Pseudolophiostoma lincangense G. C. Ren & Tibpromma, 2024

Ren, Guang-Cong, Tibpromma, Saowaluck, Dong, Kai-Xuan, Gao, Chen-Xi, Zhang, Chao-Shan, Karunarathna, Samantha C., Elgorban, Abdallah M. & Gui, Heng, 2024, Unveiling fungi associated with Castanopsis woody litter in Yunnan Province, China: Insights into Pleosporales (Dothideomycetes) species, MycoKeys 108, pp. 15-45 : 15-45

publication ID 10.3897/mycokeys.108.127560


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MycoKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Pseudolophiostoma lincangense G. C. Ren & Tibpromma

sp. nov.

Pseudolophiostoma lincangense G. C. Ren & Tibpromma sp. nov.

Fig. 5 View Figure 5


The epithet refers to the location where the fungus was collected.


HKAS 122880 .


Saprobic on dead twigs of Castanopsis calathiformis ( Fagaceae ) in terrestrial habitat. Sexual morph: Ascomata 280–330 µm high, 230–290 μm diam. (x ̄ = 310 × 260 μm, n = 5), solitary or gregarious, immersed, papilla erumpent through host surface, subglobose, single or two locular, coriaceous, brown to dark brown, ostiolate. Ostioles 110–160 µm long, 80–90 μm diam., carbonaceous, mostly central, with crest-like opening, filled with hyaline periphyses. Peridium 10–20 µm wide, comprising 4–9 layers, composed of dark brown outer layers, inner layers comprising hyaline, flattened, angular, thick-walled cells of textura angularis. Hamathecium composed of numerous, 1–2 µm wide, flamentous, septate, branched, cellular pseudoparaphyses. Asci 80–100 × 15–20 µm (x ̄ = 94 × 16 µm, n = 20), 8 - spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, cylindrical, with pedicel, apically rounded, with a minute ocular chamber. Ascospores 32–40 × 5–5.8 µm (x ̄ = 35 × 5.3 µm, n = 30), 1–2 - seriate, fusiform, hyaline, straight or slightly curved, 1 - septate, becoming 3 - septate when germinated, constricted at the septa, narrower towards both end cells, upper cell longer than lower cell, guttulate, smooth-walled, with mucilaginous sheath. Asexual morph: Undetermined.

Culture characteristics.

Ascospores germinated on PDA within 24 h at room temperature (25 ° C). Germ tubes produced from the apical or the second cell of ascospore. Colonies on PDA, reaching 25 mm diameter after two weeks at 20–25 ° C, mycelia superficial, circular, flat, fimbriate, undulate edge, gray with white gray at the center; reverse, dark green, pale yellow at the center.

Material examined.

China, Yunnan Province, Lincang (24 ° 5 ' 30 " N, 100 ° 5 ' 33 " E, elevation: 1557.49 m) on dead woody twigs of Castanopsis calathiformis ( Fagaceae ), 12 July 2020, G. C. Ren, LC 25 ( HKAS 122880 , holotype), ex-type living culture KUNCC 21-0606 GoogleMaps .


Multi-loci phylogenetic analyses based on a concatenated SSU, LSU, ITS, tef 1 - α, and rpb 2 sequence dataset show that our new collection (KUNCC 21-0606) clusters sister to strains of Pseudolophiostoma vitigenum (HH 26930 and HH 26931) with 100 % ML and 1.00 BYPP support (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ). Sequence comparison for the ITS region between Pseudolophiostoma lincangense (KUNCC 21-0606) and P. vitigenum (HH 26930, type) showed a 2.67 % (14 / 524 bp) base pair difference, 0.24 % (2 / 848 bp) base pair difference for LSU region, 1.97 % (17 / 863 bp) base pair difference for tef 1 - α region, but we were unable to compare rpb 2 gene of P. vitigenum as there was no sequence data. Comparatively, the morphological characterization of Pseudolophiostoma lincangense is similar to P. vitigenum in having immersed ascomata with papilla; carbonaceous ostiole with crest-like opening, and filled with hyaline periphyses; cylindrical asci with a short truncate pedicel and a minute ocular chamber; fusiform, hyaline, constricted at the septa, 1 - septate ascospores ( Thambugala et al. 2015). However, our new collection differs from P. vitigenum in having single or two locular ascomata, peridium consists of two layer cells of textura angularis, smaller asci (94 × 16 μm vs. 129.8 × 20.1 μm) and ascospores (35 × 5.3 μm vs. 38.5 × 10.5 μm), and of the upper cell of the ascospores is longer than the lower cell ( Thambugala et al. 2015). Therefore, we identify our collection as a new species from Yunnan Province, China.


Saratov State University


Louisiana State University - Herbarium