Pectinaria crenulatus ( Sun & Qiu, 2012 )

Zhang, Jinghuai, Hutchings, Pat & Qiu, Jian-Wen, 2022, Pectinariidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from the coastal waters of China, with description of new species and new records, Zootaxa 5151 (1), pp. 1-74 : 62-63

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5151.1.1

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scientific name

Pectinaria crenulatus ( Sun & Qiu, 2012 )


Pectinaria crenulatus ( Sun & Qiu, 2012)

Type locality. Hong Kong, China

Figs 36 View FIGURE 36 , 40 View FIGURE 40

Lagis crenulatus Sun & Qiu, 2012: 61–68 View in CoL View Cited Treatment , Figs 2–4 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 in Sun & Qiu (2012).

Material examined. Paratype: AM W.38672–38674, AM W.38676, and AM W.38679–38680, 6 specs, Mai Po Inner Deep Bay , Ramsar Site, the northern Yellow Sea, Hong Kong, 114°02'00.0"E 22°30'00.0"N, intertidal, mud, coll. Y. Sun & J Qiu, Hong Kong Baptist University, February 2009 GoogleMaps . AM W.38681–38682, 2 specs, Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site, the northern Yellow Sea, Hong Kong, 114°02'00.0"E 22°30'00.0"N, intertidal, mud, coll. Y. Sun & J. Qiu, Hong Kong Baptist University, May 2010 GoogleMaps .

Non type material examined. SCSMBC030941, SCSMBC030942, and SCSMBC030943, 3 specs, Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site, the northern Yellow Sea, Hong Kong, 114°02'00.0"E 22°30'00.0"N, intertidal, mud, coll. Y. Zhang & J Qiu, Hong Kong Baptist University, May 2010 GoogleMaps .

Description. Refer to Sun & Qiu (2012). Some changes from original descriptions are as following: Cephalic veil free from operculum; pair of ear-shaped lobes adjacent to both sides of dorsal base of cephalic veil between cephalic veil and segment 1 ( Fig. 40 View FIGURE 40 ).

Distribution. Only known from type locality ( Hong Kong, China) ( Fig. 36 View FIGURE 36 ).

Habitat. Collected from intertidal mud.

Remarks. Pectinaria crenulatus ( Sun & Qiu, 2012) is easily distinguished from other pectinariids from Chinese waters by the lack of branchiae on segments 3–4. Fauvel (1932) and Sun & Qiu (2012) describe the cephalic veil of the two species Lagis abranchiata ( Fauvel, 1932) and L. crenulatus Sun & Qiu, 2012 where it is partially connected to the operculum. This character is questionable. We examined specimens of L. crenulatus from Hong Kong collected from the type locality, and found a pair of ear-shaped lobes adjacent to both sides of the base of the cephalic veil between cephalic veil and segment 1, and which differs from the pair of ear-shaped lobes of Lagis which are present posterior to the cephalic veil between the buccal cavity and segment 1 (Zhang et al. 2019, Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ). Based on the cephalic veil being free from operculum and a pair of ear-shaped lobes adjacent to both sides of base of cephalic veil between cephalic veil and segment 1, we are proposing that L. crenulatus be moved to the genus Pectinaria . The distribution of chaetae is the same as P. plurihamus with capillary notochaetae on segments 5–20 and neurochaetae (uncini) on segments 8–19, but P. plurihamus has branchiae on segments 3–4 unlike P. crenulatus . Pectinaria crenulatus can be distinguished from another species Lagis abranchiata ( Fauvel, 1932) described from Cochin, Ernakulam, India which is similar in lacking branchiae on segments 3–4, but the lateral margins of scaphe of P. crenulatus are flat, crenulated and not ovate, whereas those of Lagis abranchiata have rounded lobes.

Molecular results

The phylogenetic tree is based on the concatenated dataset of five Sanger-sequenced genes (two mitochondrial regions: COI and 16S; three nuclear regions:18S, 28S and H3) which consisted of 146 sequences including 13 species of all recorded valid genera of pectinariids and two outgroups: one of the family Trichobranchidae , another of the family Arenicolidae ( Fig. 41 View FIGURE 41 , Table 1). The Bayesian tree was used to analyse the phylogenetic relationship of Pectinariidae with good support (posterior probability>61%). The pectinariid clade is monophyletic and is well supported ( Fig. 41 View FIGURE 41 ). Petta pusilla has the closest relationship with outgroups, and forms a well support clade with other species of pectinariids. The two new species Pectinaria lizhei n. sp. and Pectinaria dayaensis n. sp. from the coastal waters of China are well supported with a sister relationship. The two species clade is sister to Pectinaria torquata from the northern South China Sea and they form a well supported clade ( Pectinaria torquata ( P. lizhei n. sp. - P. dayaensis n. sp.)). The two species Lagis crenulatus from waters of Hong Kong and Pectinaria gouldii from Egypt Lane, Fairhaven, MA ( USA) form a weakly supported clade (posterior probability 77%). ( Lagis crenulatus - Pectinaria gouldii ) and ( P. torquata ( P. lizhei n. sp. - P. dayaensis n. sp.)) form a weakly supported clade (posterior probability 81%). Two species, Lagis koreni from the English Channel and L. bocki from offshore sites of west-northern Pacific Ocean form a well supported clade. Two species Amphictene alata and A. jianqingi n. sp. from the coastal waters of China are well supported with a sister relationship ( Amphictene alata - A. jianqingi n. sp.) and ( Lagis koren-L. bocki ) are sister groups and are also well supported. Amphictene auricoma and (( Amphictene alata - A. jianqingi n. sp.) ( Lagis koren - L. bocki )) form a supported clade (posterior probability 85%). (( Lagis crenulatus - Pectinaria gouldii ) ( P. torquata ( P. lizhei n. sp. - P. dayaensis n. sp.))) and ( Amphictene auricoma (( A. alata - A. jianqingi n. sp.) ( Lagis koren - L. bocki ))) form a well supported clade (posterior probability 97%). Lagis plurihumus and ((( Lagis crenulatus - Pectinaria gouldii ) ( P. torquata ( P. lizhei n. sp. - P. dayaensis n. sp.))) ( Amphictene auricoma (( A. alata - A. jianqingi n. sp.) ( Lagis koren-L. bocki )))) form a supported clade (posterior probability 85%). Cistenides granulata and ( Lagis plurihumus ((( Lagis crenulatus - Pectinaria gouldii ) ( P. torquata ( P. lizhei n. sp. - P. dayaensis n. sp.))) ( Amphictene auricoma (( A. alata - A. jianqingi n. sp.) ( Lagis koren-L. bocki ))))) form a weakly supported clade (posterior probability 65%). Three species of Amphictene : A. auricoma , A. alata and A. jianqingi n. sp. do not form a clade. Four species of Lagis : L. koren , L. bocki , L. crenulatus and L. plurihumus also do not form a clade. Four species of Pectinaria : P. gouldii , P. torquata , P. dayaensis n. sp. and P. lizhei n. sp. also do not form a clade. The three new species Amphictene jianqingi n. sp., Pectinaria lizhei n. sp. and P. dayaensis n. sp. are all supported by this analyse.


Australian Museum














Pectinaria crenulatus ( Sun & Qiu, 2012 )

Zhang, Jinghuai, Hutchings, Pat & Qiu, Jian-Wen 2022

Lagis crenulatus

Sun, Y. & Qiu, J. W. 2012: 68
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