Poecilosomella setimanus, Papp, 2010

Papp, L., 2010, Seven New Afrotropical Species Of Poecilosomella Duda (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56 (1), pp. 9-41 : 33-35

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scientific name

Poecilosomella setimanus

sp. nov.

Poecilosomella setimanus sp. n.

( Figs 58–63 View Figs 58–63 , 71 View Figs 69–72 )

Holotype male ( HNHM): [ République du Congo]: Congo Brazzaville , ORSTOM park, 2. I. 1964, No. 572, J. Balogh – A. Zicsi.

Paratypes: 1 female ( HNNM): same as for the holotype ; 7 males 3 females ( HNHM, 3 m and 1 f in DEI): Togo: Région des Plateaux: Zogbégan, village part Zogbégan-Carriére ( SE of Badou ), at creek Elèbè , 7°34’50”N, 0°40’03”E, 650 m, 20.– 25.4.2008, leg. M. v. Tschirnhaus, Tg 1888 [V-shaped valley near cocoa-plantation downstream of village, remains of secondary rainforest, dense bank vegetation, dead wood, leaf litter, mud and sparsely running water near creek spring, swept, filled into eclector] GoogleMaps .

Measurements in mm: body length 2.64 (holotype), 2.29–2.81 (paratypes), wing length 2.05 (holotype), 1.76–2.15 (paratypes), wing width 1.01 (holotype), 0.79–1.00 (paratypes).

Body mainly dark brown, silvery pattern of head, mesonotum and scutellum as in its congeners.

Facial plate dark yellowish red, frons reddish brown. Antennae are red on holotype, brownish red on paratypes. Aristal cilia long, up to 0.04 mm. Anterior fronto-orbital seta subequal to posterior pair. (2)–3–(4) pairs of medium long and rather thin infraorbital setae.

Anterior katepisternal seta strong, subequal to (holotype) or 4/5 length (paratypes) of posterior pair.

Wings ( Fig. 71 View Figs 69–72 ) patterned. Wing membrane light brownish, veins light brown, but dark brown on areas of dark spots. Darker brown spots on humeral vein down to base of M, around apical section of R 2+3, on bifurcation of R 2–5, incl. R1. Apical section of R 2+3 perpendicular to costa but without a vein appendage at curvature. Longitudinal section of R 2+3 S-shaped. Vein R 4+5 gently curved up to costa and as a consequence, terminates as far from wing apex as a virtual continuation of M would be. mm for Figs 59–63 View Figs 58–63

Costa not continued, or only slightly continued over apex of R 4 +5 (by 0.01 mm). Sub-basal thorn of costa 0.19 mm long (holotype) . Setae on first costal section max. 0.10 mm long. Second costal section definitely shorter than third (0.49 mm vs. 0.60 mm on holotype) . Inter-crossvein section of M 0.19 mm, hind cross-vein 0.17 mm (holotype) .

Legs dark brown, both ends of tibiae as well as a broad ring on the middle of tibiae dirty yellow. Setosity of legs very strong. Anterodorsals on mid tibia: 11/63 (small), 16/63 (medium), 24/63 (very long and thick), 37/63 (medium), 47/63 (very long and thick). Posterodorsals: 11/63 (small), 15/63 (medium long), 21/63 (very long and thick), 39/63 (long and thick), 49/63 (very long and thick). An extremely long and thick anteroventral (!) seta present at 38/63. Several short, slightly curved ventro-apicals discernible. Mid basitarsus with rows of strong anteroventrals and posteroventrals of c. 8–9 setae each. A similar anterior row also present. Male fore tibia and metarsus as well as second tarsomere with long hairs ventrally and anteroventrally. Male fore femur anteroventrally with similar hairs. Tarsomeres 4 and 5 of all tarsi brown. Basal 2/3–3/4 of fore basitarsus dark brown. Also hind tarsi mainly yellow but dorsal half of basitarsus and that of second tarsomere dark brown.

Male sternite 5 ( Fig. 58 View Figs 58–63 ) asymmetrical, with less melanised medial plates. The two parts of the medial plate separated by a thin gap, caudal part wholly covered by short hairs. Ventrally placed part of sternite 6 narrow. Sternites 6+7 strongly fused and much shorter than sternite 8. Epandrium short but not small, with rather long setae. Cercal (ventral) part of the complex short, without long setae, most ventrally with a blunt projection ( Fig. 59 View Figs 58–63 ). Medial part of hypandrium thin and shorter than phallapodeme. Surstylus ( Fig. 60 View Figs 58–63 ) compact, apical lobes broad and short, caudal lobe terminates in a short small process (sharp in the broadest view of surstylus), apical thorn rather short. No long setae on surstylus. Postgonite ( Figs 61–62 View Figs 58–63 ) comparatively short and broad, proclinate with blunt apex, ventrally and apically with numerous long hairs. Threadlike process of distiphallus long, forming almost a complete ring of a diameter of the distiphallus. Phallapodeme thin, bacilliform. Caudal part of basiphallus bulbous, its ventral part less sclerotised with numerous peg-like thornlets ( Fig. 63 View Figs 58–63 ).

Etymology. Its specific epithet ‘setimanus’ (noun) means setose hand, referring to its long setose basitarsus.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Office de la Recherche scientifique et Technique Outre-mer


Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut

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