Prosbolidae Handlirsch, 1906

Nel, André & Prevec, Rose, 2023, The oldest putative prosbolid insect from Africa, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 68 (1), pp. 95-102 : 96-97

publication ID 10.4202/app.01046.2022

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scientific name

Prosbolidae Handlirsch, 1906


Family Prosbolidae Handlirsch, 1906 View in CoL Genus Karooprosbole nov.

Zoobank LSID: .

Type species: Karooprosbole magnifica sp. nov., by monotypy; see below.

Etymology: Named after the Onder Karoo locality and the genus name Prosbole . Gender feminine.

Diagnosis.—As for the monotypic type species.

Karooprosbole magnifica sp. nov.

Figs. 1 View Fig , 2 View Fig .

Zoobank LSID: .

Etymology: Named after the wonderful preservation of the material, with color patterns.

Type material: Holotype AM14858 a, b, adpression of a tegmen, part and counterpart; paratype AM11270 a, b, adpression of a tegmen, part and counterpart, from the type locality and horizon.

Type horizon: Wordian Stage, Guadelupian, Permian.

Type locality: Low road-cutting and associated abandoned quarry, Onder Karoo locality, Sutherland District of the Northern Cape Province, South Africa.

Diagnosis.—Tegmen characters only. Presence of irregular veinlets in distal part of costal area; nodal line crossing RP midway between base of RP and its first fork, and crossing M basad its first fork; basal part of CuA curved; posterior branch of RA with a series of weak anterior branches; base of RP distinctly closer to base of M than to fork of RA, but not very close to base of M.

Description.— Holotype AM 14858a, b: A complete forewing (tegmen), 13.8 mm long, 5.0 mm wide; ScP forming a curved vein appressed to R +M+CuA ending into R just distad point of separation between R and M+CuA; a very broad area between radius and costal margin, 1.2 mm in widest part, with transverse, darkened, and curved veinlets; division of radius into RA and RP 5.7 mm from wing base; base of RP far basad distal fork of RA (2.3 mm) and rather far distad base of M (2.0 mm); a weak crossvein between RA and RP closing a triangular cell; RA(+ScP) straight, with a terminal fork into a rather long and oblique anterior branch (re-emergence of ScP?) along prominent nodal break and a longer posterior branch, defining an elongate cell along costal margin; posterior branch of RA with four very weak anterior branches; RP ending distally with two closely parallel terminal branches, both anteriorly directed; M basally connected to CuA and radius, M and CuA diverging from R 3.3 mm from wing base, stem of M 3.5 mm long; M ending with three main branches, anterior-most branch of M forked twice, second branch forked again; first and second branches defining two closed cells; an intra-median crossvein between second and third branch of M; basal part of CuA strongly curved, 3.4 mm long, with a distal fork; anterior branch of CuA fused for a short length with M and separated again distally; a crossvein between RP and M closing an elongate and narrower cell; a nodal line; a darkened spot between CuA and M; nodal line crossing CuA at its first fork, M slightly basad, 0.3 mm its first fork, and RP 1.3 mm distad base of RP and 2.1 mm basad crossvein r-m; cua-cup curved and long, 1.1 mm long; CuP straight, weaker than CuA; PCu straight; anal area with a long anal vein distally ending into PCu and two sigmoidal veinlets between it and PCu.

Paratype AM11270 a, b: A nearly complete forewing (tegmen), with anal area and CuP lacking in main part, wing ca. 13.8 mm long, 5.1 mm wide; venation nearly identical to that of holotype except for the presence of a crossvein between anterior and median branches of M, absence of fusion of distal branches of median and posterior branches of M, and presence of a distal crossvein between M and CuA; area between radius and costal margin 1.3 mm in widest part; base of RP far basad distal fork of RA (2.1 mm) and rather far distad base of M (1.5 mm); stem of M 3.6 mm long; basal part of CuA 3.4 mm long, a weak nodal line visible through dilatations of RP, M, and CuA and a darkened spot between CuA and M; nodal line crossing CuA at its first fork, M slightly basad, 0.4 mm its first fork, and RP 1.4 mm distad base of RP and 1.8 mm basad crossvein r-m; cua-cup curved and long, 1.1 mm long, weaker than CuA; a small part of CuP present .

Stratigraphic and geographic range.— Type locality and horizon only.


Australian Museum


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile











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