Belonuchus gracilis, Letzner, 1846

Taphylininae, Iochini, Aorothiini, Thiini, Latyprosopini, Taphylinini, Mblyopinina, Nisolinina, Yptiomina, Hilonthina & Herman, Lee H., 2001, Staphylininae: Diochini, Maorothiini, Othiini, Platyprosopini, Staphylinini (Amblyopinina, Anisolinina, Hyptiomina, Philonthina), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2441 (265), pp. 2435-3021 : 3009-3021

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Marcus (2021-08-30 01:40:19, last updated 2023-11-11 09:51:52)

scientific name

Belonuchus gracilis


gracilis Letzner, 1846 , see: tenuis Fabricius, 1793 .

hindostanus Schubert, 1911: 23 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Schembagamur, Madura, Hindostan).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 341 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1932: 97 ( Philonthus ; characters; India).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1345 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Schillhammer, 1996a: 82 ( Rabigus ; notes).


inconstans Sharp, 1889 , see: tenuis Fabricius, 1793 .

jumlensis Coiffait, 1982: 58 ( Rabigus ; Type locality: Nepal occidental: Dampelek ,

près de Jumla).

— Coiffait, 1983: 274 ( Rabigus ; Kashmir).


karakorus Coiffait, 1981e: 351 ( Rabigus ; Type locality: Karakorum, Satpora Lake, 2700 m, Skardu).


ladakhensis Coiffait, 1982: 58 ( Rabigus ; Type locality: Inde: Ladakh , Kargil, 2950 m).

— Coiffait, 1982a: 232 ( Rabigus ; India).


lacustrinus Scheerpeltz, 1933 , see: laxellus Casey, 1915 .

lacustris Casey, 1915 , see: laxellus Casey, 1915 .

laeticollis Bernhauer, 1933 , see: pullus Nordmann, 1837 .

laxellus Casey, 1915: 431 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: New Mexico: Cloudcroft; [Note: See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1995e]).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1348 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

Smetana, 1995e: 473 ( Rabigus ; lectotype designation; characters; notes; Alberta; Manitoba; Northwest Territories; Ontario; Quebec; Saskatchewan; Arizona; Colorado; Idaho; Iowa ;; Montana; Nebraska; New Mexico; New Hampshire; New York; North Dakota; South Dakota; Vermont; Wisconsin; Wyoming) .


pumilio Casey, 1915: 431 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Manitoba: Aweme; [Note: See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1995e]).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1357 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Smetana, 1995e: 473 ( Rabigus ; lectotype designation; synonym of laxellus ).

longiventris Casey, 1915: 432 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Montana: Mullan; [Note: See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1995e]).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1349 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Smetana, 1995e: 473 ( Rabigus ; lectotype designation; synonym of laxellus ).

convergens Casey, 1915: 432 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Montana: Helena; [Note: See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1995e]).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1337 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Smetana, 1995e: 473 ( Rabigus ; lectotype designation; synonym of laxellus ).

lacustris Casey, 1915: 432 ( Philonthus ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Minnesota: Duluth; [Note: See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1995e]).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1347 ( Philonthus ; synonym of lacustrinus ).

— Smetana, 1995e: 473 ( Rabigus ; lectotype designation; synonym of laxellus ).

lacustrinus Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1347 ( Philonthus ; replacement name for lacustris Casey ).

— Smetana, 1995e: 473 ( Rabigus ; synonym of laxellus ).

longiventris Casey, 1915 , see: laxellus Casey, 1915 .

nigricollis Gerhardt, 1908 , see: tenuis Fabricius, 1793 .

ocaleoides J. Sahlberg, 1908: 35 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Rabigus ; Type locality: Tarsi Anatoliae). — Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 348 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Gridelli, 1924e: 181 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Rabigus ).

— Gridelli, 1924e: 180 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Rabigus ; characters).

— Portevin, 1929: 367 ( Philonthus ; characters; France).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1357 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Wüsthoff, 1934: 61 ( Philonthus ; illustration of aedeagus).

— V. Hansen, 1952: 81 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Philonthus ; characters).

— Smetana, 1958: 228 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Rabigus ; characters; ecology; Czechoslovakia).

— Smetana, 1959: 172 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Rabigus ; characters).

— Lohse, 1964: 186 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Rabigus ; characters; central Europe).

— Horion, 1965: 180 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Rabigus ; Britain; Holland; Belgium; Switzerland; France; Spain; Italy; Dalmatia; Croatia; Bosnia Hercegovina; Serbia; Albania; Greece; Romania; Czech Republic; Slovakia; Poland; Russia; Germany; Austria).

— Raianu, 1968a: 468 ( Philonthus ; Romania).

— Szujecki, 1968a: 732 ( Philonthus ; Poland).

— Coiffait, 1974: 105 ( Rabigus ; characters; Europe; Britain; Asia Minor; Armenia; Siberia).

— Pope, 1977: 29 ( Philonthus ; Britain).

— Tóth, 1984: 80 ( Rabigus ; characters; Hungary).

— Ádám, 1987: 151 ( Rabigus ; collecting notes; Hungary).

— Lucht, 1987: 106 ( Philonthus ; checklist; Germany; Poland; Czechoslovakia; Austria; Switzerland; France; Benelux).

— Lohse and Lucht, 1989: 168 ( Rabigus ).

— J. Li, 1993: 40 ( Rabigus ; China).

— Smetana, 1993b: 48 ( Rabigus ; Czech Republic; Slovakia).

— Ciceroni and Zanetti, 1995: 29 ( Rabigus ; Italy).

— Sterrenburg and Schülke, 1997: 20 ( Rabigus ; Netherlands).

- DISTRIBUTION: Europe, Russia, Armenia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, China.

pseudogracilis Reitter, 1909: 131 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Rabigus ; variety of pullus ; Type locality: Not cited).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1357 ( Philonthus ; aberration of pullus ).

— Smetana, 1958: 228 ( Philonthus ; synonym of pullus ).

— Smetana, 1959: 172 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Rabigus ; aberration of pullus ; characters).

— Coiffait, 1974: 105 ( Rabigus ; variety of pullus ; characters; Europe; Kazakhstan).

— Tóth, 1984: 80 ( Rabigus ; aberration of pullus ; characters; Hungary).

laeticollis Bernhauer, 1933: 30 ( Philonthus ; variety of pullus ; Type locality: Thibet).

— Gridelli, 1934: 77 ( Philonthus ; subspecies of basipilosus ; characters; Karakoram region).

— Coiffait, 1974: 105 ( Rabigus ; subspecies of pullus ; characters; Tibet).

pumilio Casey, 1915 , see: laxellus Casey, 1915 .

queinneci Coiffait, 1983d: 164 ( Rabigus ; Type locality: Nepal: Ganesh Himal , entre Salmi

et Rupchet, 1500 à 3500 m).


reskai R. Dvořák, 1954 , see: tenuis Fabricius, 1793 .

ruficapillus Reitter, 1887: 216 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Keria 7,500 bis 8,000 F. [Xinjiang]).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 353 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Gridelli, 1924e: 181 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Rabigus ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1359 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Coiffait, 1974: 108 ( Rabigus ; characters; central Asia).


syriacus Gridelli, 1924e: 178 , 179 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Rabigus ; Type locality: Tripoli

de Siria).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1363 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Coiffait, 1974: 109 ( Rabigus ; characters; Lebanon).

- DISTRIBUTION: Syria, Lebanon.

— Nowosad, 1990: 113 ( Philonthus ; collected from mole nest; notes; Poland).

— Pilon and Zanetti, 1991: 64 ( Rabigus ; Italy).

— J. Li, 1993: 40 ( Rabigus ; China).

— Smetana, 1993b: 48 ( Rabigus ; Czech Republic; Slovakia).

— Ciceroni and Zanetti, 1995: 29 ( Rabigus ; Italy).

— Schülke, 1998g: 90 ( Rabigus ; Germany).

- DISTRIBUTION: Europe, Russia, Caucasus, Turkey, Iran, Uzbekistan, Mongolia. dimidiatus Panzer, 1795: 362 ( Paederus ; Type locality: Germania).

— Panzer, 1796c: 24 ( Paederus ; characters; illustration).

— Panzer, 1808: 11 ( Staphylinus ; synonym of tenuis Fabricius ).

— Gravenhorst, 1802: 40 ( Staphylinus ; synonym of tenuis Fabricius ).

— Erichson, 1839a: 474 ( Philonthus ; synonym of tenuis ).

— Heer, 1839: 270 ( Philonthus ; synonym of tenuis ).

— Erichson, 1840: 488 ( Philonthus ; synonym of tenuis ).

— Redtenbacher, 1849: 706 ( Philonthus ; synonym of tenuis ).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 618 ( Philonthus ; synonym of tenuis ).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 458 ( Philonthus ; synonym of tenuis ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 357 ( Philonthus ; synonym of tenuis ).

— Smetana, 1958: 227 ( Philonthus ; synonym of tenuis ).

— Coiffait, 1974: 106 ( Rabigus ; synonym of tenuis ).

gracilis Letzner, 1846: 79 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Not cited).

— Redtenbacher, 1857: 198 ( Philonthus ; characters; Germany).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 618 ( Philonthus ; synonym of tenuis ).

— Redtenbacher, 1874: 217 ( Philonthus ; characters; Germany).

— Mulsant and Rey, 1876: 526 [= 1877: 382] ( Rabigus ; synonym of tenuis ).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 458 ( Philonthus ; aberration of tenuis ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 357 ( Philonthus ; aberration of tenuis ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1364 ( Philonthus ; aberration of tenuis ).

— Smetana, 1959: 172 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Rabigus ; aberration of tenuis ; characters).

— Smetana, 1958: 227 ( Philonthus ; aberration of tenuis ).

— Coiffait, 1974: 106 ( Rabigus ; variety of tenuis ).

— Tóth, 1984: 80 ( Rabigus ; aberration of tenuis ).

brunnicollis Hochhuth, 1851: 20 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Kasan; [Note: See lectotype designation by Gusarov, 1992a]).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 331 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Gridelli, 1924e: 180 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Rabigus ; characters).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1335 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

— Nakane, 1963a: 91 ( Philonthus ; characters; habitus photograph; Japan).

— Coiffait, 1974: 110 ( Rabigus ; characters; Russia).

— Shilov, 1976: 153 ( Philonthus ; Mongolia).

— Yuh, Paik, Kwon, and Lee, 1985: 243 ( Rabigus ; Korea).

— Gusarov, 1992a: 786 [= 1993a: 75] ( Rabigus ; synonym of tenuis ; lectotype designation).

— J. Li, 1993: 40 ( Rabigus ; cited as valid species; China).

inconstans Sharp, 1889: 40 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Osaka; Niigata; Yokohama; Oyama; Hakodate ; Junsai ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 331 ( Philonthus ; synonym of brunnicollis ).

— Coiffait, 1974: 110 ( Rabigus ; synonym of brunnicollis ).

nigricollis Gerhardt, 1908: 209 ( Philonthus ; variety of tenuis ; Type locality: Ohlau: Rodeland).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 357 ( Philonthus ; aberration of tenuis ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1364 ( Philonthus ; aberration of tenuis ).

— Smetana, 1958: 227 ( Philonthus ; aberration of tenuis ).

— Smetana, 1959: 172 ( Philonthus ; subgenus Rabigus ; aberration of tenuis ; characters).

— Coiffait, 1974: 106 ( Rabigus ; variety of tenuis ).

— Tóth, 1984: 80 ( Rabigus ; aberration of tenuis ).

that Mr. Rudd had taken the insects which I characterized... as Remus sericeus , on the coast of Yorkshire; his specimens were from the Isle of Wight,... Mr. Rudd had distinguished the specimens [from the Isle of Wight] which he placed in the British Museum by the MS. name of Menapius grisescens .” Blackwelder, 1952: 237, concluded that this citation constituted validation of the generic name Menapius by objective synonymy with Remus and that the type species would be sericeus by monotypy. Since Menapius was first published as a synonym of Remus , it is unavailable (Article 11.6)]).

Pseudidus Mulsant and Rey, 1876: 574 [= 1877: 430] (species included: sericeus , pruinosus , filum ). TYPE SPECIES: Remus sericeus Holme , fixed by subsequent designation by Tottenham, 1939d: 229.

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 361 (synonym of Cafius ).

— Cameron, 1932: 154 (synonym of Cafius ).

— Tottenham, 1939d: 229 (type species designation: sericeus ).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 435 (synonym of Remus ; type species: sericeus ).

— Tottenham, 1949: 373 (synonym of Remus ; type species: sericeus Holme ).

— Blackwelder, 1952: 324 (type species).

— Coiffait, 1974: 332 (synonym of Remus ).

aegyptiacus Motschulsky, 1858 , see: sericeus Holme, 1837 .

corallicola Fairmaire, 1849: 289 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Taïti).

— Fauvel, 1874: 196 [= 1874a: 422] ( Cafius ).

— Fauvel, 1877: 256 ( Cafius ; characters; Tahiti).

— Fauvel, 1889b: 262 ( Cafius ; New Caledonia).

— Fauvel, 1898a: 117 ( Cafius ; Seychelles).

— Fauvel, 1903d: 268 ( Cafius ; New Caledonia; Australia; Tahiti; Seychelles; Mauritius; Madagascar; Perim; Djibouti).

— H. Kolbe, 1910: 19 ( Cafius ; Seychelles).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 362 ( Cafius ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1921a: 378, 405 ( Cafius ; characters; Singapore).

— Bernhauer, 1922b: 177 ( Cafius ; Seychelles).

— Lea, 1925: 225, 226 ( Cafius ; characters; Australian introduction).

— Cameron, 1927c: 264 ( Cafius ; Fiji; New Caledonia).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1369 ( Cafius ; catalog).

— C. Koch, 1936b: 186 ( Cafius ; characters in key; Tahiti; New Caledonia; Australia; Mauritius; Singapore; Ceylon; Hong Kong).

— Cameron, 1937: 15 ( Cafius ; Java).

— Coiffait, 1974: 337 ( Remus ; characters).

— Watanabe and Shibata, 1976: 333 ( Cafius ; subgenus Bryonomus ; Malaysia).

— Coiffait, 1976: 217 ( Cafius ; cited as corallicolla; Tahiti).

— Coiffait, 1977a: 171 ( Cafius ; Austral Islands).

— Lecoq, 1990: 205 ( Remus ; Mascarene Islands).

- DISTRIBUTION: Austral Islands, Society Islands, Fiji, New Caledonia, Australia, China, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Seychelles, Mauritius, Madagascar, Djibouti, Yemen.

occidentalis Olliff, 1887: 508 ( Cafius ; [Note: Olliff’s description was published before Blackburn’s]; Type locality: West Australia).

— Blackburn, 1888b: 48 ( Cafius ; [Note: Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 363, cited Blackburn

as the author for this name, and although Olliff also cited Blackburn as the author, Olliff’s description appeared first]; characters; Australia).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 363 ( Cafius ; catalog).

— Lea, 1925: 226 ( Cafius ; synonym of corallicola ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1369 ( Cafius ; synonym of corallicola ).

— Coiffait, 1974: 337 ( Remus ; synonym of corallicola , cited as corallicolla).

— Fauvel, 1874: 199 [= 1874a: 425] ( Cafius ; characters; France; Scandinavia; Britain; Mediterranean region; Madeira).

— Seidlitz, 1875: 279 ( Philonthus ; characters; Baltic region).

— Fauvel, 1876a: 72 [= 1876: 257] ( Cafius ; Morocco).

— Mulsant and Rey, 1876: 577 [= 1877: 433] ( Pseudidus ; characters; France).

— Fauvel, 1878: 120 [= 1878a: 40] ( Cafius ; Morocco; Algeria).

— Fauvel, 1878g: 542 ( Cafius ; characters; notes; Australia).

— Horn, 1884: 238 ( Cafius ; characters; Coney Island, near New York).

— Fauvel, 1886: 52 [= 1886a: 44] ( Cafius ; Morocco; Egypt; Algeria).

— Olliff, 1887: 507 ( Cafius ; characters; Australia).

— Fowler, 1888: 283 ( Cafius ; characters; Britain).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 463 ( Cafius ; characters; north and middle Europe; Mediterranean region; North America).

— Fauvel, 1902b: 106 ( Cafius ; Barbary; Egypt; Canaries).

— Sainte-Claire Deville, 1906: 95 ( Cafius ; Corsica).

— Reitter, 1909: 123 ( Remus ; characters; Germany).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 363 ( Cafius ; catalog).

— Johansen, 1914: 421 ( Remus ; characters; Denmark).

— Portevin, 1929: 355 ( Cafius ; characters; France).

— Gridelli, 1930: 72 ( Cafius ; Libya).

— Gridelli, 1931: 124 ( Cafius ; characters in key).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1370 ( Cafius ; catalog).

— C. Koch, 1936b: 170 ( Cafius ; characters; Egypt).

— Paulian, 1941: 233, 327 ( Remus ; larval and pupal characters).

— V. Hansen, 1952: 33 ( Remus ; characters; Denmark).

— Scheerpeltz, 1960d: 136 ( Cafius ; subgenus Remus ; Portugal).

— Palm, 1963b: 60 ( Remus ; characters; Sweden; Denmark; Norway; Finland).

— Lohse, 1964: 173 ( Remus ; characters; central Europe).

— Horion, 1965: 121 ( Remus ; sea coast of Europe).

— Pototskaia, 1967: 53 ( Remus ; larval characters).

— James, Moore, and Legner, 1971: 282 ( Cafius ; larval characters).

— Coiffait, 1974: 335 ( Remus ; characters; Europe; England; Scandinavia; Bulgarian coast of Black Sea).

— Pope, 1977: 30 ( Cafius ; Britain).

— Frank, 1982: 34 ( Cafius ; list of parasites).

— Israelson, 1984: 145 ( Remus ; Azores).

— Lucht, 1987: 104 ( Remus ; checklist; Germany; Benelux; Denmark; Sweden).

— Lecoq, 1990: 203 ( Remus ; Mascarene Islands).

— Maachi, 1991: 251 ( Cafius ; Morocco).

— Ciceroni and Zanetti, 1995: 27 ( Remus ; Italy).

— Assing and Wunderle, 2001: 36 ( Remus ; Cyprus).

- DISTRIBUTION: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Britain, France, Portugal, Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Turkey, Bulgaria, Mascarene Islands, Australia, USA.

aegyptiacus Motschulsky, 1858: 665 ( Cafius ; Type locality: Alexandrie en Egypte).

— Fauvel, 1874: 199 [= 1874a: 425] ( Staphylinus ; synonym of sericeus ).

— Fauvel, 1902b: 106 ( Cafius ; synonym of sericeus ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 363 ( Cafius ; synonym of sericeus ).

obscuricornis C. Koch, 1936b: 170 , 183 ( Cafius ; variety of sericeus ; Type locality: östliches Mediterrangebiet).

— Scheerpeltz, 1958a: 22 ( Cafius ; variety of sericeus ; Turkey).

— Coiffait, 1968c: 505 ( Remus ; variety of sericeus ; Corsica).

— Coiffait, 1974: 336 ( Remus ; variety of sericeus ; characters).

subniger Mulsant and Rey, 1876 , see: Erichsonius .

Trachyphilonthus [1 species; Oriental Region]

Trachyphilonthus Scheerpeltz, 1965: 234 (species included: malaisei ). TYPE SPECIES: Trachyphilonthus malaisei Scheerpeltz , fixed by original designation and monotypy.

malaisei Scheerpeltz, 1965: 236 ( Trachyphilonthus ; Type locality: N.E. Burma, Kambaiti, 7000 ft.). - DISTRIBUTION: Myanmar.


[1 species; Australian Region]

Tropiopterius Bernhauer, 1915 g: 194 (species included: purpuripennis ). TYPE SPECIES: Tropiopterius purpuripennis Bernhauer , fixed by monotypy.

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1380 (world catalog supplement).

— Blackwelder, 1952: 399 (type species: purpuripennis ).

purpuripennis Bernhauer, 1915 g: 194 ( Tropiopterius ; Type locality: Neu-Guinea: Kapaur).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1380 ( Tropiopterius ; catalog).



[1 species; Neotropical Region]

Xanthodermus Bernhauer, 1912d: 40 (species included: vestitus ). TYPE SPECIES: Belonuchus vestitus R. Sahlberg , fixed by monotypy.

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 372 (world catalog; 1 species).

— Blackwelder, 1944: 138 (checklist of species from Mexico, Central and South America, and

the West Indies).

— Blackwelder, 1952: 404 (type species: vestitus ).

vestitus R. Sahlberg, 1847: 788 ( Belonuchus ; Type locality: Rio Janeiro ).

— Bernhauer, 1912d: 40 ( Xanthodermus ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 372 ( Xanthodermus ; catalog).



[1 species; Neotropical Region]

Xenobius Borgmeier, 1931: 358 (species included: rotundiceps ). TYPE SPECIES: Xenobius rotundiceps Borgmeier , fixed by original designation and monotypy.

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1320 (world catalog supplement).

— Blackwelder, 1944: 149 (checklist of species from Mexico, Central and South America, and

the West Indies).

— Blackwelder, 1952: 406 (type species: rotundiceps ).

— Seevers, 1965: 324 (characters; myrmecophilus species; list of species).

rotundiceps Borgmeier, 1931: 360 ( Xenobius ; Type locality: Campinas, Goyaz).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1320 ( Xenobius ; catalog).


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