Picrella glandulosa T.G. Hartley, 2003

Hartley, Thomas G. & Mabberley, David J., 2003, The identity of Picrella Baill. (Rutaceae) with a revision of the genus, Adansonia (3) 25 (2), pp. 251-259 : 253-256

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scientific name

Picrella glandulosa T.G. Hartley


1. Picrella glandulosa T.G. Hartley View in CoL , sp. nov.

Euodia triphylla View in CoL auct. non DC. (1824): Guillaumin, Ann. Inst. Bot.- Géol. Colon. Marseille, sér. 2, 9: 111 (1911) & Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 26: 366 (1920); Däniker, Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Zürich 77, Beibl. 19: 197 (1932). — Euodia lamarckiana View in CoL auct. non Benth. (1861), nom. illeg., based on Fagara triphylla Lam. View in CoL : Schlechter, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 39: 139 (1906). — Melicope triphylla View in CoL auct. non Merr. (1913): Guillaumin, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 85: 302 (1938).

Frutex vel arbor dioecia 1-10 m alta; glandibus oleaceis saepe comparate conspicuis; foliis trifoliolatis (foliis infrequentibus unifoliolatis), 9-32 cm longis; petiolo 1.5- 10 cm longo; laminis glabris vel fere glabris, ellipticis vel anguste elllipticis usque obovatis vel oblanceolatis, 6-23 × 2.2-9 cm, venis secondariis supra prominulis, utrinsecus (12-)14-22; inflorescentiis multifloris, 1.5-10 × 1-6 cm; floribus Ƌ vel ♀; sepalis abaxialiter fere glabris usque puberulis, 0.5-0.8 mm longis; petalis abaxialiter glabris usque sparse puberulis, adaxialiter glabris, 1.5-2 mm longis; staminibus 8, staminibus antipetalis in floribus Ƌ et ♀ 0.25-0.5 mm longis, staminibus antisepalis in floribus Ƌ c. 1.5 mm longis, in floribus ♀ 0.5-0.75 mm longis; gynoecio in floribus ♀ c. 1 mm longo (in floribus Ƌ 0.2-0.4 mm longo), ovariis circum stylum pilosulosis, aliter glabris, 1- vel raro 2-ovulatis, stylo pilosuloso, cum stigmate 0.5-0.65 mm longo; drupis maturis luteis, 3-4.5 mm longis, interdum rostratis, ut carpellis abortivis glabris; seminibus solitariis vel raro binatim, 2-3 mm longis.

TYPUS. — MacKee 2660, New Caledonia , Yaté road, valley after Col des Dalmates, 26 June 1955, fl. ♀ (holo-, P!; iso-, L!, UC!, US!) .

Shrub or tree 1-10 m high, dioecious; oil glands often comparatively conspicuous. Young branchlets glabrous to puberulent or rarely pubescent; terminal bud pubescent. Leaves trifoliolate (occasional leaves unifoliolate), 9-32 cm long; petiole glabrous to puberulent or rarely pubescent, exalate, 1.5-10 cm long; petiolule in lateral leaflets obsolete or up to 8 mm long, in terminal leaflet obsolete or up to 15 mm long; blades glabrous or nearly so, elliptic or narrowly so to obovate or oblanceolate, 6-23 × 2.2-9 cm, base acute to cuneate or attenuate, margin entire, apex acuminate or sometimes rounded to acute, secondary veins prominulous above, (12-)14-22 per side.

Inflorescences nearly glabrous to puberulent, many-flowered, 1.5-10 × 1-6 cm; pedicels 0.3- 2 mm long (1-4 mm long in fruit). Flowers Ƌ or ♀; sepals nearly glabrous to puberulent abaxially, 0.5-0.8 mm long; petals white to yellow, sparsely puberulent abaxially or glabrous, 1.5-2 mm long, deciduous or subpersistent in fruit; stamens 8; antipetalous stamens in Ƌ and ♀ flowers 0.25- 0.5 mm long, anthers obsolete or up to 0.25 mm long; antisepalous stamens in Ƌ flowers c. 1.5 mm long, 0.5-0.75 mm long in ♀ flowers, filaments glabrous or nearly so, anthers 0.25-0.4 mm long; gynoecium in ♀ flowers c. 1 mm long (0.2- 0.4 mm long in Ƌ flowers), ovaries pilosulose around style, otherwise glabrous, 1- or rarely 2- ovuled, style pilosulose, including stigma 0.5- 0.65 mm long. Drupes at maturity yellow, 3- 4.5 mm long, sometimes beaked, like the abortive carpels glabrous. Seeds solitary or rarely in pairs, 2-3 mm long.

Picrella glandulosa , so named for its tendency to have comparatively conspicuous oil glands, stands well apart from its congeners in having an eight- (vs. four-) stamened androecium. Several authors have misidentified it as a plant now known as Melicope triphylla (Lam.) Merr. , which differs mainly in having dehiscent fruit and a range that extends from Taiwan and the Ryukyu Islands southward to Borneo and thence eastward to New Guinea and New Britain (see HARTLEY 2001: 149).

DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY. — Picrella glandulosa occurs throughout the Grande-Terre, on the Île des Pins, and in the Loyalty Islands (Lifou). Recorded mostly from forests (mainly rain forest and gallery forest), rarely from maquis; usually on schistose terrains, rarely on grauwackes; 5-800 m altitude.

PARATYPES (84 collections examined). — NEW CALEDONIA: Balansa 1796, E du Pont des Français, près de Nouméa, June 1869, fl. Ƌ ( A, L, NY, P, UC) ; Bernardi 9587, Mé Maoya (Mine Emma), 200 m, 11 July 1965, fr. ( B, L, P) ; Bernardi 10111, Forêt Plate, 500-550 m, 12 Aug. 1965, fr. ( B, L, P) ; Däniker 1753, Ignambi, 2 June 1925, fl. Ƌ ( P) ; Godefroy (Herb. d’Alleizette 202 NC), Prony, 1910, fl. Ƌ (P); Le Rat 2202, route de Bourail à Houaïlou, July 1904, fr. ( A, L, P) ; Le Rat 2816, route du Col d’Amieu à Pa Mégrapo, Feb. 1907, fl. ♀ ( P) ; MacKee 13017, Farino, forêt du Pic Noir, 250 m, 13 July 1965, fr. ( P) ; MacKee 17617, Col Toma, 500 m, 6 Oct. 1967, fr. ( P) ; MacKee 23940, basse Tipindjé, 10 m, 17 July 1971, fl. ♀, fr. ( P) ; MacKee 25589, Col d’Arama (versant W), 60 m, 22 June 1972, fr. ( P) ; MacKee 31665, Koné, Mt. Tanji, 800 m, 30 July 1976, fr. ( CANB) ; MacKee 35136, Koumac, ruisseau profond, 100 m, 12 May 1978, fl. Ƌ ( CANB) ; McPherson 1630, Thy River valley, 150 m, 13 May 1979, fl. Ƌ ( P) ; Morat 7750, La Tchamba, 400 m, 16 May 1984, fl. ♀ ( CANB) ; Nothis 443, Ouéholle, 17 Aug. 1967, fr. ( P) ; Schlechter 14888, Païta [ S Grande-Terre], 300 m, 3 Oct. 1902, fr. ( GH, L, NSW, P, PR, W) ; Schmid 2152 pro parte, Île des Pins , baie de Koumo, 10 June 1967, fl. Ƌ ( NOU) ; Schmid 5285, Mt. Ningua , 18 June 1975, fl. Ƌ ( NOU) ; Thorne 28151, below Col d’Amos [= Col d’Amoss], 22 Oct. 1959, fr. ( P) ; Veillon 186, Col des Roussettes, 500 m, 1 June 1965, fr. ( P) ; Veillon 4161, Lifou, N de Mutchaweng , Oct. 1979, fr. ( CANB) .

2. Picrella ignambiensis (Guillaumin) T.G. Hartley & Mabb. , comb. nov.

Euodia ignambiensis Guillaumin in Sarasin & Roux,

Nova Caledonia, Bot. 1: 161 (1920) & Bull. Soc.

Bot. France 85: 299, “ ignambiense ” (1938);

Hartley, Allertonia 8: 278, “… to be transferred to

Zieridium .” (2001). — Type: Sarasin 186, New

Caledonia , Mt. Ignambi, 650 m, 4 Oct. 1911, fl. ♀

(holo-, P!; iso-, BAS, n.v., photo CANB!, Z, n.v.,

photo CANB!).

Shrub or tree 2-10 m high, dioecious; oil glands comparatively inconspicuous. Young branchlets sparsely puberulent to pubescent or velutinous or rarely nearly glabrous; terminal bud pubescent or velutinous. Leaves trifoliolate (occasional leaves unifoliolate), 12-57 cm long; petiole sparsely puberulent to pubescent, exalate, 4- 18 cm long; petiolules obsolete or in terminal leaflet up to 10 mm long; blades puberulent to pubescent at least on midrib and secondary veins below or rarely glabrous or nearly so, elliptic to obovate, or in lateral leaflets ovate, 5.5-39 × 3- 20 cm, base in lateral leaflets cordate to rounded or acute, inequilateral, in terminal leaflet cuneate to attenuate, margin entire, apex rounded to acute or ± abruptly short-acuminate, sometimes apiculate or emarginate, secondary veins plane or impressed above, 10-18 per side.

Inflorescences puberulent to pubescent or velutinous, many-flowered, 3.5-19 × 1-10 cm; pedicels 0.3-1 mm long (0.3-2.5 mm long in fruit). Flowers Ƌ or ♀ sepals puberulent to pubescent abaxially, 0.5-1 mm long; petals white or pale yellow, sparsely puberulent to pubescent abaxially, glabrous adaxially, 1-2 mm long, persistent or subpersistent in fruit; stamens 4, in Ƌ flowers 0.7-1.5 mm long, 0.6-0.7 mm long in ♀ flowers, filaments glabrous, anthers 0.3- 0.4 mm long; gynoecium in ♀ flowers 0.7- 1.5 mm long (0.3-0.4 mm long in Ƌ flowers), ovaries pubescent, 1-ovuled, style glabrous to pubescent, including stigma 0.5-1 mm long. Drupes at maturity white, glabrous or nearly so (abortive carpels pubescent), 2.5-3 mm long, often beaked. Seeds solitary, 2-2.5 mm long.

DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY. — Picrella ignambiensis is restricted to the Grande-Terre, where it ranges from Col d’Amoss southeast to

Mt. Aoupinié and also occurs on Plateau de Dogny. Recorded mostly from forests (usually rain forest), rarely from degraded maquis; usually on schistose terrains, rarely on grauwackes; 20- 1530 m altitude.

SELECTED SPECIMENS (54 collections examined). — NEW CALEDONIA: Bernardi 9994, Plateau et Mt. Dogny, 900 m, 4 Aug. 1965, bud ( B, L, P) ; MacKee 13175, haute vallée de la Tchamba, forêt de Thalweg, 150 m, 10 Aug. 1965, fl. Ƌ ( P) ; MacKee 13824, vallée de Pouaï (entre Tao et la tribu de Panié), 20-50 m, 10 Nov. 1965, fl. ♀ ( P) ; MacKee 15667, haute vallée de l’Amoa, 300-500 m, 23 Sep. 1966, y.fr. ( P) ; MacKee 17732, haute Pouembout, pente W du Mt. Katepouenda , 600-700 m, 15 May 1967, fl. Ƌ ( P) ; MacKee 19629, haute Diahot, forêt de Tendé, 500- 600 m, 30 Sep. 1968, fl. ♀ ( P) ; MacKee 23326, Col d’Amos [= Col d’Amoss], Nakaoun, 450 m, 16 Feb. 1971, fr. ( P) ; MacKee 23767, Pouébo, Ouangati, 800- 900 m, 26 May 1971, fr. ( P) ; MacKee 26741, Ponérihouen, Mt. Aoupinié , 900-1020 m, 16 May 1973, fr. ( P) ; MacKee 34116, leg. Cherrier, Tiwaka, Moindip, 750 m, 25 Oct. 1977, fl. ♀ ( P) ; MacKee 35177, leg. Cherrier, Hienghène, crête Tindo-Coulna, 500 m, 25 May 1978, fr. ( CANB) ; MacKee 39984, leg. Nasi, Mt. Colnett (pente E) , 1000 m, Nov. 1981, fl. ♀ ( P) ; McPherson & van der Werff 17852, Mt. Panié above Haut Coulna, 1250-1530 m, 1 Nov. 1999, fl. ♀ ( CANB) ; Morat 7817, Mandjélia, 650 m, 10 Sep. 1984, fl. ♀ ( CANB) ; Schlechter 15566, Oubatche, 600 m, 26 Dec. 1902, fr. ( P, WRSL) ; Veillon 3767, haute Néounin, 400 m, 6 Aug. 1978, fl. ♀ ( P) .


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Upjohn Culture Collection


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Australian National Botanic Gardens


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Harvard University - Gray Herbarium


Royal Botanic Gardens, National Herbarium of New South Wales


National Museum in Prague


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Institut de Recherche pour le Développement


Nanjing University


Wroclaw University














Picrella glandulosa T.G. Hartley

Hartley, Thomas G. & Mabberley, David J. 2003

Euodia triphylla

Guillaumin 1938: 302
Lam. 1920: 366
Lam. 1911: 111
Schlechter 1906: 139
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