Shirozuella guoyuei, Wang, Xing-Min, Ge, Feng & Ren, Shun-Xiang, 2012

Wang, Xing-Min, Ge, Feng & Ren, Shun-Xiang, 2012, The genus Shirozuella Sasaji (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae, Shirozuellini) from the Chinese mainland, ZooKeys 182, pp. 87-108 : 103-105

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scientific name

Shirozuella guoyuei

sp. n.

Shirozuella guoyuei   ZBK sp. n. Figs 33-3564-68


This species is colse to Shirozuella parenthesis in general appearance, but it can be distinguished from the latter by the distance between eyes (Fig. 35), yellow pronotum (Fig. 33), stout penis and penis guide (Figs 65-67).


TL: 1.94mm, TW: 1.32mm, TH: 0.73mm, TL/TW: 1.48; PL/PW: 0.53; EL/EW: 1.15.

Body small, elongate oval, weakly convex. Dorsum covered with relatively sparse pubescence (Figs 33-34). Head brown, with terminal maxillary palpomere dark brown. Pronotum and scutellum yellow. Elytron black, with two large curved yellowish stripes, one c-shaped, situated around outer margin of humeral callus, connected to lateral margin of elytron, another one v-shaped, situated between 2/5 and 4/5 elytral length to apex, connected to elytral suture; apex of elytron yellow. Underside uniformly dark brown, except elytral epipleura and legs yellow.

Head moderately large (Fig. 35), 0.35 × elytral width (HW/EW=2.86); frontal surface of head capsule slightly convex and rather weakly anteriorly inclined below; punctures on frons fine, separated by 0.5 –1.5× a diameter, with sparse long setae in punctures; eyes relatively large, distinctly broader than interocular distance; widest interocular distance 3.2 × narrowest width. Pronotum 0.66 × elytral width (PW/EW=1: 1.51), pronotal punctures fine, smaller than those on head, separated by 1.0 –3.0× a diameter. Scutellum moderately large, triangular. Punctures on elytra moderately large, irregular, obviously larger than those on pronotum, separated by 1.0 –2.0× a diameter.

Pro- and mesoventrite mat and shagreened, punctures inconspicuous, with sparse short setae. Metaventrite broad and glabrous, median part concaved, with complete median discrimen; punctures sparse and fine, separated by 2.0 –3.0× a diameter, with short sparse setae. Abdominal postcoxal line complete, v-shaped, nearly reaching to posterior margin of ventrite 1 (Fig. 64).

Male genitalia: Penis short and stout, slightly curved, without penis capsule (Fig. 65); penis guide in lateral view widest at base, gradually narrowed to apex, apex pointed and curved (Fig. 66); parameres slender, sparsely setose at apical half, longer than penis guide, apex curved (Fig. 66); penis guide in ventral view almost parallel at basal 6/7, then gradually narrowing to apex, apex truncated (Fig. 67).

Female genitalia: unknown.


Holotype: 1♂, China, Hunan: Tianpingshan, Zhangjiajie, [29°43.02'N, 109°49.14'E], ca 950m, 14.viii.2001, Peng ZQ leg. (SCAU).


China (Hunan).


The species is named after Dr. Yu Guoyue, an outstanding coccinellid taxonomist of China