Paraparchites texanus Delo, 1930

Tarnac, Anaëlle, Forel, Marie-Béatrice, Nestell, Galina, Nestell, Merlynd & Crasquin, Sylvie, 2021, Middle Permian ostracods (Crustacea) from the Guadalupe Mountains, West Texas, USA, European Journal of Taxonomy 770, pp. 1-60 : 24-26

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Felipe (2021-09-29 12:26:51, last updated 2024-11-26 00:56:05)

scientific name

Paraparchites texanus Delo, 1930


Paraparchites texanus Delo, 1930

Fig. 7C View Fig

Paraparchites humerosus var. texana Delo, 1930: 153 , pl. 12 fig. 1.

Paraparchites texanus – Sohn 1971: A8, pl. 2 figs 1–2, 7–10, 13–15, with all previous synonyms therein.

non Paraparchites texanus – Crasquin-Soleau & Orchard 1994: 59, 60, pl. 4 fig. 12. — Yi 2004: pl. 2 fig. 13.

Material examined

USA • 1 complete carapace; Guadalupe Mountains , West Texas, ‘ McKittrick Canyon’ Member , Bell Canyon Formation , MKCS1 section, sample 4 (GM5); Capitanian, Middle Permian; MNHN.F. F63403 View Materials 2 complete carapaces; same locality as for preceding; Capitanian, Middle Permian; MNHN.F. F63485 View Materials .


Menar and Tom Green Counties, Texas, USA, Kungurian (Arroyo Formation), Early Permian ( Sohn 1971 and all references therein); sample 4 (GM5), MKCS1 section, ‘McKittrick Canyon’ Member, Bell Canyon Formation, Capitanian; Guadalupe Mountains, West Texas, USA, Guadalupian, Middle Permian (this work).

Crasquin-Soleau S. & Orchard M. J. 1994. Upper Paleozoic ostracodes of the Harper Ranch beds (southcentral British Columbia, Canada). Micropaleontology 40: 242 - 254. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 1485818

Delo D. M. 1930. Some Upper Carboniferous Ostracoda from the shale basin of western Texas. Journal of Paleontology 4: 152 - 178.

Green R. 1963. Lower Mississippian ostracodes from the Banff Formation, Alberta. Research Council of Alberta, Bulletin 11: 1 - 237.

Hamilton B. 1942. Ostracodes from the Upper Permian of Texas. Journal of Paleontology 16 (6): 712 - 718.

Kellett B. 1934. Ostracodes of the Upper Pennsylvanian and the Lower Permian Strata of Kansas: II. The Genus Bairdia. Journal of Paleontology 8: 120 - 138.

Kozur H. 1991. Neue Ostracoden - Arten aus dem Oberen Mittelkarbon (Hoberes Moskovian), Mittel- und Oberperm des Bukk-gebirges (N-Ungarn). Geologisch- Palaontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck 2: 1 - 145.

Sohn I. G. 1971. New Late Mississippian Ostracode genera and species from Northern Alaska. A revision of the Paraparchitacea. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 711 A: 1 - 24. https: // doi. org / 10.3133 / pp 711 a

Yi W. J. 2004. Ostracodes from the Upper Permian and Lower Triassic at the Kongtongshan section of Datian, Fujian. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 43: 556 - 570.

Gallery Image

Fig. 7 (next page). SEM micrographs of ostracods from the Middle Permian (Roadian, Quarry section, samples GM1 and GM2; Capitanian, MKCS1 section, samples 4 (GM5) and 2 (GM6)) of the Guadalupe Mountains (West Texas, USA). All specimens are temporarily housed in the collections of the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris, France (MNHN). A. Libumella cf. athabascensis Green, 1963, left lateral view of a carapace, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63401). – B. Fellerites? sp., external view of a right valve, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63402). – C. Paraparchites texanus Delo, 1930, right lateral view of a carapace, sample 4 (GM5) (MNHN.F.F63403). – D–H. Paraparchites pecosensis Crasquin sp. nov. D. Holotype, right lateral view of a carapace, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63404). E. Right lateral view of a carapace, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63405). F. External view of a right valve, sample 2 (GM6) (MNHN.F.F63406). G. External view of a right valve, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63407). H. Paratype, left lateral view of a carapace, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63408). – I. Acratia sp., right lateral view of a carapace, sample GM2 (MNHN.F.F63409). – J. Acratia cf. sinuata (Kozur, 1991), external view of a left valve, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63410). – K. Acratia sinuata (Kozur, 1991), external view of a left valve, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63411). – L–M. Bairdia radlerae Kellett, 1934. L. External view of a left valve, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63412). M. Right lateral view of a carapace, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63413). – N. Bairdia rhomboidalis Hamilton, 1942, right lateral view of a carapace, sample 2 (GM6) (MNHN.F.F63414). – O. Bairdia subfusiformis Hamilton, 1942, external view of a left valve, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63415). – P–R. Bairdia elcapitanensis Forel sp. nov. P. Right lateral view of a carapace, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63416). Q. Right lateral view of a carapace, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63417). R. Paratype, external view of a right valve, sample GM1 (MNHN.F.F63418). Scale bars: 100 µm.















