Potemnemus thomsoni Lansberge, 1880 : 138

Wallin, Henrik & Kvamme, Torstein, 2015, A review of the genus Potemnemus Thomson, 1864 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) with description of a new species from Papua New Guinea, Zootaxa 4040 (5), pp. 501-542 : 521-522

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Potemnemus thomsoni Lansberge, 1880 : 138


Potemnemus thomsoni Lansberge, 1880: 138 View in CoL sp. res.

Figs. 21 View FIGURES 19 – 24 , 81 View FIGURE 81 .

Notes. Protemnemus thomsoni Lansberge (1880) is a misspelling.

Examined specimens: HT ♂ MNHN (photo examination), BL = 45.0 mm, Indonesia, Papua, Mount Arfak, leg. J. Thomson (1828–1897) & M. Bruyn,

Morphological characteristics. A large and robust species ( BL = 45.0 mm) with body approximately 3.5 x longer than wide ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 19 – 24 ). Antennae: very long in the HT male, extending beyond apices by about six antennomeres. Thorax: pronotum is smooth and supplied with a longitudinal whitish and narrow band interrupted medially with a dark brown spot surrounded by whitish pubescence. The preapical transverse groove (or impression) medially across entire pronotum is oblique. Elytra: sub-parallel with 2/3 of anterior surface flattened medially. Covered with light brown and very dense pubescence. A mixture of small and large, glabrous granules are concentrated around the slightly raised and bulb-like area anteriorly. The black lateral carina distinct and smooth, and distinctly curved inwards towards apex before apical 1/3 of elytra. Legs: strongly mottled with white pubescence.

Remarks. The concentration of large granules at the anterior part of elytra in P. thomsoni sp. res. resembles to some extent P. tuberifer , P. wheatcrofti comb. nov. and P. nylanderi nov. sp. The distinct lateral carina curved towards the middle of each elytron 1/3 before apex is, however, unique to P. thomsoni sp. res. and P. tuberifer . P. thomsoni sp. res. is easily separated from P. tuberifer by the light brownish colour and much more elongated elytra, which are flattened medially. P. t h om s on i sp. res. is only known from the HT ♂ found in the Arfak Mountains (Bird´s Head Peninsula) on the western part of the island of New Guinea ( Fig. 81 View FIGURE 81 ).

Potemnemus trimaculatus Lea, 1918: 98 View in CoL sp. res. Figs. 7, 8, 9 View FIGURES 7 – 12 , 46 View FIGURES 45 – 50 , 55, 56, 57, 58 View FIGURES 51 – 58 , 81 View FIGURE 81 .

Potemnemus detzneri Kriesche, 1923: 428 View in CoL nov. syn. (assumed to be a synonym by Breuning (1944), but not formalized).

Notes. P. trimaculatus Lea, 1918 View in CoL was synonymized by De Jong (1947). Protemnemus trimaculatus Lea, 1918 is a misspelling.

Examined type specimen. HT ♂ SAM, BL = 38.0 mm (photo examination) Australia, Queensland, Coen River;

Other specimens examined. Papua New Guinea: 1♂ CUN, BL = 42.8 mm, Morobe Province (MP), Aseki, 1990.03; 1♀ CHW BL = 38.7 mm, MP, Aseki, Hanyauyeto Village, 2008.04.25-30; 1♀ CUN, BL = 47.0 mm, MP, Bulolo, 1990.03; 1♀ CUN, BL = 45.5 mm, MP, Aseki, 1991.07, leg. Clark; 1♀ CUN, BL = 47.4 mm, MP, Aseki, Pawamanga Village, 2005.06.15; 1♀ CUN, BL = 43.0 mm, MP, Aseki, 2004.06.0 1, leg. M. Hudson; 1♂ CUN, BL = 35.5 mm, BW= 11.0 mm, MP, 2005.05.17, M. Hudson leg.; 1♀ CUN, BL = 45.0 mm, MP, Aseki, 1992.10; 1♂ CHW, BL = 48.0 mm, MP, Kapiro Village, 1995.10.13; 1♂ CHW, BL = 44.0 mm, MP, Kapiro Village, 1995.02.29; 1♂ NHRS, BL = 30.0 mm, labelled Alt. Erima, D.N. Guinea; 1♂ NHRS, BL = 36.0 mm, labelled D.Neu Guinea; 1♂ IRSNB, BL = 45.0 mm, D.N. Guinea, leg. I., Fergusson; 1♀ IRSNB, BL = 40.0 mm, D.N. Guinea; 1♂ IRSNB, BL = 44.0 mm, D.N. Guinea, leg. I., Fergusson; 1♀ IRSNB, BL = 45.0 mm, D.N. Guinea, leg. I., Fergusson; 1♂ IRSNB, BL = 37.0 mm, D.N. Guinea (ex. coll. Fruhstorfer); Indonesia: 1♀ CUN, BL = 49.0 mm, Halmahera, Baru-Basale, Talugarama 550 m, 1997.03.0 5, leg. P. Suhanda.

P. detzneri Kriesche, 1923: 428 View in CoL nov. syn.

Examined type specimen: HT ♀ MNHUB, BL = 48.0 mm, Papua New Guinea, Morobe Province, Sattelberg (near Finschhafen on the Huon Peninsula).

Notes. Although both a female and a male specimen deposited at MNHUB are labelled Type and HT, we consider the female specimen to be the HT. The original description and labelling data for the female agrees with the HT ♀.

Re-description. a large and relatively broad species (BL = 30.0–49.0 mm, BW 11.0 mm) with body approximately 3.0 x longer than wide ( Figs. 7–9 View FIGURES 7 – 12 ). The body is compressed dorso-ventrally ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7 – 12 ). Antennae: relatively long in both sexes, extending beyond apices by about 4–5 antennomeres. The last antennomere in males is about 1.3 x longer than the penultimate. Thorax: the median patch on pronotum is divided by a narrow and longitudinal ochreous line. There are two conical tubercles medially on pronotum with a glabrous and shining oval area between them. The oval area is sometimes slightly raised, but do not reaching the height of the two lateral tubercles. The surface on pronotum below the median tubercles is smooth ( Fig. 46 View FIGURES 45 – 50 ). Elytra: ochreous or rarely greyish. The epipleurons towards humeri are dark brown, with similar colour as the three patches dorsally on elytra. One brown triangular patch surrounds scutellum and is extended along the suture, and the two brown patches are posteriorly towards apex. The elevated transverse ridge on the middle of each elytron is oblique. Spines mainly scattered along lateral carina (rarely on elytra) are relatively fine. Spines surrounding the triangular patch around scutellum are blunt or rounded. Legs: relatively long and weakly mottled with brownish and greyish pubescence. Venter: prosternal process with a large broad, pubescent and rounded tubercle anteriorly. An exception is the examined female from Halmahera that has a completely rounded mesoventrite anteriorly. Mesosternum with a small, white patch laterally. Venter with short, brownish pubescence. Male genitalia: aedeagus is about 8.0 mm long and strongly curved towards apex ( Fig. 55 View FIGURES 51 – 58 ), with dorsal surface smooth and shining ( Fig. 56 View FIGURES 51 – 58 ). Parameres broad and about 3.5 mm long, strongly narrowing towards anterior margin, inner margin straight with lateral margin strongly narrowing towards apex, with relatively long setae attached dorsally and ventrally, and the projection at base (between the two parameres) sharp and pointing ( Fig. 57 View FIGURES 51 – 58 ). Tergite VIII about 3.5 mm long, triangularly shaped with a rounded apex, anterior margin covered with relatively fine and short setae, and the surface with fine and densely pubescent ( Fig. 58 View FIGURES 51 – 58 ). The colour of male genitalia is yellowish.

Remarks. P. trimaculatus sp. res. is most similar to P. scabrosus but is easily separated by the more flattened body dorso-ventrally, the more elongated elytra, the presence of a distinct brown patch medially on pronotum and the extended and triangular patch surrounding scutellum. P. trimaculatus sp. res. is also a widespread species occurring in the Moluccas and on the western and eastern parts of the island of New Guinea ( Fig. 81 View FIGURE 81 ).


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collections


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique














Potemnemus thomsoni Lansberge, 1880 : 138

Wallin, Henrik & Kvamme, Torstein 2015

Potemnemus detzneri

Kriesche 1923: 428

P. detzneri

Kriesche 1923: 428

Potemnemus trimaculatus

Lea 1918: 98

Potemnemus thomsoni

Lansberge 1880: 138
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