Scirtes chiangmaiensis Yoshitomi & Ruta, 2010

Yoshitomi, Hiroyuki & Ruta, Rafał, 2010, Revision of the Scirtes flavoguttatus species-group (Coleoptera: Scirtidae: Scirtinae) 2467, Zootaxa 2467 (1), pp. 1-74 : 43-44

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scientific name

Scirtes chiangmaiensis Yoshitomi & Ruta

sp. nov.

Scirtes chiangmaiensis Yoshitomi & Ruta , sp. n.

Figs. 23C View FIGURE 23 , 26 View FIGURE 26

Type material. Holotype ( NMP): 1 male, “NW Thailand, 25.iv.-7.v.1996, Chiang Mai prov., BAN SAN PAKIA, 1700m, Sv. Bilý leg.”.

Description. Male. Body oblong-oval, slightly convex, shining, covered with yellowish setae throughout. Coloration of legs, ventral parts of meso- and metathorax and abdomen yellowish-brown; antennae black, with the exception of segments 1–3 which are yellow; head, pronotum and scutellum yellow; elytra black, with yellowish stripes extending from humeri to apices and adsutural parts, stripes connected at apex.

Head moderate in size, dorsal surface almost flat, finely punctate; clypeus long, front margin almost straight. Eyes moderate in size, prominent; the distance between the eyes ca. 2.5 times as long as the maximum diameter of the eye. Antennae relatively stout, reaching ca. proximal 1/4 of elytra. Pronotum slightly convex in mesal part of the disk, punctured as on head; antero- and postero-lateral angles obtuse, antero-lateral angles slightly projecting anteriorly; front margin almost straight; lateral and posterior margins gently arcuate; PW/PL 2.26. Scutellum moderate size, punctured as on pronotum, equilateral-triangular. Elytra oblong, sides subparallel, with 3 slightly visible longitudinal ridges, densely punctate; humeri slightly visible; EL/EW 1.54; EL/PL 4.53; EW/PW 1.3; TL/EW 1.88. Legs relatively long. Hind tibial spurs long, covered with minute spines; dorsal spurs almost straight, then curved laterally in apical parts, ca. 2.3 times as long as ventral ones, ca. 0.7 times as long as hind tarsal segment 1; ventral spurs evenly curved laterally. Caudal margin of sternite VII shallowly concave. Tergite VIII well sclerotized, subrectangular, bearing a row of setae on apical margin, with a pair of long and stout apodemes; tergite IX lightly sclerotized, apical portion transverse, small, with minute setae at apex, with a pair of long and very stout apodemes; sternite IX consisting of paired plates with relatively dense setation on apical half. Aedeagus symmetrical. Tegmen and penis connected; basal portion of tegmen oval; parameres long and ventrally hooked, pointed at apices; penis long, with wide basal portion, apical portion laminar, subtriangular in ventral view, pointed at apex.

Female. Unknown.

Measurements. Male (n =1): TL 5.25 mm; PW 2.15 mm; PL 0.95 mm; EL 4.30 mm; EW 2.80 mm.

Distribution. NW Thailand.

Etymology. Named after the type locality, Chiang Mai in Thailand.

Remarks. A specimen externally resembling Scirtes chiangmaiensis sp. n. and S. niisatoi sp. n. was found (by RR) in the collection of M. Pic (deposited in Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris), bearing labels: “ TONKIN, Chapa, 24.10.1918, JEANVOINE” [printed & handwritten]; “ Scirtes luteolineatus n sp” [handwritten by Pic], indicating that this is a type specimen. No species was described under the name luteolineatus by Pic, according to the authors’ knowledge. The specimen is partly damaged by Dermestidae (i. a. abdomen is missing), therefore its association with either S. chiangmaiensis sp. n. or S. niisatoi sp. n. is impossible.

Notes. Similar to Scirtes niisatoi sp. n. and S. laosensis sp. n. Lateral stripes complete; penis as long as parameres, blade-like in lateral view.


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