Rhithrogena sibirica Brodsky 1930

Tiunova, Tatiana M., 2010, A new species of Rhithrogena Eaton, 1881 from the Far East of Russia with notes on this genus in this area (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae), Zootaxa 2639, pp. 1-18 : 13-16

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Plazi (2016-04-10 15:55:12, last updated 2024-11-27 18:14:07)

scientific name

Rhithrogena sibirica Brodsky 1930


Rhithrogena sibirica Brodsky 1930 View in CoL

( Figs. 60–77 View FIGURES 60 – 64 View FIGURES 65 – 77 )

Material examined. RUSSIA. Yakutiya: Lena River Basin, Dabai River, near Dabai Village, 2.VIII 1987, V Bogatov, 1 male imago; Aldan River Basin, Chulman River, upper Nerjungri City, 25.VII 2006, T Tiunova, 4 larvae; Magadanskaya Oblast’: Tauj River, middle part, 11.VII 2001, S Kocharina, 1 male imago; Tauj River Basin, Kava River, 9.VII. 2001, S Kocharina, 1 male imago; same place, 19.VII 2001, 1 male imago; same place, 30.VII 2001, 3 male imagines; Tauj River Basin, Chelomdzha River, 14.VII 2001, S Kocharina, 3 male imagines. Chitinskaya Oblast’: Selenga River Basin, Kaban’ya River, about 45 km upper mouth, 26.IV 2009, N Bazova, 1 larvae. Amurskaya Oblast’: Bureya River, near Novo-Burejsk Village, 25.VI 2004, T Tiunova, 1 male imago; Zeya River, near Krasnoyarovo village, 13.VI 2004, T Tiunova, 3 male imagines; same place, 24.VI 2004, 9 male imagines; Zeya River, near Zeya City, 20.VI 2004, T Tiunova, 30 male, 2 female imagines; Zeya Hydro-Electric Power Station Basin, Giljuj River, middle part, 19.VI 2004, T Tiunova, 9 male imagines; Zeya Hydro-Electric Power Station Basin, small stream 2 km below mountain Zolotaya Gora, 20.VI 2004, T Tiunova, 1 male imago. Khabarovskiy Kray: Amgun River Basin, Suluk River, about 10 km below Suluk Village, 16.VI 1994, T Tiunova, 9 larvae; Amgun River, near Dopsikan mountain, 24.VI 1994, T Tiunova, 23 male, 4 female imagines, 18 male, 6 female subimago, 5 larvae; Amgun River, near Postishevo Village, 28.VI 2004, T Tiunova, 4 male, 1 female imago, 1 male, 1 female subimago, 3 larvae; Ussuri River Basin, Chuken River, mouth, tributary of Chor River, 10.VI 1995, T Tiunova, 7 larvae; Sukpaj River, near Sukpaj Village, tributary of Chor River, 22.VI 1998, T Tiunova, 8 male imagines; Chor River, near Srednehorsky Village, 13.VI 1995, 4 male imagines; Chor River, 1.5 km below Gvasjugi Village, 14.VI 1995, T Tiunova, 30 male imagines; Chor River, near Kafe Village, 15.VI 1995, T Tiunova, 2 male, 2 female imagines (reared from larvae); Amur River, near Tsimmermanovka Village, 21.VI 2000, T Tiunova, 27 male, 3 female imagines; Mutii River, tributary Yaj River, below motor-car bridge, line Khabarovsk – De-Kastri, 30.VI 2005, T Tiunova, 5 male imagines; Bureya River Basin, Chegdomyn River, near Chegdomyn Village, 13.VII 2003, T Tiunova, 3 male imagines, 7 larvae; Nimakan River, mouth, 15.VII 2003, T Tiunova, 1 male imago; Niman River, 1.5 km upper mouth Nimakan River, 15.VII 2003, T Tiunova, 4 male imagines; Priokhot’e, Khetana River, 7 km upper mouth, tributary of Ul’ya River, 16.VIII 1985, V Zherikhin, 1 male imago; Kuhtuj River, about 10 km upper mouth, 10–12.VIII 1998, T Tiunova, 7 larvae; same place, 28–30.VI 1999, T Tiunova, 2 male, 3 female imagines, 5 larvae; Okhota River, about 6 km upper mouth, 1–5.VIII 1998, T Tiunova, 13 larvae; same place, 25–27.VI 1999, T Tiunova, 5 larvae; Okhota River, about 30 km upper mouth, 6–8.VIII 1998, T Tiunova, 4 male, 5 female imagines (reared from larvae); Lantar River, 2.5 km upper mouth, 28.VII 1999, T Tiunova, 1 male, 3 female imagines, 1 male, 1 female subimago; Uda River, about 5 km upper mouth, 13.VIII 2000, T Tiunova, 3 male imagines; Uda River, about 140 km upper mouth, 15– 20.VIII 2000, T Tiunova, 5 male imagines; Tatar strait Basin, Tumnin River, near mouth Tun’ River, 18– 19.VII 1997, T Tiunova, 2 male imagines; Tumnin River, near Gapanki mountain, 29–30.VI 1997, T Tiunova, 3 male, 2 female imagines; Aldan River Basin, Maya River, 1 km below Nel’kan village, 5–8.VIII 1999, T Tiunova, 1 male imago (reared from larvae), 6 male imagines. Primorskiy Kray: Armu River, upper part, tributary Bolshaya Ussurka River, 15.VI 1990, T Tiunova, 1 male imago; Bolshaya Ussurka River, 1,5 km upper mouth Daljnaya River, 23.VI 1990, T Tiunova, 1 male imago; Tuschnaya River, mouth, tributary Bikin River, 19.VI 1998, T Tiunova, 1 male imago.

Description. Male imago (in alcohol). Dimensions: length (mm): body 8.1–12.0; forewings 9.0–12.0; cerci 16.0–27.0. Thorax: pronotum brown, mesonotum dark brown; scutellum dark brown with a white cross-sectional strip; sublateroscutum white ( Fig. 60 View FIGURES 60 – 64 ); metanotum and metasternum dark brown. Length (mm) of foreleg segments: femora 1.7–2.5; tibia 1.9–2.6; tarsal segments 0.2–0.3, 0.9–1.5, 0.9–1.4, 0.6–1.1, 0.4– 0.6. Wings hyaline, veins from dark brown to brown. Abdomen: terga 2–7 dark brown with the lateral area darker, translucent; terga 2 with a pair of large whitish spots at the distal margin; terga 3–8 with a pair of light spots at the distal margin and a pair of small specks in the middle area; terga 8–9 opaque. Sterna translucent, dark brown with a lighter base and small white specks that are poorly expressed. Forceps dark brown; middle area of styliger plate light brown ( Fig. 61 View FIGURES 60 – 64 ). Penis lobes brownish, inner margin darker, strongly supported edge of the styliger plate; penis lobes long with widely placed top portions, with a middle portion expanded and with a long ( Figs. 62–63 View FIGURES 60 – 64 ), sharp shoot at the base ( Fig. 63–64 View FIGURES 60 – 64 ); titillators absent. Cerci: proximal third brown, distal portion from light brown to yellow.

Female imago. Dimensions: length (mm): 7.0–9.7; forewings 9.0–11.3; cerci 8.8–12.0. Thorax: pronotum brown with a light spot in the distal area; mesonotum brown; medioscutum and submedioscutum light brown; anteronotal protuberance dark brown, scutellum dark brown with a white top portion, lateroparapsidal suture light brown, lighter than the submedioscutum. Abdomen: terga and sterna colored as in males; sternum 7 dark brown; sterna 2–5 with a pair of oblique, light colored strokes in the distal area and a pair of small, light specks in the middle area. Cerci: brown at the base and yellowish at the tip.

Male subimago. Thorax: pronotum and mesonotum white; medioscutum and submedioscutum light brown; anteronotal protuberance and lateroparapsidal suture dark brown; scutellum, parascutellum and posterior scutal protuberance light brown. Forelegs brown, middle and hind legs yellow, tinged with brownish color; femora of all legs with a dark longitudinal spot in the middle area. Wings light brown, translucent.

Abdomen: terga 1–9 dark brown, opaque; terga 2–6 with a pair of light oval specks near the distal margin and a pair of small light round spots in the middle area; terga 7–8 with a pair of small light specks. Sterna 1–6 brown, 7–9 dark brown; sterna 2–7 with a pair of oblique light colored strokes in the distal area and a pair of light colored, round specks in the middle area. Cerci brown, uniformly colored.

Mature larva. Dimensions: length (mm): body 8.0–10.2, cerci 6.5–8.2. Head: forehead brown ( Fig. 65 View FIGURES 65 – 77 ). Maxilla with 8 comb-shaped setae at the apical margin ( Fig. 68 View FIGURES 65 – 77 ); labrum width approximately 4.4 times longer than the length ( Fig. 66 View FIGURES 65 – 77 ). Thorax: pronotum brown with lighter anterior and posterior margins; mesonotum brown; at the base of the wing pads, there are two small curved strips. Legs brown; femurs of all legs may or may not have a dark, indistinct spot in the middle of the light central area; setae on the dorsal surface of forefemora of the identical form, extended with a rounded apex ( Fig. 73 View FIGURES 65 – 77 ). Claws of fore- and middle legs with 2 subapical denticles ( Figs. 75–76 View FIGURES 65 – 77 ). Length (mm) of leg segments are as follows. Foreleg: femur 1.3–1.9, tibia 1.4–1.7, tarsus 0.6–0.7; middle leg: femur 1.4–2.1, tibia 1.3–1.6, tarsus 0.4–0.5; hind leg: femur 1.7–2.6, tibia 1.1–1.9, tarsus 0.4–0.5. Abdomen: terga brown, usually uniformly; terga 3–6 with a pair of small dark stripes in the middle area; central portion of the posterior margin of terga 5 having long and pointed teeth of uniform size ( Fig. 77 View FIGURES 65 – 77 ). Sterna brown; posteromedian emargination on sterna 9 poorly expressed ( Fig. 74 View FIGURES 65 – 77 ). Gills white, often with the inner half of the tergalius being dark pink or grayish-brown; gill I large, with an even outer margin ( Fig. 69 View FIGURES 65 – 77 ); gills III–IV with a rounded ledge on the posterior margin ( Figs. 70–71 View FIGURES 65 – 77 ); gill VII broadened in the middle area ( Fig. 72 View FIGURES 65 – 77 ). Cerci yellowish or whitish.

Distribution and biology. Rhithrogena sibirica is an East Palaearctic species that is distributed in East Siberia ( Kluge 1980), including southern Yakutiya (Tiunova et al. 2009), Magadanskaya Oblast’( Zasypkina 1980; Arefina et al. 2003), Kamchatka ( Levanidova 1972), Altai ( Brodsky 1930; Beketov 2005), the south of Russian Far East ( Tshernova et al. 1986; Kluge 1997; Tiunova 2007a, 2008, 2009, Tiunova & Potikha 2005) and Mongolia ( Bajkova & Varychanova 1978; Braasch 1979, 1986; Landa & Soldán 1983; Soldán et al. 2009).

Larvae of this species were found in stones, gravel and pebbles in rivers of different types.

Arefina, T. I., Ivanov, P. Yu., Kocharina, S. L., Lafer, G. Sh., Makarchenko, M. A., Teslenko, V. A., Tiunova, T. M. & Khamenkova, E. V. (2003) Fauna of aquatic insects of Taui River basin (Magadan Territory). In: E. Makarchenko (Ed.), Vladimir Ya. Levanidov's Biennial Memorial Meetings, Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2, 45 - 60 (in Russian).

Bajkova, O. Ya. & Varykhanova, K. V. (1978) Mayflies of Mongolia. In: Prirodniye usloviya i resursy Prisubkhugulya, Trudy Sovetsko Mongolskoy komplexnoy Khubsuguskoy expeditsii. Irkutsk - Ulan Bator, 6, 111 - 121 (in Russian).

Beketov, M. A. (2005) Species composition of stream insects of northeastern Altai: mayflies, caddisflies, and stoneflies (Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, Plecoptera). Euroasian Entomological Journal, 4 (2), 101 - 105 (in Russian).

Braasch, D. (1979) Die Eintagsfliegen (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) der Mongolisch-Deutschen Biologischen Expeditionen 1964 und 1977. Entomologische Nachrichten, Dresden, 23 (5), 65 - 76.

Braasch, D. (1986) Eintagsfliegen aus der Mongolischen Volksrepublik (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae). Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte, Dresden, 30 (2), 77 - 79.

Brodsky, K. A. (1930) Contributions to the fauna of Ephemeroptera of Southern Siberia. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 24 (1 - 2), 31 - 40 (in Russian).

Kluge, N. Yu. (1980) To the knowledge of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Taimyr national District. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 59, 561 - 579 (in Russian).

Kluge, N. Yu. (1997) Order Ephemeroptera - mayflies. In: Tsalolikhin S. J. (Ed.), Key to Freshwater Invertebrates of Russian and Adjacent Lands, St. Petersburg, pp. 175 - 220, 304 - 329 (in Russian).

Landa, V. & Soldan, T. (1983) Ephemeroptera from Mongolia. Entomologica Hungarica Rovartani kozlemenyek, 44 (2), 189 - 204.

Levanidova, I. M. (1972) Mayflies of the Kamchatka Peninsula, Izvestiya Tikhookeanskogo Nauchno Issledovatelskogo Instituta Rybnogo Khozyistva i Oceanography, 82, 93 - 115 (in Russian).

Soldan, T., Enkhtaivan, S. & Godunko, R. J. (2009) Commented checklist of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Mongolia. In: A. Y. Staniczek (Ed.), International Perspectives in Mayfly and Stonefly Research, Proceedings of the 12 th International Conference on Ephemeroptera and the 16 th International Symposium on Plecoptera, Stuttgart 2008. Aquatic Insects, 31, Suppl. 1, 653 - 670.

Tiunova, T. M. & Potikha, E. V. (2005) Mayfly (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) of the Eastern Sikhote-Alin. In: E. Makarchenko (Ed.), Vladimir Ya. Levanidov's Biennial Memorial Meetings, 3, 328 - 333 (in Russian).

Tiunova, T. M. (2007 a) Current knowledge of the mayfly fauna (Ephemeroptera) in the Far East of Russia and adjacent territories. Euroasian Entomological Journal, 6 (2), 181 + III (in Russian).

Tiunova, T. M. (2008) Mayflies (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) of the Zeya River Basin (Amurskaya Oblast). In: E. A. Makarchenko (Ed.), Freshwater Ecosystems of the Amur River Basin, Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 172 - 188 (in Russian).

Tshernova, O. A., Kluge, N. Yu., Sinitshenkova, N. D. & Belov, V. V. (1986) Order Ephemeroptera - mayflies. In: P. Ler (Ed.), Keys to the Insects of the Far East of the USSR, Leningrad, pp. 99 - 142 (in Russian).

Zasypkina, I. A. (1980) Material on the fauna of amphibious insects (Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera) from the Kolyma Basin. In: Medvedev & Matis (eds.), Study on the entomofauna of north eastern USSR, Academy Nauk SSSR, Vladivostok, 135 - 154 (in Russian).

Gallery Image

FIGURES 60 – 64. Rhithrogena sibirica, male imago: 60. Mesonotum, dorsal. 61. Genitalia, ventral. 62. Penis, ventral. 63. Penis, dorsal. 64. Penis, lateral. Scale (mm): 60 = 1.0; 61 – 64 = 0.5.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 65 – 77. Rhithrogena sibirica, larva: 65. Head, dorsal. 66. Labrum, dorsal. 67. Teeth of left mandible, dorsal. 68. Comb-shaped setae of the maxilla. 69. Gill I. 70. Gill III. 71. Gill IV. 72. Gill VII. 73. Setae on the dorsal surface of fore femora. 74. Abdominal sternum 9 (female). 75. Tarsal claw of fore leg. 76. Tarsal claw of middle leg. 77. Posterior margin of terga 5. Scale (mm): 65,69 = 1.0; 66,74 = 0.2; 67 – 68,75 – 76 = 0.01; 70 – 72 = 0.5; 73,77 = 0.05.