Pinus quenstedtii HEER, 1869

Greguš, Josef & Kvaček, Jiří, 2015, Revision Of Cenomanian Flora From The Maletín Sandstone, Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B 71 (3 - 4), pp. 315-364 : 324-325

publication ID 10.14446/AMNP.2015.315

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scientific name

Pinus quenstedtii HEER


Pinus quenstedtii HEER

Pl. 7, Fig. 9–10; Pl. 8, Fig. 1–6

1869 Pinus quenstedtii HEER , p. 13, pl. 2, fig. 5–9.

1885b Pinus quenstedtii HEER ; Velenovský, p. 32, pl. 6, fig. 4, pl. 7, fig. 7–8, pl. 8, fig. 10.

1901 Pinus quenstedtii HEER ; Frič and Bayer, p. 99, fig. 52.

?1869 Magnolia amplifolia HEER , p. 21, pl. 8, fig. 2.

L e c t o t y p e: GPIT/PL_736, Pl. 7, Fig. 10, designated here; Heer 1869, p. 13, pl. 2, fig. 7.

P a r a l e c t o t y p e: GPIT/PL_739, Pl. 8, Fig. 1, designated here; Heer 1869, p. 13, pl. 2, fig. 9.

T y p e l o c a l i t y: Maletín.

S t r a t i g r a p h y: Peruc-Korycany Formation, Cenomanian, Upper Cretaceous.

M a t e r i a l s t u d i e d: GBA_52, 67, 110, 111, 112, 129; GPIT/PL_636, 639, 641, 643, 644, 648, 651, 652, 653, 656, 658, 659, 660, 672, 674, 675, 678, 690, 729, 732, 742; MMT(M)/G_331, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 426, 430, 467; MZM/118_16, 42, 71; NHMW_3, 4, 16, 17, 29, 30; SMNS/650_18, 19, 20, 21, 22; UGV_1, 5, 16, 19, 20; VMO_8098, 8099, 8100.

O c c u r r e n c e: Maletín.

E m e n d e d d i a g n o s i s: Ovuliferous cones cylindrical, longitudinally ovate, with slightly pointed apex and rounded base. Ovuliferous scales helically arranged on central axis. Each scale showing two seeds in basal part, terminally with hexagonal apophysis bearing prominent oval umbo with centrally placed mucro.

D e s c r i p t i o n. The lectotype no. GPIT/PL_736 (Pl. 7, Fig. 10) described by Heer (1869, p. 13, pl. 2, fig. 7) represents an impression of a long cylindrical ovuliferous cone (116× 20 mm), without a basal part. In the terminal part of each ovuliferous cone scale is an apophysis, rhombic to hexagonal in shape, with prominent umbo. A transversal groove divides the apophysis into two approximately equal parts. Helically arranged scales are 10 mm wide and 8 mm high. The paralectotype (GPIT/PL_739, Pl. 8, Fig. 1) also described by Heer (1869, p. 13, pl. 2, fig. 9) is represented by a transversally fractured oval ovuliferous cone (70× 40 mm), with preserved oval base and missing terminal part. Ovuliferous scales without apparent apophysis are dorso-ventrally flattened. In this specimen, there are several scales with two seeds (7× 3 mm) born in pairs on the adaxial side of the ovuliferous scale.

Morphologically similar seeds (5× 2 mm) are preserved only in the transversally fractured specimen no. NHMW _4 (Pl. 8, Fig. 2). Specimen no. GPIT / PL _674 (Pl. 7, Fig. 9) shows ovuliferous cone from abaxial part. Impressions of ovuliferous scales with preserved apophyses, including prominent umbo are shown in specimens no. GPIT / PL _732 (Pl. 8, Fig. 5) and no. MZM/118 _16 (Pl. 8, Fig. 4). Specimen UGV _20 (Pl. 8, Fig. 6) shows both modes of preservation of ovuliferous cone scales. The longitudinally fractured apical part of the cone shows dorso-ventrally flattened scales. The basal part of the cone shows an outer surface of cone scales, showing rhombic to hexagonal apophyses with prominent umbo in the central part. Size of ovuliferous cone no. GPIT / PL _742 (Pl. 8, Fig. 3) is 50× 30 mm, showing relatively long (44 mm) peduncle. Other material from Maletín is represented by approximately 40 specimens of fractured ovuliferous cones with dorso-ventrally flattened scales, and approximately 25 specimens of ovuliferous cone impressions preserving outer surface of ovuliferous scales with apparent apophysis .

D i s c u s s i o n. Ovuliferous cones of P. quenstedtii are similar to P. longissima VELENOVSKÝ from the Cenomanian of Kralupy nad Vltavou. P. quenstedtii differs in size, being only third of size of ovuliferous cones of P. longissima VELENOVSKÝ , which can be up to 310 mm in length. Compared with P. protopicea VELENOVSKÝ from the Cenomanian of Vyšehořovice, P. quenstedtii has clearly prominent apophyses of ovuliferous cone scales with prominent oval umbo ( Velenovský 1885b). In comparison with P. vyserovicensis VELENOVSKÝ et VINIKLÁŘ 1927 from the Cenomanian of Vyšehořovice, P. quenstedtii is narrower and shorter. It also differs in shape of apophysis, which is in P. vyserovicensis more rhombic and divided by longitudinal and transversal grooves. P. kettneri VELENOVSKÝ et VINIKLÁŘ from Vyšehořovice has ovuliferous cone scales with longer mucro ( Velenovský and Viniklář 1926b).


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


Institut und Museum fur Geologie und Palaeontologie, Universitat Tuebingen


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