Reedapini Engel, 2020

Engel, Michael S., 2020, Genera of the bee tribe Reedapini (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), Journal of Melittology 2020 (95), pp. 1-16 : 2-4

publication ID 10.17161/jom.vi95.13459

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scientific name

Reedapini Engel

trib. nov.

Reedapini Engel , new tribe


TYPE GENUS: Reedapis Michener, 1989 .

DIAGNOSIS: Reedapini intermingle features of Lonchopriini and other South American paracolletines. Reedapines, like those species of Lonchopria Vachal (sensu Michener, 2007), have three submarginal cells in the forewing, with a long second submarginal cell ( Fig. 9 View Figures 7–9 ). The posterior margin of the second submarginal cell is often as long as or at least three-fourths as long as that of the third submarginal cell, but may sometimes be longer than the third. The preoccipital ridge is rounded and the pronotum lacks a transverse carina dorsolaterally (preoccipital ridge carinate to lamellate and pronotum with transverse carina dorsolaterally in Eulonchopria Brèthes ). All taxa have a probasitarsal comb, formed of a distinct longitudinal line of setae along the outer margin (also present in Lonchopriini, Eulonchopria , Nomiocolletes Brèthes , and weakly so in Lonchorhyncha Michener , but otherwise usually absent among other South American paracolletines). The pretarsal claws are cleft, with the inner ramus shorter than the outer ramus. There is a distinct fiscina (sensu Engel, 2001) on the ventral surface of the metafemur, bordered anteriorly by elongate, arching setae with numerous long branches, and posteriorly by long setae that are either largely simple to bearing numerous short branches. The metatrochanter has abundant, elongate, scopal setae (floccus) bordering the metafemoral fiscina proximally (similar to that of Lonchopriini, absent in other South American paracolletines). Metatibial scopa composed of numerous elongate, plumose setae but not so dense as to obscure the metatibial surface (dense and obscuring metatibial surface in Lonchopriini). The metabasitarsus is slender, tapering slightly apically, with an apical width more than one-half the basal width (about one-half basal width in Lonchopriini, thus metabasitarsus more strongly tapering apically in Lonchopriini), and the outer surface is flat (versus longitudinally concave in Lonchopriini). The male sternum VIII has the apical process terminating in a slightly exposed, rounded, beveled area superficially resembling a pygidial plate (absent in Lonchopriini). Females of Reedapini have a distinct, well-developed metasomal scopa on sterna II– V. The metasomal scopa is composed of abundant, elongate (nearly as long as the exposed portions of the sterna), appressed to subappressed, plumose setae. Similar scopal setae are present along the apicolateral extremities of terga II– V and arch ventrally toward the sterna.

COMMENTS: At times there is numerous pollen grains in the metasomal scopa (including those setae on the apicolateral extremities of terga II– V) as well as amid the scopal setae of the metafemur and metatibia. When pollen is present on specimens it appears to be cactus pollen (also noted by Michener, 1989), and it may be that reedapines are oligolectic on Cactaceae . The few observed floral records are all from cacti (e.g., Lenzi, 2008; Lenzi & Orth, 2011).

INCLUDED GENERA: The tribe includes the genera Reedapis , Cephalocolletes , Lonchopriscus , n. gen., and Cactocolletes , n. gen., all occurring in southern South America [currently recorded from Argentina, southern Brazil, and Chile ( Table 1 View Table 1 ), and likely occurring in Uruguay and perhaps southeastern Paraguay] ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ). It would appear that among these genera, Lonchopriscus and Cactocolletes are most closely related, with Cephalocolletes sister to this grouping, and Reedapis the earliest diverging of the constituent lineages.

Key to Genera of Reedapini

1. Lateral surface of propodeum with strong, longitudinal-oblique striae or rugae; metasoma dark brown to black, without metallic reflections ( Figs. 6 View Figures 5–6 , 14 View Figures 13–15 , 20, 22 View Figures 20–23 ); mandible of male with or without preapical tooth ................................ 2

—. Lateral surface of propodeum punctate, without striae or rugae; metasoma with at least weakly metallic blue ( Fig. 3 View Figures 2–4 ); mandible of male with preapical tooth [ Chile] .................................................................................. Reedapis Michener

2(1). Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum covered in dense, short, spicate pile or plumose setae that frequently largely obscures integumental surface in female (except in C. isabelae where pile is sparse over disc centrally) ( Figs. 14 View Figures 13–15 , 16, 17 View Figures 16–17 , 20–22 View Figures 20–23 ); mesoscutal setae tawny to white ( Figs. 16, 17 View Figures 16–17 , 21, 22 View Figures 20–23 ), metafemoral fiscinal and metatibial setae white to off white; first flagellomere distinctly shorter than combined lengths of second and third flagellomeres, subequal to fourth flagellomere ( Fig. 11 View Figures 10–12 ); scape extending only to level of median ocellus ( Fig. 15 View Figures 13–15 ); metasoma with apical bands of white or pale setae, sometimes interrupted medially on more basal terga; male with preapical tooth (unknown for Lonchopriscus ); smaller bees, 8–11 mm [ Argentina, Brazil] .............. 3

—. Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum not covered in dense pile, instead with scattered long, dark setae, not obscuring integument ( Figs. 6 View Figures 5–6 , 8 View Figures 7–9 ); mesoscutal setae black to dark fuscous ( Figs. 6 View Figures 5–6 , 8 View Figures 7–9 ); metafemoral fiscinal and metatibial scopal setae black to dark fuscous; first flagellomere elongate, as long as or slightly longer than combined lengths of second and third flagellomeres ( Fig. 10 View Figures 10–12 ), distinctly longer than fourth flagellomere; scape extending to upper tangent of lateral ocelli ( Fig. 10 View Figures 10–12 ); metasoma without apical bands of setae, setae entirely dark fuscous to black; male without preapical tooth; larger bees, 10–16 mm [ Argentina] ........................................... Cephalocolletes Michener

3(2). Basal area of propodeum smooth, shining, glabrous ( Fig. 17 View Figures 16–17 ); supraclypeal area closely punctate and largely obscured by dense, white pubescence ( Fig. 15 View Figures 13–15 ); mesoscutum contiguously punctured throughout (male unknown) [ Argentina] ............................................................. Lonchopriscus , n. gen.

—. Basal area of propodeum with distinct, transverse striae ( Fig. 21 View Figures 20–23 ); supraclypeal area with a distinct, large, glabrous, subtriangular area either impunctate or with a few sparse punctures, not obscured by dense pubescence ( Figs. 19 View Figures 18–19 , 23 View Figures 20–23 ); mesoscutum with sparser areas of punctation centrally (male with preapical tooth) [ Argentina, Brazil] ............................. Cactocolletes , n. gen.

Table 1. Classification of tribe Reedapini (Colletidae). Distribution records based on specimens in University of Kansas Natural History Museum, American Museum of Natural History, Schlindwein collection, and as recorded by Toro (1973), Michener (1989), Urban (1995), and Lenzi & Orth (2011).

Tribe Reedapini , n. trib.
Genus Cactocolletes , n. gen.
C. isabelae ( Urban, 1995) , n. comb. Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina)
C. rugatus ( Urban, 1995) , n. comb. Argentina (Entre Ríos), Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul)
Genus Cephalocolletes Michener, 1989
C. laticeps ( Friese, 1906) Argentina (Catamarca, Mendoza, La Rioja,
Genus Lonchopriscus , n. gen.
L. crassipunctatus ( Urban, 1995) , n. comb. Argentina (Catamarca)
Genus Reedapis Michener, 1989
R. bathycyanea ( Toro, 1973) Chile (Atacama, Bío-Bío, Coquimbo,
Regiόn Metropolitana)
R. melanocyanea ( Toro, 1973) Chile (Antofagasta, Atacama)
R. semicyanea ( Spinola, 1851) Chile (Atacama, Coquimbo, Valparaíso,
Regiόn Metropolitana)

Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium











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