Pithemera fusiformis, Hong & James, 2011

Hong, Yong & James, Samuel W., 2011, New Species Of Pheretima, Pithemera, And Polypheretima (Clitellata: Megascolecidae) From Kalbaryo, Luzon Island, Philippines, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 59 (1), pp. 19-28 : 25

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scientific name

Pithemera fusiformis

sp. nov.

Pithemera fusiformis , new species

( Figs. 6 View Fig A–B)

Septa 5/6–7/8 thin, 8/9 absent, 9/10–13/14 thin. Gizzard in viii–ix, intestine enlarged from xv; intestinal caeca simple, originating in xxii, and extending anteriorly about to xxi, each consisting of a small sac, laterally placed; typhlosole none. Hearts xi–xiii esophageal; ix lateral.

Ovaries and funnels in xiii, spermatheca in v–ix; no nephridia on spermathecal ducts; spermatheca with small ampulla, duct longer than ampulla, diverticulum sausage-shaped, shorter than ampulla. Male sexual system holandric, testes and funnels in paired lateral sacs in x, xi, not connected. Seminal vesicles two pairs in xi, xii with dorsal lobes. Prostates in xvii–xix, one or two lobes; prostatic duct with spindle-shaped muscular expansion in ectal half.

Remarks. – The species also keys to the bicincta group in Sims & Easton (1972), but Pi. bicincta and Pi. violacea have the ampulla longer than the diverticulum and different locations of genital papillae. Pithemera fusiformis , new species is greatly smaller than Pithemera glandis , new species, (20–22 vs. 62–108 mm), has genital papillae and also lacks a typhlosole.

Material examined. – Holotype: One clitellate ( NMA 4390 ), Philippines, Ilocos Norte Province, Pagudpud, Kalbaryo (18°33.59'N 120°57.50'E), 175 m, litter layers in the forest, coll. Y. Hong, A. Castillo & M. Levi, 3 Jun.2001 GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 1 clitellate ( NMA 4396 ), 1 clitellate ( NIBR), 1 clitellate ( ZRC): Same data as for holotype GoogleMaps .

Other material: 10 aclitellates, same data as for holotype ( NMA) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. – Five pairs of spermathecae in v–ix; male pores invaginate white spots on 0.3 mm small round porophores, male pores 0.31 circumference ventrally apart. Genital markings paired in xix and xx.

Etymology. – This species is named for the spindle-like appearance of the prostatic ducts.

Description. – Brown dorsal pigment. Dimensions 20–22 mm by 1.7 mm at segment x, 1.8 mm at xxx, 1.6 mm at clitellum, segments 90; body cylindrical in cross-section. Setae regularly distributed around segmental equators, numbering 36 at vii, 47 at xx; 10 between male pores, size, distance regular; setal formula AA:AB:YZ:ZZ = 1.5:1:1:1.5 at xiii. Clitellum annular in xiv–1/2xvi; setae of xvi visible externally.

First dorsal pore in 12/13, five pairs of spermathecal pores in 4/5–8/9, unrecognizable externally. Female pore single in xiv, on 0.2 mm oval, male pores paired in xviii, invaginate white spots on 0.3 mm small round porophores, distance between male pores 1.8 mm (0.31 circumference ventrally apart), male pore region protuberant laterally. Genital markings paired in xix, xx.


National Institute of Biological Resources


Zoological Reference Collection, National University of Singapore

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