Proxenetes segmentatus Den Hartog, 1966

Willems, Wim R., Sandberg, Maria I. & Jondelius, Ulf, 2007, First report on Rhabdocoela (Rhabditophora) from deep parts of Skagerrak, with the description of four new species, Zootaxa 1616, pp. 1-21 : 15-16

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.179102

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scientific name

Proxenetes segmentatus Den Hartog, 1966


Proxenetes segmentatus Den Hartog, 1966 View in CoL

( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 C–D)

Locality. Loc. 1.

Known distribution. Zeeland, Netherlands ( Den Hartog 1966)

Material. One individual studied alive and whole-mounted.

Description and remarks. The plump, wide and open stylet ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 D) is 58 µm long. The curved, tubular part and the surrounding mantle, showing several spines are 83 µm and 35 µm long respectively. The ducts of the bursal appendage ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 C) are 86 µm long and the proximal cuticular ring is 17 µm wide. No other hard parts are present. The detailed structure and the size of both hard parts fits well with the description of P. s e g - mentatus Den Hartog, 1965. However, Den Hartog (1966) mentions a slightly shorter bursal appendage, 60 µm long.

This species was found by Den Hartog (1966) in a shallow salt-marsh, whereas our specimen was collected at a depth of 116– 161 m.

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