Polkepsilonema arabicensis, Datta & Rajmohana, 2020

Datta, Tridip Kumar & Rajmohana, Keloth, 2020, A new free-living marine nematode, Polkepsilonema arabicensis sp. n. (Desmodorida: Epsilonematidae), from Lakshadweep, India, Zootaxa 4722 (4), pp. 371-380 : 373-377

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scientific name

Polkepsilonema arabicensis

sp. nov.

Polkepsilonema arabicensis sp. n.

( Figs 2–4 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 , Table 1 View TABLE 1 )

Material examined. Two adult males, one adult female and three juvenile (females) on glycerine slides . Holotype male: Reg. No. WN2690 . Male paratype: Reg. No. WN2691 . Female paratype (adult): Reg. No. WN2692 . Female paratype (juvenile): Reg. No. WN2693; Reg. No. WN2694; Reg. No. WN2695


Type habitat. Samples were collected from the coralline intertidal sand of Agatti island , Lakshadweep, India, 10°52.694ˈN, 72°12.143ˈE. Collector. Dr. (Mrs.) Keloth Rajmohan, Date: 22 nd November 2017.

Etymology: The genus Polkepsilonema is recorded for the first time from the ‘Arabian’ (latin ‘Arabica’) sea and specific epithet denotes the part of the type locality near India.

Description. Body typically ‘Ɛ’-shaped, well less than 1 mm, tapered at both ends; body sections along the pharynx and reproductive system were wider than the section inbetween. Annuli, 110 to 123 in numbers, present throughout body with exception of head capsule and tail end. Cuticular annuli thick and ornamented with one row of vacuoles from first body ring and arranged in roof-tile like overlapping pattern. Annuli ornamentation heterogeneous. Body with two curvatures: anterior curvature i.e. dorsal curvature, and posterior curvature i.e. ventral curvature. Annuli forwardly directed at anterior curvature of body and after that inversely directed. Annulation with irregular anastomoses; number of anastomoses increased specially at the curvatures. Annular ridges present between vacuoles and appeared in form of spiky epicuticle at posterior edges. Degree of overlapping of body annuli increases at curvatures. Body covered with mucus and occasionally found with adhered particles.

Six protrusible lips without sensilla. Cephalic capsule (rostrum) conical, four cephalic sensilla submedian in position. Cephalic capsule with 14 subcephalic sensilla of which 10 are located anterior to amphids. In lateral view general arrangement of subcephalic sensilla as follows: i) two subcephalic sensilla closely located to each other found just posterior to denticles at midlateral surface (in juveniles one of these sensilla is either lost or smaller in length, appearing as minute sensilla 1–2 µm in length; origin of sensilla were identified by their markings on cephalic capsule); ii) second group of two sensilla found at subdorsal and subventral surfaces posterior to first group; iii) fifth sensillum located just above or near anterior margin of amphid; iv) sixth and seventh sensilla located at laterodorsal and lateroventral surface of the body. Amphids sub-dorsally positioned. Amphideal fovea sexually dimorphic. Cephalic sensilla 1.1–1.3 times of cephalic diameter at level of insertion. Somatic setae present subdorsally and subventrally.

Stoma with one dorsal and two ventrosublateral denticles. Pharynx muscular and clearly divided in two parts; corpus of pharyngeal region narrow and typically bent anterior to nerve ring; postcorpus forms dilated bulb region with sclerotized lumen wall. Nerve ring located 56%–60% of the length of pharynx from anterior end. Cardia, secre- tory-excretory system indiscernible.

Fine setae like spines at curvatures of body found in most of specimens including holotype.Ambulatory setae of two types: i) ventral field of bisinuous or double-bent setae (14–15 µm) with inwardly curved end, ii) straight subventral setae (15–16 µm), distally bent, present at each lateral side of bisinuous setae guarded by very short setae; short setae more numerous along ventral and ventrolateral surface than dorsal. Bisinuous setae in 5–6 longitudinal rows located (sub)ventrally at anterior part of ventral curvature. Straight ambulatory setae extend posteriorly to the level of double-bent ambulatory setae. Tail region having six annuli and non-annulated tip; annulated tail region with both subventral and subdorsal setae; non-annulated region heavily cuticularized, without setae.

Male (Adult). Fovea amphidialis interrupted loop shaped, aperture amphidialis with spatulated flap. Reproductive system monorchic with outstretched testis; located left to intestine; extended up to anterior body curvature. Vas deferens broad and long. Spicules paired and arcuate; capitulum club shaped; lamina with thin vellum. Gubernaculum thin, plate shaped, 18–19% of spicule length measured along arc (26% if measured along chord). Cloacal opening guarded by two small somatic setae followed by one comparatively longer somatic seta. Copulatory thorns, different in size, located ventrally in two clusters or groups; first group having four large thorns with length of 2.5–6 µm; first two thorns lie parallel very close to each other; these thorns preceded by two minute spines with length of 1–1.5 µm; second group of two thorns with length of more than 4 µm is located 10–20 µm posterior; none of copulatory thorns of second group connected with ambulatory setae. Stout somatic setae, three in number, present near the second group of copulatory thorns. Straight ambulatory setae 4–5 in number.

Female (Mature). Body shape, annulation number, pattern, ornamentation, number of cephalic and subcephalic setae are similar to male. Fovea amphidialis spiral (1.25 turn), aperture amphidialis with central spot. Straight ambulatory setae six in number and extended posterior to vulva region. No setae posterior to anal opening. Bisinuous ambulatory setae located in-between ventral body curvature and posterior region of vulval opening. Vagina short, tripartite. Reproductive system didelphic, amphidelphic; anterior and posterior ovaries reflexed left and right to intestine respectively. Vulva transverse, cuticle around vulva slightly dilated; pars proximalis vaginae connected with uteri, pars refringens vaginae elongate, dark brown in colour and connected with muscles; pars distalis vaginae very small, located to the outside of pars refringens vaginae. Ventral field of copulatory thorns absent.


Female (4th stage juvenile). Subcephalic sensilla vary from 12–14 in number. Body annuli, body diameter, cephalic and subcephalic sensilla, position of nerve ring, pharynx length, ambulatory setae etc. similar to adults. Amphideal fovea female specific, spiral type. Reproductive system not developed and associated structures inconspicuous.

Diagnosis. Polkepsilonema arabicensis sp. n. typically ‘epsilon’ shaped with length less than 600 µm. Cephalic capsule bears 14 subcephalic sensilla of which 10 are anterior to amphids. Males are with interrupted loop shaped amphideal fovea while females have spiral amphideal fovea. Fine spines present at both dorsal and ventral curvature of body. Bisinuous ambulatory setae in 5–6 rows on ventral surface of the body guarded by one row of straight setae with curved end at each lateral side. Straight setae supported by small setae. Male with two clusters of copulatory thorns: anteriormost cluster with four large and two minute thorns and posterior cluster with two thorns. Two short setae near cloacal opening. Male with curved spicules (41–47 µm along arc) with flat boat-shaped gubernaculum. Tail with six body annuli and non-annulated cuticularized tip.

TABLE 1. Morphometrics of Polkepsilonema arabicensis sp. n. collected from Agatti island, Lakshadweep, India. All the characters except ratios are given in μm

Registration No. WN2690 WN2691 WN2692 WN2694 WN2693 WN2695
Type Holotype (♂) Paratype1 (♂) Paratype1 (♀) Paratype3 (♀) Juvenile Paratype4 (♀) Juvenile Paratype2 (♀) Juvenile
Total Length 537 415 466 458 358 398
Number of body annules 122 113 119 123 111 110
Length of cephalic sensilla 12 9 12 10 8 9
Pharynx length 96 94 92 90 84 94
Tail length 44 37 38 39 33 36
Non-annulated head length 19 18 19 20 18 17
Non-annulated tail length 18 17 17 16 15 16
Spicule length (arc) 41 47 NA NA NA NA
Spicule length (chord) 29 33 NA NA NA NA
Gubernaculum length 9 9 NA NA NA NA
Length of bisinous ambulatory setae 14 14 14 14 15 15
Length of straight ambulatory setae 15 15 15 15 16 16
Amphid fovea width 6 5 5 4 5 5
Cephalic diameter at the level of cephalic sensilla 10 8 9 8 7 7
Body diameter at amphid fovea 17 16 17 15 13 16
Body diameter at pharynx base 34 34 37 41 35 35
Anal body diameter 24 28 24 24 19 24
Diameter at vulva level 0 0 49 47 ? 49
Maximum body diameter 37 38 49 47 37 49
Amphid fovea distance from anterior end 14 12 15 16 13 14
Distance from anterior end to nerve ring 58 53 52 52 50 53
Distance from anterior end to vulva 0 0 316 363 ? 264
Cephalic sensilla length to cephalic diameter at the level of insertion 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.2
Position of nerve ring with respect to pharynx length from anterior end (%) 60 56 57 58 60 56
a 14.5 10.9 9.5 9.7 9.6 8.1
b 5.6 4.4 5.1 5.1 4.3 4.2
c 12.2 11.1 12.3 11.6 10.7 10.9
c’ 1.9 1.3 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.5
V 0 0 67.7 79.2 ? 66.2
V’ 0 0 73.7 86.6 ? 72.8















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