Phasia purpurascens ( Townsend, 1891 )

Sun, Xuekui & Marshall, Stephen A., 2003, Systematics of Phasia Latreille (Diptera: Tachinidae), Zootaxa 276 (1), pp. 1-320 : 141-145

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Phasia purpurascens ( Townsend, 1891 )


3.5.10 Phasia purpurascens ( Townsend, 1891) View in CoL

(Figures I­47, II­5.3)

Hyalomyia purpurascens Townsend, 1891: 137 View in CoL .

Hyalomyia celer Townsend, 1895: 65 View in CoL , syn. nov.

Phorantha calyptrata Coquillett, 1897: 44 View in CoL .

Phorantha occidentis: Coquillett, 1897: 44 (in part).

Phorantha humeralis Robertson, 1901: 286 View in CoL .

Alophorellopsis argentifrons Brooks, 1945: 675 View in CoL , syn. nov.

Alophorellopsis purpurascens: Brooks, 1945: 675 (redescription).

Hyalomya purpurascens: Sabrosky and Arnaud 1965: 969 (catalog) ­ Aranud 1978: 4 (host catalog).


Body length: 3­6 mm.

MALE: HEAD. Head spherical or nearly so. Eyes separated by a distance almost as wide as ocellar triangle. Fronto­orbital plate black with grey pruinosity. Frontal vitta brown. Frontal vitta at base of antennae 1.1­1.2 times as wide as fronto­orbital plate anteriorly. Ocellar setae present but fine; outer vertical setae absent; inner vertical setae present (but hair­like). Face black with grey pruinosity. Parafacial black with grey pruinosity, bare, 1.0­1.1 times as wide as first flagellomere. Lower margin of face projecting, visible in profile, brown, grey pruinose. Vibrissa well differentiated; intervibrissal distance 1.2­1.3 times distance between vibrissa and eye on same side; facial ridge with bristles 2­4. Gena brown and black with grey pruinosity; hairs white; height 0.15­0.18 times eye height. Lunule black and shining; sublunular bulla indistinct. Antenna black; first flagellomere 1.2­1.3 times as long as pedicel; arista thickened on basal 0.3­0.35. Length of oral opening 2.2­2.3 times its width. Occiput flattened, white pruinose; hairs black. Palpus brown to black.

THORAX. Mesoscutum thinly pruinose, without black longitudinal vitta, with fine black hairs. 0+1 acrostichal seta; 0+1 dorsocentral seta; 1­2 postpronotal setae; presutural supra­alar seta present, strong; 1 postsutural intra­alar seta; 2­3 notopleural setae; 1 supraalar seta; 2 postalar setae. Pleuron yellow pruinose; hairs black; scale­like hair absent. Anepimeral setae strongly, black; 1 katepisternal seta; 5­8 meral setae. Scutellum black, shining, without pruinosity, with two pairs of marginal setae; apical setae present and distinct; discal setae randomly arranged, not in rows. Subscutellum not very prominent.

WING. Lower calypter hyaline white. Wing base without scale­like setae. Tegula black. Basicosta black. Wing hyaline, or pictured (rarely); petiole of apical cell 0.45­0.6 times as long as preceding section of R 4+5; M meeting R 4+5 almost at right angle. Halter brown.

LEGS. Fore femur black; hairs black. Fore tibia black, without bristles, apically with 1 p and 1 d. Fore tarus black. Fore claws black; 0.8­0.9 times as long as fifth tarsomere. Pulvilli black. Mid femur black; hairs black. Mid tibia black, with 1 ad, 1­2 p and 1 v, apically with 1 ad, 1 p, 1 v and 1 d. Hind femur black; hairs black. Hind tibia black, with 3 ad, 3 pd and 2­3 v.

ABDOMEN. Abdominal tergites black; pruinosity absent, with small or big purple area; longitudinal vitta absent. Relative length of abdominal tergites I+II:III:IV:V = 1.3:1:1:1.3; relative width I+II:III:IV:V = 0.5:1:1:0.7­0.8. Syntergite I+II shiny, not pruinose. Pruinosity of tergite III absent. Pruinosity of tergite IV absent, or silvery; hair spots distinct. Pruinosity of tergite V absent, or present (silvery); hair spots distinct. TERMINALIA. Syncercus triangular, U­notched posteriorly, apex strongly bent ventrally into hook­like. Surstylus broad, slightly arched dorsally, longer than cercus. Ejaculatory apodeme small, knob­like. Hypandrium shorter than phallapodeme. Epiphallus well developed. Pregonite triangular. Postgonite pointed, longer than pregonite. Phallus slender, 1.3­ 1.4 times as long as hypandrium, haired. Distiphallus partly sclerotized.

FEMALE. Usually smaller than male. Wing hyaline. Eyes touching. Anterior spinelike setae of hind tibia well developed (3­4 rows). Sternite VII (sheath) slightly longer than sternite VI, tapered, narrow apically, not bent, apex straight, almost smooth ventrally. Ovipositor bent upward.


Hyalomyia purpurascens Townsend, 1891 . Lectotype ♀, [ USA], South Illinois, Robertson, (USNM, No.900, abdomen missing, examined); cotypes 4♂ 2♀, [ USA], S Illinois, Robertson (SEMC, 1♂ 1♀ heads missing. 1♂ abdomen missing, examined).

Hyalomyia celer Townsend, 1895 . Holotype ♀, [ USA], New Mexico, Las Cruces, 6.18. (SEMC, examined)

Phorantha calyptrata Coquillett, 1897 . Holotype ♂, [ USA], Washington, D.C. (USNM, No. 3515, examined); paratype 1♂, [ USA], Illinois, Algonquin, 16.viii.1895 (USNM, No. 3518, examined).

Alophorellopsis argentifrons Brooks, 1945 . Holotype ♂, [ CANADA], British Columbia, Oliver,, C.B. Garrett (CNCI, examined).


CANADA. Alberta: Elkwater Park., 29.v.1952, A.R. Brooks (1♂, CNCI); Lethridge, 7.vii.1956, O. Peck (2♀, CNCI). Ontario: Ottawa,, J.G. Chillcott (2♀, CNCI); Ohsweken,, D. Morris (1♀, DEBU). Saskatchewan: Saskatoon, 9.v­, A.R. Brooks (2♀, CNCI). USA. Alabama: Montgomery, 15.xi.1946, H.R. Dodge (3♂ 1♀, USNM). Arizona: Cochise Co., Turkey Ck. Cn., 24.iii.1967, D.M. Wood (4♀, CNCI); Cochise Co., 5mi SW Apache, 17.viii.1961, M.A. Cazier (1♀, AMNH); Cochise Co., 2mi NE Portal, 30.vii­1.viii.1959, M. Stathan (3♂ 3♀, AMNH); Cochise's Str., Dragoon Mts., 21.iii.1956, F. Werner, G. Bulter (1♀, TAMU); Graham Co., 2.4 km w Hwy 366, 1,160m, 27­28.v.1991, malaise trap, J. E. O'Hara (2♀, CNCI); Huachuca Mts., 15mi S Sierra Vista, Ramsey Cyn., 5,200ft, 7.iv.1967, R.F. Sternitzky (9♂ 6♀, CNCI); Organpipe Park, Alamo Canyon, 16.iv.1947, A.L. Melander (1♂, USNM); Portal (2.5­4mi E), and 19.viii.1959, A.S. Menke, M. Statham (1♂ 1♀, USNM, AMNH); Yavapai Co., Congress, 23­26.iv.1967, D.M. Wood (1♂, CNCI). Arkansas: Washington Co., 24.v.1961 (1♂ 1♀, USNM). California: Laguna Beach, Hamilton (1♀, USNM); Pinehurst,, A.L. Melander (1♀, USNM); San Luis Obispo Co. (8mi W), Atascadero, 3.vii.1956 (1♂, CNCI); Thousand Palms, 1000 Palms Oasis, 30.iii.1955, W.R. Richards (1♀, CNCI); Up Sta Ana Riv., 21.vii.­28.ix.1953, A.L. Melander (2♂, USNM); Imperial Co., Gordon Well, 8.iv.1949, A.L. Melander (1♀, USNM); Camp Angelus, 8.ix.1953 and 19.ix.1954, A.L. Melander (2♂ 3♀, USNM). Colorado: Buena Vista, 7,800ft, 22­, C.H. Mann (1♂, CNCI); Mt. Evans, Doolittle Ranch, 9,800ft, 18.vii.1961, C.H. Mann (1♀, CNCI). District of Columbia: Eastern Brch., 22.x.1914, R.C. Shannon (1♀, USNM); Rock Creek, 23.v. C.H.T. Townsend (1♂ 2♀, USNM); W. V. Warner (1♂, USNM). Georgia: Peach Co., 29.v.1941, host: Sehirus cinctus , (5♀, USNM). Idaho: Logan Sport, 10.viii.1915, J.M. Aldrich (1♂, USNM); Moscow, 21.viii.1907 and 12.vii.1912, 8­1.1939, J.M. Aldrich, T.A. Brindley (2♂ 4♀, USNM). Indiana: La Fayette,­5.vii.1915 /1922, J.M. Aldrich, E.W. Stafford (27♂ 14♀, USNM, CNCI, BMNH). Illinois: Dongola, 11.v.1917 (1♀, AMNH); Peoria, 20.v.1918, J.M. Aldrich (1♂, USNM). Kansas: Riley, (1♀, KSUC); Douglas Co., Lone Star Lake, 22.vii.1979, N.E. Woodley (1♂, USNM); Douglas Co., 900ft, R.H. Beamer [Sic Type] (1♂, CNCI); Lawrence, Nat. Hist. Res., 26.v.1956, J.G. Chillcott (1♂, CNCI). Maryland: Chespk. Beach, 1927, J.M. Aldrich (1♂, BMNH); Garden City, 1.x.1914, F.B. Milliken, host: Nysius angustatus , (1♀, USNM); Hagerstown, 14.vii.1914 (1♀, USNM); Mg. Co., Ashton (4mi SW),, G.F. and J.F. Henel (1♂ 2♀, USNM); P.G. Co., Camp Springs, 25.viii.1979, G.F. Hevel (1♀, USNM); Plummers Island.,, W.L. McAtee (1♀, USNM); Prince George Co., 4.vii.1954, C.W. Sabrosky (1♀, USNM). Michigan: Ag. Coll. 19.x.1922 (1♂, TAMU); E. Lansing, 3.x.1939. C.W. Sabrosky (5♂, USNM); St. Joseph, 30.v.1938, C.W. Sabrosky (1♂, USNM). Mississippi: A & M Coll., 30.xi.1921, 15­28.v.1922 and 11.x­ 21.xi.1924, H.W. Allen (18♂ 1♀, USNM). Missouri: Charleston, 12.v.1915, ex: Ceratoma trifucata, E.H. Gibson (1♂, DEBU); Columbia, 12.viii.1958, ex: Tarnished Plant bugs, (1♀, USNM); Miller Co., Iberia, 16.viii.1964, A.R. Moldenke (18♂ 12♀, AMNH). New Jersey: Clementon, 10.x.1909, (1♀, USNM); Moorestown, 27.viii.1962, ex: Lygus lineolaris , F.A. Streams (1♀, USNM). New Mexico: Chaves Co., 20 mi NW Kenna, 12.v.1988, N. Jorgensen (1♀, CNCI); Eddy Co., 7 mi SW Jct. Hwy 137 and 285, malaise trap, 18.v.1988, N. Jorgensen (1♀, CNCI); Otero Co., Penasco River, Mayhill (8 mi W),, N. Jorgensen (2♂, CNCI); Roosevelt Co., Portales (8 mi NE, 14 mi SW),, 21­30.x.1987 and 8.iv.­, malaise trap, N. Jorgensen (10♂ 4♀, CNCI); Roosevelt Co., Blackwater Draw nr. Portales, 4,00ft, malaise trap, 24­30.v­ 1­, J.E. O'Hara and N. Jorgensen (2♀, CNCI); Hidalgo Co., Rodeo (11mi N), 1.v.1969, Rozen and Favrea (1♀, USNM); Las Cruces, 8.30. T.T. Townsend (3♂, BMNH); Las Cruces, 30.iv.1942, A.L. Melander (2♂, USNM); Rio Bonito, C.H.T. Townsend (1♀, USNM). New York: Chittenango, 24.ix.1970, D.J. Peckham (2♂, USNM); Long Island, Babylon,, 3.viii.1937, F.S. Blanton, Blanton and Borders (2♀, CUIC); New York City, 7.x.1939, S.C. Marriot (1♀, AMNH). North Carolina: Franklin, 2,000ft, 1957, J.R. Vockeroth (1♂, CNCI); Highlands, 18.vii.1957, J.G. Chillcott (1♀, CNCI); Toxaway, 30.viii.1957, W.R. Richards (1♀, CNCI); Wake Co., 22.v.1956, D.G. Dillery (2♂, USNM). Oklahoma: Garfield Co., 11.vii.1977, J.F. Reinert (1♂, USNM); Willis, 3­, D.J. Peckham (7♂ 6♀, USNM). Pennsylvania: Dauphin Co., Grantville, 24.v.1962, J.R. Vockeroth (1♀, CNCI); Philadelphia, 6.v.1895, (1♂, USNM). South Carolina: Camp Jackson, 3.xi.1918 (1♂, USNM); Fairfax, 21.v.1932, E.W. Howe (1♀, USNM); St. George,, O.L. Cartwright (1♂ 1♀, USNM); Sumter, 13.x.1916, A.H. Sturtevant (1♀, USNM). Tennessee: Indian Gap to Clingman's Dome, 5,200 ­6,600 ft, 6.viii.1957 (1♀, CNCI); Clarksville, 11.vii.1933, D.E. Hardy (1♂, TAMU); Nashville, 5.xi.1915 and, J.M. Aldrich, C.C. Hill (1♂ 1♀, USNM); Oak Ridge, AEC Area,, H.F. Howden (1♀, CNCI). Texas: Austin, 12.v. (2♂, USNM); Austin, 25.iv.1921, R.H. Painter Coll. (2♀, KSUC); Austin,, A.W. Hook (1♂, USNM); Big Bent National Park, Green Gulch, 2,100 ­5,000 ft, 30.iv­21.v.1959, J.F. McAlpine (18♂ 8♀, CNCI); Blanco Co., Davis Ranch, 23.iv.1959, J.F. McAlpine, W.R.M. Mason (3♂ 4♀, CNCI); Brewster Co., Lajitas, 19.v.1959, Howden and Becker (1♂, CNCI); College Station, 11.iv. and 4.xi. 1917,,, 25.iv.1939, 27­29.x.1935, H.J. Reinhard (8♂ 3♀, TAMU, USNM, CAS, CUIC); Fredericksburg, 16­18.iv.1959, J.F. McAlpine and W.R.M. Mason (2♂ 3♀, CNCI); Ft. Davis (23­30 mi W), 5,000ft, 28.v­, J.F. McAlpine (1♂ 1♀, CNCI); Hardeman Co., C.E. Royrs (1♀, USNM); Jeff Davis Co., Toyahvale, 22.iii.1967, D.M. Wood (1♂, CNCI); Kerrville, 31.iii­3.iv.1959, J.F. McAlpine (9♂ 3♀, CNCI); La Salle Co., Artesia Wells, 28.v.1991, D.J. Peckham (2♂, USNM); Liberty (1♀, TAMU); Maverick Co., Quemado, 25.v.1952, M. Cazier etc. (1♀, AMNH); Rocksprings, 25.iv.1959, J.F. McAlpine (1♂ 1♀, CNCI); Sanderson, 28­29.iv.1959, J.F. McAlpine (1♂ 1♀, CNCI); Tyler,, (1♀, USNM); Victoria, Pridham Lake, 29.v.1913, (1♂ 1♀, USNM); Willis (1♂, USNM). Utah: Moroni,, A.L. Melander (1♀, USNM). Vermont: Lyden, (1♂,USNM); Virginia: Blacksburg, 2,100ft, 23.v.1962, J.G. Chillcott (1♀, CNCI); Falls Chur, 21.vii. C.T. Greene (1♂, USNM); Shenandoah Nat. Park, Thornton Gap, 28.vii.1980, A.E. Stubbs (1♂, BMNH); Tazewell Co., Wardell, 20.v.1965, J.G. Chillcott (4♂ 1♀, CNCI). Washington: Keller, 4.vii.1955, A.L. Melander (1♀, USNM); Spokane, 7.vii.1924, J.M. Aldrich (5♂ 1♀, USNM); Oroville (1♀, USNM); Pullman, (2♂ 1♀, USNM). Wiscosin: Pateros, 3.viii.1919, A.L. Melander (1♂, USNM). Doubtful States: "Alab, 2280, coll. Baker (1♀, USNM)"; "Guyhga Fls., 10.viii.1904, O, W. V. Warner (1♀, USNM)".


Sehirus cinctus Palisot ( Hemiptera , Cydnidae ): ­ USA (CA, GA) ( Brooks 1945: 676; ­ Arnaud 1978: 283).

Nysius angustatus Uhler ( Hemiptera , Lygaeidae ): ­ USA (KS) (new record).

Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) ( Hemiptera , Miridae ): ­ USA (MO, NJ) (new record).


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium














Phasia purpurascens ( Townsend, 1891 )

Sun, Xuekui & Marshall, Stephen A. 2003

Hyalomya purpurascens:

Sabrosky, C. W. & P. H. Arnaud, Jr. 1965: 969

Alophorellopsis argentifrons

Brooks, A. R. 1945: 675

Alophorellopsis purpurascens:

Brooks, A. R. 1945: 675

Phorantha humeralis

Robertson, C. 1901: 286

Phorantha calyptrata

Coquillett, D. W. 1897: 44

Phorantha occidentis:

Coquillett, D. W. 1897: 44

Hyalomyia celer

Townsend, C. H. T. 1895: 65

Hyalomyia purpurascens

Townsend, C. H. T. 1891: 137
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