below 1000masl, in cloud forests and tropical deciduous forests .

Type material: Pantomorus parvulus was described based on six specimens from Mexico, Sallé collection (Juquila, Etla and Las Peras) and Höge collection (Jalapa and Cerro de Plumas ), currently deposited at BMNH and USNM. We designate as lectotype, the only specimen labeled as type at the BMNH, which is a female from Etla (Oaxaca). This female was originally pinned and later remounted on a card (there is a hole on the anterior third of the right elytron). The specimen from Las Peras (Oaxaca) mentioned by Sharp (1891) as part of the type series, is probably misplaced .

The specimens of the Sallé collection are labeled as Naupactus perarduus Chevr. in litteris. There is a female labeled as N. perarduus Chevr. , without locality information, in the Gorham collection of USNM that could be part of the type series, but we do not have enough evidence to presume this to be so (the specimen is included in other material examined).

Other material examined: MEXICO. Oaxaca: 10.9 km N Candelaria , 991m, 12-VII-1987, R Anderson , cloud forest (1♀ 1♂ CMNC) ; 7.6 km S San Gabriel Mixtepec , 762m, 10-VII-1987, R Anderson , tropical deciduous forest (3♂ CMNC) ; 24.3km N San Gabriel Mixtepec , 1174 m, 11-VII-1987, R Anderson , cloud forest (1♀ CMNC); Salina Cruz, La Ventosa , 16-VIII-2008, 25m, 1610’44.8’’N, 9509’27’’W, Arturo Casasola & MV Rosas (2♀ MZFC) ; 39.1 km SE Teotitlán del Camino , 518 m, 21-VII-1987, Acacia scrub, R Anderson (1♂ CMNC). Mexico. no loc. (1♂ BMNH); no loc., Gorham collection (1♀ as N. perarduus Chevr. nomen nudum, USNM) .

Remarks. Females of P. parvulus mainly differ from females of P. albosignatus in their smaller size, less protruding eyes, rostrum less tapered towards apex, antennae more slender, with longer funicle segments, elytra narrower relative to width of pronotum, base of elytra not thickened, apex more acute and apical declivity feeble. Males of P. parvulus mainly differ from males of P. albosignatus in the pronotum more convex and curved on the flanks.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


University of Montana Museum


Museo de Zoologia "Alfonso L. Herrera"
















Pantomorus parvulus Sharp

Lanteri, Analia A. & Rio, Maria Guadalupe Del 2020

Pantomorus parvulus

Sharp, D. 1891: 153
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