Pterocyclos rupestris Benson, 1832

Sajan, Sheikh, Barik, Subhadra, Mohapatra, Pratyush P., Tripathy, Basudev, Mukhopadhyay, Amit, Hafiz, Md & Ghosh, Abhijna, 2024, Notes on a mollusc collection from Gundichaghagi Falls, Eastern Ghats, India, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 124 (1), pp. 55-63 : 57

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Pterocyclos rupestris Benson, 1832


Pterocyclos rupestris Benson, 1832 View in CoL ( Figure 13 View Figures 12-20 )

1832. Pterocyclos rupeslris Benson, J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. , 1: p. 13, pl. 2. fig. 1.

Distribution: Distributed throughout East India ( Rao et al., 1989b; Ramakrishna et al., 2010).

Note: The live specimens were observed on the moist wall, and a few dry shells were collected from the nearby forest floor.

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