Pseudoplandria bowravillensis, Pace, 2015

Pace, Roberto, 2015, New genera and new species of Aleocharinae from Australia (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (2), pp. 327-339 : 333-334

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Pseudoplandria bowravillensis

sp. nov.

Pseudoplandria bowravillensis View in CoL spec. nov.

( Figs 17 View Figs 13–23 , 55 View Figs 48-55 )

Type material: Holotype , Australia, NSW Bowraville , Agent Hill, 10.11.1997, leg. Wachtel ( CSCÜ).

Description: Length 2.7 mm. Body shiny, reddish, antennae brown with the three basal antennomeres yellowish-red and eleventh yellow, legs yellowish-red. Eyes longer than the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere as long as the first one, third shorter than the second one, fourth and fifth as long as wide, sixth to tenth transverse. Reticulation of the body absent. Head dotting very superficial, that of the elytra close and evident. Granulation of the pronotum very delicate, close and clearly visible, that of the abdomen consisting of sparse, elongate granules. Bottom of the basal transverse sulci with six punctures each. Spermatheca as in Fig. 55 View Figs 48-55 .

Comparative notes: In the shape of the spermatheca, the new species is comparable to Ρ. kinabaluicola PACE, 2008

from Borneo. It is recognizable by the distal bulb of the spermatheca being short, whereas it is long in kinabaluicola, and by the proximal portion of the spermatheca broad, whereas it is narrow in kinabaluicola. This new species is the first species of Pseudoplandria known from Australia.

Etymology: The new species takes its name from the toponym Bowraville.

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