Plasmodium ghadiriani Chavatte & Landau, 2007

Chavatte, Jean-Marc, Grès, Virginie, Snounou, Georges, Chabaud, Alain & Landau, Irène, 2009, Plasmodium (Apicomplexa) of the skylark (Alauda arvensis), Zoosystema 31 (2), pp. 369-383 : 378

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Plasmodium ghadiriani Chavatte & Landau, 2007


Plasmodium ghadiriani Chavatte & Landau, 2007

( Fig. 2D View FIG )

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — France. Landes, Saint-Julien-en-Born , 44°03’42’’N, 1°13’33’’W, blood smears of A. arvensis number 741U, 25.X.1996 ( MNHN P2-XXV , 44-64). GoogleMaps

DISTRIBUTION. — Seine-Saint-Denis, France ( Chavatte et al. 2007); new record for the Landes, France.

HOSTS. — Pica pica (type host); new record for Alauda arvensis .


This parasite is identical to that described in the magpie. The schizonts are large and elongate and lie next to the laterally displaced nucleus of the RBC that is often enlarged. Young schizonts characteristically contain a few large chromatin masses that will fragment into smaller rounded nuclei. The older schizonts observed contained 17 nuclei, consistent with the 18 to 24 nuclei enumerated in the magpie parasite.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle

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