Potamocarcinus richmondi ( Rathbun, 1893 )

Magalhães, Célio, Wehrtmann, Ingo S., Lara, Luis Rólier & Mantelatto, Fernando L., 2015, Taxonomy of the freshwater crabs of Costa Rica, with a revision of the genus Ptychophallus Smalley, 1964 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae), Zootaxa 3905 (3), pp. 301-344 : 335-337

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Potamocarcinus richmondi ( Rathbun, 1893 )


Potamocarcinus richmondi ( Rathbun, 1893) View in CoL

( Figs. 75, 76 View FIGURES 71 – 76 , 86 View FIGURE 86 )

Pseudothelphusa richmondi Rathbun, 1893: 654 View in CoL , pl. 75, figs. 6–10.— Young 1900: 218.— Rathbun 1904: 242 (in list).— Rathbun 1905: 303.— Coifmann 1939: 109 (in list).— Rodríguez 2001: 436.— Ng et al. 2008: 176 (in list).— Villalobos Hiriart & Álvarez 2008: 297 (in list).

Pseudothelphusa (Megathelphusa) richmondi View in CoL — Smalley 1964b: 9, figs. 4–6.— Pretzmann 1972: 70, figs. 373–376, 366–368.— Pretzmann 1980: 653.

Potamocarcinus (Potamocarcinus) richmondi View in CoL — Pretzmann 1965: 2.— Pretzmann 1971: 20.

Material examined. COSTA RICA. Alajuela Province, Pacific drainage: 3 males immat., 7 females immat., UCR- MZ 2499, Canton de Orotina, 29.ix.1966, D.C. Robinson leg.—Cartago Province, Atlantic drainage: 1 male (cw 78.4, cl 51.8), TMNH (Acc. nr 98-101), 16.3 mi east of Turrialba, 28.vi.1973, R.D. Suttkus & S. Jiménez-Canossa leg.

Description of gonopod. Straight in both caudal, mesial views, moderately compressed mesio-laterally; caudal border concave, narrower on its distal third, smooth; mesio-caudal surface smooth, patch of caudal setae absent along its proximal half; mesial border nearly straight in mesial view; mesio-cephalic surface with subdistal patch of short setae increasing size distally. Spermatic channel opening on apex cavity, situated towards lateral end. Marginal suture on mesial side, straight along stem, short row of marginal setae proximally. Marginal process (caudal process, sensu Smalley 1964a) broad, rounded, much shorter than mesial lobe. Lateral suture incomplete, marked by conspicuously weak sulcus on the first two-thirds of caudal surface. Mesial process as short, broadly triangular apical tooth directed cephalad on distal portion of mesial border. Apex compressed in mesio-lateral direction, slightly distorted in lateral direction; mesial lobe enlarged, rounded in mesio-caudal view, slightly folded over the apex cavity. Apex cavity narrow, slit-like, lateral border crested; field of apical spines weakly developed, with small patch of few minute spines. Cephalic process as two well separated teeth on cephalic surface, apical tooth smaller, blunt, subapical tooth larger, rather sharp. Field of apical spines weakly developed, very narrow path of few minute spines along caudo-cephalic direction.

Holotype and type locality. Male, cw 49.8, cl 32.5.5, USNM 17725. Nicaragua, Atlántico Sur Province, Bluefields (Atlantic drainage).

Distribution. Central Costa Rica, in both Atlantic and Pacific drainages ( Fig. 86 View FIGURE 86 ). The species is also found in Nicaragua ( Rathbun, 1893) and Panama ( Rodriguez, 1982; Pretzmann, 1972 [as P. (M.) masimbari ]). Other records from Costa Rica were given by Smalley (1964b) (Cartago Province, 1.1 mi N Turrialba), Pretzmann (1972) (Limón Province, small creek near a farm), and Pretzmann (1980) (Guanacaste Province: Piedras River, W Bagaces, and Alajuela Province: tributary of Arenal River, 5 km SE Arenal).


Tianjin Museum of Natural History


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History














Potamocarcinus richmondi ( Rathbun, 1893 )

Magalhães, Célio, Wehrtmann, Ingo S., Lara, Luis Rólier & Mantelatto, Fernando L. 2015

Potamocarcinus (Potamocarcinus) richmondi

Pretzmann 1971: 20
Pretzmann 1965: 2

Pseudothelphusa (Megathelphusa) richmondi

Pretzmann 1980: 653
Pretzmann 1972: 70
Smalley 1964: 9

Pseudothelphusa richmondi

Ng 2008: 176
Villalobos 2008: 297
Rodriguez 2001: 436
Coifmann 1939: 109
Rathbun 1905: 303
Rathbun 1904: 242
Young 1900: 218
Rathbun 1893: 654
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