Podosilis geukdongensis Kang et Park

Kang, Tae Hwa, Lee, Young Bo & Park, Hae Chul, 2010, Description of Podosilis geukdongensis n. sp. (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) from South Korea, Zootaxa 2410, pp. 59-64 : 62

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.194276



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scientific name

Podosilis geukdongensis Kang et Park

sp. nov.

Podosilis geukdongensis Kang et Park n. sp.

Type locality. Yangsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea

Type material. Holotype. Male, Weondong-gyo, Weondong-myeon, Yangsan-si 3. VI. 2000, Je, Hyeon-Jeong leg.; Paratype. 1 male, same data to holotype. Deposited in the Insect Collection of the Department of Agricultural Biology, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Suwon, Korea. The collection site for P. geukdongensis n. sp. may be very similar to that for P. o m i s s a, as this new species inhabits riverside wetlands of Yangsan-si. A more detailed survey of the habitat is needed.

Description. Body length: 4.0 mm. Male ( Figure 3 View FIGURE 3 . C). Body mostly black; head black, clypeus and mandible brown; antennae black, first four antennomeres brown; pronotum, elytra, scutellum black; legs dusky yellow, tarsi dusky brown.

Head flat, surface with thin and minute punctures; antennal sockets slightly raised posteriorly; area between eyes slightly, triangularly depressed. Eye relatively small, ratio of an eye to interocular space, 5: 23. Antennae nearly reaching apical third of elytra, approximate ratio of antennomeres 13: 4: 13: 16: 16: 16: 16: 16: 16: 16: 20. Last maxillary and labial palpomeres hatchet-shaped.

Pronotum quadrate, covered with thin and minute punctures; pronotum 1.39 times wider than long; median area strongly convex with postero-central pore; lateral margins straight, slightly projecting and slightly expanded to each side anteriorly; anterior angles round, posterior angles obtuse; posterior margin with incision at each side; anterior margin as wide as posterior. Scutellum tongue shaped, with round apex.

Elytra parallel-sided, ratio of width at elytral shoulder to length of elytra 28: 66; dorsal surface rugose with thin and minute punctures; Legs slender; all inner tarsal claws bifid, all outer tarsal claws simple.

Aedeagus oval in outline; dorsal plate narrowed posteriorly; posterior margin of dorsal plate sinuate. Laterophyses bent upward; basal part of laterophyses unexposed, exposed from middle area; apex of laterophyses exposed on each side of apical angles of dorsal plate. Ventral plate suddenly narrowed to posterocentral area; posterior margin of ventral plate sinuate.

Female. Unknown.

Differential diagnosis. The species is closely related to P. o m i s s a, but is easily distinguished by the following characters: centro-longitudinal pore on pronotum about 2 times longer than wide ( Figure 4 View FIGURE 4 . F); penultimate sternite slightly sinuate, 3-shaped at middle ( Figure 4 View FIGURE 4 . H); posterior area of dorsal plate of aedeagus sinuate, 3-shaped ( Figure 4 View FIGURE 4 . K); ventral process of aedeagus broad, as long as wide ( Figure 4 View FIGURE 4 . L).

Etymology. Derived from the Korean word “ [geukdong],” which means Far East Asia. Thus, geukdongensis is based on the geographical location, including the type locality, of this new species.

Distribution. South Korea ( Figure 2 View FIGURE 2 ).













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