Paridris bunun Talamas

Talamas, Elijah J., Masner, Lubomir & Johnson, Norman F., 2011, Revision of the Paridris nephtaspecies group (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea, Platygastridae), ZooKeys 133, pp. 49-94 : 57-58

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scientific name

Paridris bunun Talamas

sp. n.

Paridris bunun Talamas   ZBK sp. n. Figures 25-30Morphbank14


Female body length: 3.41 mm (n=1). Color of head: dark red, becoming darker dorsally. Ventral clypeal margin: serrate. Sculpture of frons medially: smooth. Sculpture of frons immediately ventral of median ocellus: dorsoventrally strigose laterally. Microsculpture of frons: absent. Sculpture of posterior vertex: finely punctate. Sculpture of gena: densely and finely punctate. Basiconic sensillum on A7: present.

Wings: macropterous, apex of forewing extending beyond posterior margin of T3. Length of R1: less than r-rs. Notaulus: present in posterior half of mesoscutum. Color of mesosoma: variably red to black. Sculpture of mesoscutum medially: densely punctate throughout. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: densely punctate. Dark bristlelike setae along transverse pronotal carina: absent. Sculpture ventral of transverse pronotal carina: finely punctate. Sculpture of femoral groove: smooth. Sculpture of ventral half of posterior mesepimeral area: smooth. Fine setigerous punctures on dorsal half of posterior mesepimeral area: present. Mesopleural carina: present along anterior half of femoral groove. Setation of ventral metapleural area: absent in area immediately below metapleural sulcus. Setation of metapleural triangle: moderately dense. Color of legs: yellow throughout.

Color of metasoma: reddish brown. Horn of T1: bulge smooth, at least anteriorly. Microsculpture of T2: absent. Microsculpture on T3: absent. Macrosculpture of T3 medially: absent. Macrosculpture of T3 laterally: weakly longitudinally strigose. Microsculpture of T4: absent. Macrosculpture of T4 laterally: weakly longitudinally strigose. Punctation of T4: sparse in medial third, moderately dense laterally. Macrosculpture of T5: absent. Punctation of T5: absent in medial third, moderately dense laterally. Microsculpture of S3: absent. Macrosculpture of S3 laterally: absent.


Paridris bunun is most similar to Paridris minator , though the two have widely disjunct distributions, Taiwan and Southeast Asia, respectively. The two may be separated by the medially smooth T3 and short R1 (postmarginal vein) of Paridris bunun and the longer setation of the body in Paridris minator . Paridris bunun is a much larger species than Paridris minator , but it is known from a single specimen and thus we are not able to assess its size variation. Some species of the Paridris nephta group are known to exhibit significant size variation (e.g. Paridris nilaka ) and thus size should be used cautiously.


The species is named for the Bunun tribe of Taiwan that historically occupied the region where it was collected. The name is treated as a noun in apposition.

Link to Distribution Map.


Material Examined.

Holotype, female: TAIWAN: Taiwan Prov., Pingtung Co., T’eng-chih (Tengchi) Medium-Altitude Experiment Station, 23°05.75'N, 120°47.37'E, 1660m, 3. VI– 5.VI.2008, yellow pan trap, L. Masner, OSUC 262237 (deposited in CNCI).













