Paracholula picta ( Fabricius, 1803 )

Peredo, Luis Cervantes & Santacruz, Jezabel Baez, 2014, The genus Paracholula (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea: Rhyparochromidae: Rhyparochrominae: Myodochini), Zootaxa 3753 (3), pp. 263-272 : 264-269

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3753.3.5

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scientific name

Paracholula picta ( Fabricius, 1803 )


Paracholula picta ( Fabricius, 1803)

1803. Coreus pictus Fabricius, Syst. Rhyngot. p. 202

1882. Neocattarus vegetus Distant, Biol. Centr. Am. Het. Supp. 1: 214 1893. Neocattarus thoracicus Distant, Biol. Centr. Am. Het. Supp. 1: 403 (n. syn.)

Egg ( Figs. 1 – 2 View FIGURES 1 – 8 ) (n=10). Eggs were laid in the laboratory. Egg length 0.98 0.04, width 0.34 0.05. Elongated; with anterior pole rounded and posterior pole pointed, with about 6 – 8 short mycropylar processes. Light yellow when deposited, turning reddish as embryo develops. Eyes, antennae and some abdominal red markings appearing in four or five days. Eggs were deposited individually on container walls.

First Instar ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 8 ). Body ovoid, almost of parallel sides. Body covered by numerous erect black setae, especially on head, thorax, and lateral margins of abdomen. Head, antennal segment IV, rostrum, legs, two elongated maculae on first visible abdominal tergite, and scent gland plates of segments III – IV, IV – V, and V – VI grayish. Eyes red. Antennal segments I to III yellowish with grayish annulus, pre-apical in first segment, on segments II and III pre-basal and pre-apical annulus. Femora with basal two-thirds slightly paler. Most of thorax and abdomen yellowish. Abdomen with a red macula that is situated between scent gland plates, these extending laterally to margin of abdomen. Tip of last abdominal segment gray; abdominal venter yellowish. Rostrum passing mesocoxae.

Measurements (n=10). Body length 0.920.06; head length 0.290.03; width across eyes 0.30.01; interocular distance 0.20.02; postocular distance 0.050; antennal segments: I 0.080.0 1, II 0.10.0 1, III 0.110.0 1, IV 0.230.04; rostral segments: I 0.110.0 1, II 0.110.0 2, III 0.090.0 1, IV 0.150.02; pronotum: length 0.170.0 4, width across frontal margin 0.280.0 4, width across humeral angles 0.290.04; fore leg: femur length 0.280.0 3, tibia length 0.20.0 3, length of tarsal segments: I 0.050.0 1, II 0.080.0 1.

Second Instar ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1 – 8 ). Slightly pyriform, very similar to first instar, but abdomen wider that rest of body, reaching maximum width through abdominal segment III. Gray areas of body become darker, and red area of abdomen more apparent. Femora also darker. Other characteristics as in first instar. Trichobothria and spiracles not visible.

Measurements (n=6). Body length 1.110.12; head length 0.280.06; width across eyes 0.320.04; interocular distance 0.220.02; postocular distance 0.070.01; antennal segments: I 0.10.0 3, II 0.120.0 2, III 0.120.0 2, IV 0.230.04; rostral segments: I 0.130.0 1, II 0.150.0 1, III 0.110.0 3, IV 0.130.02; pronotum: length 0.260.0 7, width across frontal margin 0.30.0 2, width across humeral angles 0.320.03; fore leg: femur length 0.210.0 3, tibia length 0.210.0 4, length of tarsal segments: I 0.050.0 1, II 0.10.0 1.

Third Instar ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1 – 8 ). Very similar in shape to second instar; but third instar much darker and long setae of body are less apparent. Head, pro-, meso-, metanotum, and legs dark gray, pleurae also darker. Abdomen reddish with most of first three tergites, area between plates III – IV and V – VI, and lateral margins of rest of abdominal tergites grayish. Most of abdominal venter yellowish, except lateral margins of all sternites, these grayish. Y-suture becoming apparent as a yellowish line. Two trichobothria on tergites II – IV, those of tergites III and IV on line with the spiracle; spiracle of segment II lateral; three trichobothria on sternites V – VII, one located anteriorly of spiracle and two located posteriorly, trichobothria not arranged in linear sequence with spiracle and situated closer to abdominal margin. Other characteristics as in previous instar.

Measurements (n=10). Body length 1.430.1; head length 0.330.05; width across eyes 0.410.02; interocular distance 0.290.02; postocular distance 0.070.01; antennal segments: I 0.110.0 1, II 0.140.0 2, III 0.140.0 2, IV 0.290.03; rostral segments: I 0.160.0 2, II 0.160.0 2, III 0.140.0 1, IV 0.160.02; pronotum: length 0.260.0 6, width across frontal margin 0.380.0 6, width across humeral angles 0.380.06; fore leg: femur length 0.290.0 3, tibia length 0.290.0 2, length of tarsal segments: I 0.060.0 1, II 0.110.0 1.

Fourth Instar ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1 – 8 ). Elongated, with maximum width through abdominal segment III. Similar to third instar but grayish areas becoming darker, almost black. Head, antennal segment IV, rostrum, pro-, meso-, and metanotum dark brown to black. Eyes reddish brown. Pro-, meso-, and metanotum with lateral margins with small whitish intercalary areas. Scent gland plates, small mesial macula on segment VII, and last abdominal segment dark brown to black. Abdominal tergites I – III dark gray with some intercalary white areas on lateral margins. Abdominal tergite IV with gray macula which is wider on lateral margins and extending to lateral margins of remaining abdominal tergites, forming a narrow band. Rest of abdominal dorsum whitish yellow, except for a red macula between scent gland plates IV – V and V – VI. Thoracic pleurae dark brown to black; femora with base and apex whitish; coxae whitish. Abdominal venter variegated with gray, white, and red; usually first two sternites gray with white spots on each side of middle line; then third sternite white and then the rest of the abdomen grayish-red. Mesothoracic wing pads covering nearly metathorax. Trichobothria and spiracles as in third instar.

Measurements (n=4). Body length 2.320.24; head length 0.330.05; width across eyes 0.70.08; interocular distance 0.480.06; postocular distance 0.070.02; antennal segments: I 0.160.0 2, II 0.210.0 6, III 0.20.0 3, IV 0.380.06; rostral segments: I 0.230.0 6, II 0.240.0 6, III 0.200.4, IV 0.210.05; pronotum: length 0.460.0 7, width across frontal margin 0.630.0 8, width across humeral angles 0.690.11; scutellum: length 0.320.0 2, width 0.340.01; fore leg: femur length 0.430.0 9, tibia length 0.440.0 7, length of tarsal segments: I 0.10.0 2, II 0.170.0 2.

Fifth Instar ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1 – 8 ). Elongated, with maximum width through abdominal segment IV. Very similar to fourth instar, but black areas more contrasting as most other areas whitish. Dorsum and venter of head black, except dorsal base whitish; dorsal surface of head covered by white hairs.; eyes reddish-brown; rostrum black, with a few white markings particularly on apical segment; antennal segment I very small and pale gray; second and third segments yellowish with black sub-basal and sub-apical black annulus; segment IV almost all black with only its basal apex white. Pronotum black, anterior margin with very narrow white line; lateral margins expanded and with two white areas, one long more anteriorly, and one small on humeral angles; propleura black. Mesothorax with medial area of scutellum black; lateral margins expanded and alternated with white and black markings; base of mesothoracic wing pads white, disc grayish and apical margin white; mesopleurae black with red spot between mesocoxae. Metathoracic wing pads black; metapleurae black, area between coxae reddish-white. Coxae white, femora black with base and apex white; tibia black; first tarsal segment white-gray and second tarsal segment gray. Tergites of abdomen with triangular black maculae on segments I to III. Lateral margins of tergite II black; lateral margins of tergite III with anterior white and posterior black. Y-suture more apparent as a narrow white yellowish line surrounded by a thick black band; tergite IV black with lateral margins white; black area of tergite IV extending laterally onto tergites V – VIII; central area of tergites V – VIII white, except for red mesial macula on tergite V. Scent gland plates of tergites III – IV, IV – V, V – VI, and a macula on tergite VII black. Ventrally tergites II and III black with pair of white spots situated at each side of middle line; IV sternite almost white, sometimes with middle area gray; rest of sternites grayish to black. Rostrum reaching mesocoxae. Trichobothria and spiracles as in third instar.

Measurements (n=10). Body length 3.330.27; head length 0.440.13; width across eyes 0.960.09; interocular distance 0.680.11; postocular distance 0.060.03; antennal segments: I 0.20, II 0.340.0 6, III 0.280.0 2, IV 0.540.05; rostral segments: I 0.270.0 5, II 0.310.0 6, III 0.220.0 3, IV 0.220.02; pronotum: length 0.640.0 7, width across frontal margin 0.870.0 9, width across humeral angles 10.07; scutellum: length 0.560.0 7, width 0.610.13; fore leg: femur length 0.650.1, tibia length 0.60.0 8, length of tarsal segments: I 0.210.1, II 0.220.0 4.

Adult ( Figs. 8 – 23 View FIGURES 1 – 8 View FIGURES 9 – 15 View FIGURES 16 – 23 ). Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from the relatives of the genus Cholula by the white, upturned, and swollen scutellar apex.

Redescription. Head always black; thorax, and scutellum all black, or gray (except apex of scutellum which always white); in gray individuals posterior lobe of pronotum often with transverse black band with humeral angles brownish, base of posterior pronotal lobe gray, scutellum gray with a small subapical black area. Antennae can also vary in color, in darker individuals antennal segments brownish with tip of apical segment almost black; in paler individuals antennal segments are pale brown with apex of IV segment slightly darker. Rostrum brown, but first and third segments slightly darker. Clavus black with a whitish-yellow central portion. Corium whitish-yellow with two transverse black bands, the first one near center of clavus, the second one and broadest crossing corium at inner angle, and possessing whitish-yellow spot; apical margin of corium with very narrow ochraceous band followed by a broadly black band. Pro- and mesopleura of gray individuals are also gray; in dark individuals pro- and mesopleura black; in all individuals metapleurae black with posterior angle whitish-yellow. Coxae and femora black, femora becoming paler apically; tibiae and first tarsal segment pale brown; second and third tarsal segments dark brown. Head, pronotum, scutellum, and hemelytra covered by numerous setigerous punctures, the setae of head and anterior pronotal lobe ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 16 – 23 ), longer than the ones in the rest of the body ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 16 – 23 ). Rostrum slightly passing mesocoxae. Claval punctation in three regular rows ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 16 – 23 ). Fore femora armed with two rows of long spines, with spines on dorsal and ventral margins, varying from three to seven, between these long spines a series of scattered small spines ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 9 – 15 ). Osteolar peritreme with an extensive evaporative area ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 16 – 23 ). Scalloping of abdominal sternum II prolonged as a cellular division of segment, between 16 and 29 cells separated by a deep line approximately every 20 ìm ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 16 – 23 ). Abdominal venter covered by numerous long, whitish hairs. Hemelytral membrane transparent, sometimes with the base slightly opaque.

Male genitalia. Pygophore with posterior edge very sharp ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 9 – 15 ); paramere with an sickle like blade, a long stem slightly twisted and a wide base ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 9 – 15 ).

Male: Measurements (n=10). Body length 3.620.12; head length 0.440.05; width across eyes 10.04; interocular distance 0.740.11; interocellar distance 0.440.01; postocular distance 0; antennal segments: I 0.180.0 2, II 0.410.0 4, III 0.320.0 2, IV 0.540.08; rostral segments: I 0.330.0 4, II 0.340.0 3, III 0.240.0 3, IV 0.260.03; pronotum: length 10.09, width across frontal margin 0.840.0 4, width across humeral angles 1.140.1; scutellum: length 0.520.0 5, width 0.540.12; fore leg: femur length 0.720.0 9, tibia length 0.720.11, length of tarsal segments: I 0.180.0 2, II 0.60.0 2, III 0.140.0 3.

Female: Measurements (n=10). Body length 4.110.28; head length 0.540.07; width across eyes 1.10.06; interocular distance 0.720.04; interocellar distance 0.450.01; postocular distance 0; antennal segments: I 0.20.0 2, II 0.420.0 4, III 0.320.0 3, IV 0.60.03; rostral segments: I 0.40.0 4, II 0.390.0 4, III 0.260.0 6, IV 0.260.03; pronotum: length 1.110.0 8, width across frontal margin 0.960.12, width across humeral angles 1.260.16; scutellum: length 0.580.0 8, width 0.570.05; fore leg: femur length 0.890.12, tibia length 0.740.1, length of tarsal segments: I 0.220.0 4, II 0.50.0 1, III 0.220.0 4.

Distribution. Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyane, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama (Melo et al. 2004, Rengifo & Gonzalez 2011, Slater & Brailovsky 2000, Swezey 1945).



















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