Larrini, Latreille, 1810

Genaro, Julio A., 2006, Checklist and distribution patterns of apoid wasps (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Sphecidae and Crabronidae) of Cuba, Zootaxa 1171, pp. 47-68 : 55-57

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Tribe Larrini View in CoL

47. Tachytes tricinctus ( Fabricius, 1804) . = T. antillarum Cameron, 1906 new synonymy; = T. cubensis Cresson, 1865 . Cuba, Bahamas (San Salvador Island), Guana Island, Mona Island and St. Thomas. Alayo (1976) suspected this synonymy. The original description of the male of T. antillarum (in Spanish) is sufficiently detalled to permit identify the species.

48. Tachytes chrysopyga (Spinola, 1841) . = T. insularis Cresson, 1865 . North America, Cuba, Isla de la Juventud, Jamaica, Guana Island, Mona Island, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Grenada, Dominica, Trinidad, Mexico to Argentina. The subspecies T. chrysopyga argentipes F. Smith occurs in the Caribbean area ( Bohart 1979).

49. Tachytes distinctus F. Smith, 1856 . USA, Cuba, Bahamas (North Bimini Island), Jamaica, Hispaniola, Mona Island, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. Alayo (1973, 1976) mentioned it as a variety, with doubt, of T. tricinctus . Genaro (2004) wrote about the proper systematic status of the Cuban taxon and recorded it for the first time for the island.

50. Tachysphex cubanus Pulawski, 1974 . Cuba and Jamaica.

51. Tachysphex dominicanus Pulawski, 1988 . Cuba, Hispaniola; Navassa Island (First record).

First records. NAVASSA ISLAND, Antillas, 5.v.1999, coll. S. Navarro (female, CAS); ruins near Lulu Bay , 22 m. 18°23.75’N 75°01.07’W, 25.vii–3.viii.1998, W. E. Steiner, J. M. Swearinger et al colls, yellow pan traps on open weedy flats of lower terrace, limestone and red oolitic soil near coastal cliff (3 females, USNM) GoogleMaps ; south part of RR trench, 72 m. 18°23.78’N, 75°00.85’W, 25.vii–4.viii.1998, W. E. Steiner, J. M. Swearinger et al colls, yellow bowl pitfall traps in red oolitic soil, open mixed forest with exposed limestone and patchy leaf litter (2 males, USNM) GoogleMaps .

52. Tachysphex antillarum Pulawski, 1974 . Cuba, Isla de la Juventud and Puerto Rico.

53. Tachysphex apicalis W. Fox, 1893 . = T. fumipennis Fox, 1893 . North America, Mexico, Cuba and Hawaiian Islands.

54. Tachysphex alayoi Pulawski, 1974 . USA (Florida), Bahamas (Eleuthera, Great Sale Cay, San Salvador Island), Cuba, Isla de la Juventud, Little Cayman, Hispaniola, Mona Island, Jamaica, Guana Island, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.

55. Liris fulviventris (Guérin­Méneville, 1845) . Cuba, Jamaica and St. Vincent Island

56. Liris labiatus (Fabricius, 1793) = L. ignipennis (F. Smith, 1856) . Cuba, Hispaniola, Guana Island, Puerto Rico, Dominica and Barbados.

57. Liris trifasciatus (F. Smith, 1856) . Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico and St. Vincent.

58. Liris fuliginosus (Dahlbom, 1843) = L. vinulenta (Cresson, 1865) , L. dahlbomi (Cresson, 1865) . USA (Florida), Mexico to Guatemala, Cuba, Isla de La Juventud, Jamaica, Guana Island, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent, Grenada and Dominica.

59. Liris luteipennis (Cresson, 1869) . Cuba, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent and Grenada.

60. Liris argentatus (Palisot de Beauvois, 1811) . = L. murina (Dahlbom, 1843) . North America, Cuba, Bahamas (San Salvador Island). St. Martin Island and Venezuela.

61. Liris antilles Krombein, 1953 . Cuba, Isla de la Juventud and Bahamas (South Bimini Island, San Salvador Island).

62. Liris muspa (Pate, 1943) . USA (Texas, Florida) and Cuba.

Tribe Trypoxylini

63. Trypoxylon (Trypargylum) subimpressum F. Smith, 1856 . = T. excavatum Cresson, 1865 . Cuba, Isla de la Juventud and Hispaniola. A record from Grenada ( Woodruff et al., 1998) needs confirmation because related species are very similar morphologically and it represents an otherwise extralimital.

64. Trypoxylon (Trypargylum) cubense Richards, 1934 . Cuba.

65. Trypoxylon (Trypargylum) mayri Richards, 1934 . Cuba.

66. Trypoxylon (Trypoxylon) succinctum Cresson, 1865 . Cuba and Grand Cayman Island.

67. Trypoxylon (Trypoxylon) orientinum Richards, 1969 . Cuba; Jamaica, Hispaniola and Mona Island.

First records. JAMAICA: Trelawny. Duncans, 23.viii.1966, colls. Howden and Becker (2 females, CNCI); HISPANIOLA, Dominican Republic , Los Ríos , Lago Enriquillo, Provincia Independencia, 25.v.1985, colls. R. Miller and L. Stange (1 female, FSCA) ; Río Chacón , near El Naranjo, Provincia La Altagracia,, colls. R. Miller and L. Stange (1 male, FSCA) ; Parque Nacional Jaragua , Provincia Pedernales, xi.2003, coll. J. A. Genaro (1 female, JAG) ; La Herradura , Santiago, 26.i.1966, coll. E. J. Marcano (1 male, USNM) ; MONA ISLAND, 11–31.viii.1944, coll. H. A. Beatty (2 females, USNM) ; Los Cerezos , 18.xi.1955, (4 females, USNM) ; 14.ix.2000, coll. J. A. Genaro (11 females, 1 male MNHNCu, CNCI) , near La Bajura around 60 females were observed coming to pools of water to collect mud .

68. Trypoxylon (Trypoxylon) n. sp. 1. Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola ( Dominican Republic) and Navassa Island. Numerous specimens were collected during a 1998 expedition to Navassa Island, demonstrating that it was common.

69. Trypoxylon (Trypoxylon) n. sp. 2. Cuba and Jamaica

70. Trypoxylon (Trypoxylon) n. sp. 3. Cuba

71. Trypoxylon (Trypoxylon) n. sp. 4. Cuba

72. Trypoxylon (Trypoxylon) n. sp. 5. Cuba


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Musee Oceanographique de Monaco


Canadian National Collection Insects

















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